Plane Master Copy

Chapter 409: : Angry Blood Dragon

"So fast, is this python going to die?", Looking at the crimson python coiled in the shallow pool, Wu Yan's heart was startled.

A horn grows from the top of the hoe, isn't it a sign that **** is beginning to turn away?

"The blood orchid looks extraordinary", Zhao Lei's gaze looked at the only light source in the cave at the moment, that is, the huge blood orchid that bloomed with radiance.

Here, as the only light source, the blood orchid is naturally noticeable, and the huge flowers can shine, which is obviously not extraordinary.

"Remember that before the end of the last days, there was a movie called" The Cataclysm ", which described a magical blood orchid, which allows snakes to continuously optimize their genes and become extremely huge. Is this blood orchid? Have a similar effect to that in the movie? "Wu Yan guessed.

He looked at the small cut corners that had grown on the head of the python, and then said, "Or more powerful?"

"Well, although the number of crystal points of 4020 is not low, if we join forces, we may not have no hope of killing it." For the time being, the effectiveness of the blood orchid is not mentioned. Zhao Lei's eyes fell on the python. , He said.

赵 In Zhao Lei's view, this python represents a huge wealth in itself. Killing it will not only be able to reap huge experience value, it may even explode the best equipment.

"How on earth do you determine the number of crystal points of the other party? A glance is enough? Is this your ability?" When hearing Zhao Lei's words, Wu Yan whispered curiously.

I haven't seen Zhao Lei using a crystal measuring device. Before I just glanced at Xiaomeng, I was able to determine the crystal point number of Xiaomeng. Now I just glance at the python, which can also determine the crystal point number of the python. Yan felt very surprised.

"Crystal lens, you only use the oldest lens, and I use the latest lens, transparent contact lens look", Wu Yan said, let Zhao Lei shook his head and said.

He talked from his eyes and removed a piece of fingernail-sized contact lens equipment, which is the latest lens device in his mouth.

"Uh, okay, I am ignorant, I have time to buy a pair", seeing Zhao Lei's latest crystal measuring device, Wu Yan nodded.

Hero City is really a large base. These auxiliary props are more and more refined and practical.

"It's your eyes, isn't this the writing eye?" Zhao Lei said at this time, his eyes fell on Wu Yan's eyes.

As an animation that was once popular all over the world, Zhao Lei is now only the age of a college student, and he naturally knew that animation.

"Yes, my ability is to obtain the power of fantasy, this pair is indeed the writing eye", Wu Yan nodded and admitted to say.

This ability can also be regarded as a force that Wu Yan has always declared.

"My ability is already amazing enough. I didn't expect your ability to be even more amazing. You can actually get the power of fantasy. No wonder you used the space ability before. I also looked at the magic of Dr. Strange in the original Marvel movie." After getting Wu Yan's recognition, Zhao Lei's face also said to Wu Yan with astonishment.

"The writing eye of Sangouyu, I remember that in the anime that these eyes can copy other people's physical skills and even ninjutsu, and the insight was also very abnormal. I was expecting some performance." Zhao Lei was looking forward to Wu Yan's three-hook jade writing round eyes.

"Do we have any combat plan?" In the end, it was a monster with 4,000 crystal points. Wu Yan took a lot of seriousness and asked Zhao Lei that this was the strongest monster he had encountered in half a month.

"Combat plan? Very simple, that is fighting!" Zhao Lei shook his head and said.

During the conversation, the two hands clasped the big sword tightly. There was no nonsense. The breath erupted instantly, rushing out like a cannonball, which was extremely fast.

What Zhao Lei awakens is the ability of the game system. Of course, it is not just to upgrade monsters. Which game is unskilled?

Zhao Lei is considered a warrior class in the game system, and this is a skill he has that can instantly double the speed of movement.


As Zhao Lei's charge skills were activated, this aggressive movement naturally attracted the attention of the python, and his mouth made a roar like a beast.

The crimson python opened his mouth, and a blast of energy blasted directly towards Zhao Lei.

Looking at the oncoming shock wave, Zhao Lei's response was quick, he leaped high, and then his figure rolled over, and the sword in his hands was severely chopped down towards the ground.

The bright light blooms, this is Zhao Lei's attack skill again: landing strike!

I watched Zhao Lei move, of course Wu Yan wouldn't stand idly by, taking a deep breath, the ability of imperial swordsmanship, the sword in his hand turned into more than a hundred handles, and shot densely towards the python.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

However, Wu Yan's dense flying swords fell on the python, but left a large spark on the scales of the python, making a sound of golden iron and iron symphony.

飞 These flying swords have no substantial effect except that they can make some angry roars in the mouth of the python.

"Sure enough, I have only over 4,000 crystal points, and I only have 1500, even if it is imperial sword skill, it is almost impossible to break the defense." Looking at his role of imperial sword skill, Wu Yan sighed helplessly.

Bang bang bang!

Relatively speaking, Zhao Lei's crystal points are about 80% of that of python. Therefore, although Zhao Lei is a little worse, he can still interact with python.

The snake's tail of the boa constrictor drew directly on Zhao Lei's body, and flew his body out, but the same, Zhao Lei's attack fell on the python's body, which could also cause great harm to it.

"Okay, this battle, I'll be side by side ..." Seeing Zhao Lei can fight with the python, Wu Yan didn't mean to fight against him.

Royal Swordsmanship is performed, and he deliberately shoots towards the eyes of the python to distract some of the python's attention, which can be regarded as providing some auxiliary power for Zhao Lei.

At this time, the potion of life naturally played a big role. The battle between Zhao Lei and Anaconda had no meaning at all, like the desperate Saburo, the two sides fought, and soon they lost both.

However, while fighting, Zhao Lei was able to use the potion of life to recover his injuries. Therefore, although Zhao Lei's strength was worse than that of the python, the scale of victory was slowly moving towards Wu Yan and Zhao Lei leaned over them.

There were no major accidents. Although the strength of this python is a lot stronger than that of Napudu Cihang, the strength of Zhao Lei is not covered, and Wu Yan is there as a response, plus The blood bottle stored on the body is completely a game of smashing blood in online games.

After spending more than 20 minutes, finally, Zhao Lei's giant sword was severely chopped on the python, and a scream of screams and hastily screamed. Immediately, this python collapsed directly on the ground, breathy. No, apparently dead.

A clearly felt heat flow overflowed from Wuyan's body and scattered into the limbs, making Wuyan feel very comfortable, just like a breakthrough in practicing internal power.

Wuyan picked up the crystal measuring device and carefully measured his own crystal point number, which has officially broken through to 1500. After killing this python, the crystal point number of Wuyan has been instantly increased by 20 points, which is better than Wuyan. I practiced for a week.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxue, you have increased the number of crystal points by 50 points, very good ...", next to Zhao Lei, the main focus was on Xiao Meng's body, watching her crystal point changes, with a smile on her face Said the look.

萌 Xiao Meng, who had only about 460 crystal points, had the number of crystal points soared to 510 as the python was killed, and her improvement was even more exaggerated.

Of course, in addition to the increase in the number of crystal points, with the death of the python, a dozen things burst out on the ground instantly, and everyone's eyes were bright.

This explosion rate is the first time I have seen it in half.


However, before they waited for Zhao Lei to pick up these things that burst from the ground, suddenly a roar filled with anger rang out.

This sound, like a thunder from the supremacy of Jiuxiao, shook the earth, and with this roar, the whole cave seemed to tremble.

"A red dot appeared, and was approaching this side quickly ~ ~ Almost at the same time, Zhao Lei's face called with an eager look.

There is only one entrance to the cave. Obviously a terrible guy is coming in. Now it is impossible to escape.

"It's the blood dragon that appeared!", Without talking to Zhao Lei, Wu Yan would know what was going on, and hurriedly said.

When I spoke, Wu Yan responded quickly, and hurriedly set up a space portal ...

The magic of the space portal, Wu Yan is already familiar with the heart, and it takes only seven or eight seconds to complete the structure. However, at this time, Wu Yan seems to feel the extremely long time, every second is so long .

"I have time! I should have time!", Feeling the sound of the approaching of the behemoth, at the entrance and exit of the cave, the **** dragon's huge head has appeared, Wu Yan's heart is very calm.

判断 Judging from time, he should have time, and he can send magic away from the architecture space before the blood dragon rushes over.

I just had a big mouth, a shock wave, and spit it directly towards Wuyan, turning it into a blood-colored beam of light.

7000 crystal points of energy attack, destructive power is self-evident.

"Oops!", Watching the oncoming energy attack, Wu Yan sank in his heart.

That's too late!

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