Plane Master Copy

Chapter 42: : There is no true villain

Wu Wuyan stepped on the white dragon sword, his figure slowly dropped from the air, and fell directly to the undefeated side of the East ...

Ling Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying, who lay on the ground not far away and no longer had the power to fight again, stared at Wu Yan with amazement, shaking his heart.

Even Zhang Zhan could do anything for himself. At this time, he seemed to forget the pain of broken palm, and looked at Wu Yan in shock.

This guy just seemed to fall from the air on a flying sword?

"How are you?" After falling, Wu Yan looked at the East's undefeated misery like never before and asked calmly.

Although his face was calm, the calmness on his face was like the tranquility before the storm, which did not make people feel at ease, but made people feel depressed.

"I'm dying, so have you seen you again?", Dongfang Undefeated wanted to raise his hand to grab Wu Yan, but the hand just half-raised and fell down weakly.

Wu Wuyan reached out and grabbed the undefeated East hand. This was Wu Yan's first physical contact with him.

Dongfang's undefeated hand was cold as if there was no temperature. Wu Yan knew that he had lost too much blood.

This kind of injury, if it is placed in modern times, has hospital equipment and matching blood types, and you may have to return if you have a blood transfusion. But now, the outcome is doomed ...

"It turned out that you weren't dead, it turns out, all of this is not an illusion ...", feeling the warmth of Wu Yan's palm, the look on the face of the East's undefeated is much brighter, and he said with joy in his eyes.

He is going to die, but he is happy because Wu Yan hasn't died.

"Why do you care so much about me?", Feeling that Dongfang's undefeated seems to have different feelings from ordinary people, Wu Yan was silent for a moment and asked.

"Care, maybe because you look like me, so I introduce you as a confidant ...", Dongfang looked at Wu Yan undefeatedly and murmured in his mouth.

"Much like it?", After hearing the words, Wu Yan felt a bit inexplicable, apparently he did not understand what Dongfang undefeated said that he was very similar to him.

"When I saw you for the first time, I only felt that your flying needle was amazing, so I was interested in you and felt that your martial arts could be of great use, so I let you be a deputy under Tong Baixiong ... ... ", the East was undefeated, his eyes blurred, and he was clearly caught in the memories.

"But later, I found that you have no friends in the religion, and it seems that you prefer to do exercises alone, at that time, I only think of you as a martial artist."

"Later, you brought Qu Yang back and greatly increased the face of the gods. I said what I must do, making you an elder of the gods and holding the power of the gods in your hands."

"Ke Lian is jealous of you, secretly overruling your power, and I found that you have no response, and I know that you don't really care about power. Above these rivers and lakes, no matter what the righteous and evil battle is, it's for the right But you see rights as dung, which makes me even more curious about you. "

"Later, Brother Lian wanted to blame you, but you just ruined his capacity. I knew that you not only have high martial arts, you have rights like dung, and you have a lot of wrists. That ’s why I gave you the Associate Leader. Post ... ".

"However, you are so good, but you do n’t even have a close friend in the religion; I have also been peerless, but I hid in this mountain every day. Even the elders of the children did not dare to see them. With a piece of gauze. "

所以 "So, when you are a confidant, you can come to Heimuya to save me today, and prove that my vision is still very good, I am very happy, really, very good ...".

Wu Wuyan: "...".

He lowered his head and watched the East's undefeated Xu Xu say so much, but his breath was getting weaker and weaker. Wu Yan knew that he had just returned to light.

"What are your last wishes?" Wu Yan asked after a moment of silence.

"This ... this life ... I have no daughter ... I, my martial arts are all recorded in this red dress, I hope you can keep ...", in a word, the East's undefeated body was soft and breathable Nothing, but the look on his face was very serene.

Wu Yan looked undefeated in the east, Wu Yan was heavy in his heart.

Everyone else feels that the East is undefeated as the leader of the Sun and Moon Gods, and is the first master of the rivers and lakes. It is jealous. But these words just before the end of the East ’s undefeated dying let Wu Yan understand that he is actually a poor man .

After the palace practiced the Sunflower Collection, although the martial arts surged, although the leader of the Sun and Moon Gods had a high weight, he hid behind the mountain and did not dare to accept the secular vision. Even his former friends and loyal subordinates did not dare. face.

Maybe it was because of this loneliness that he tolerated Yang Lianting in every way, because it was too difficult for him to have someone around him.

It is precisely because of this that Dongfang is undefeated and feels very similar to him. Think of himself as a confidant?

Dongfang's undefeated martial arts are extremely high; in his opinion, his martial arts are not low.

He sees rights as dung; he is just a passenger to this plane, and he doesn't put rights in his eyes.

He had no friends hiding behind Houshan; he was destined to leave, so he didn't have the heart to manage the relationship.

Uh ...

的 All these things are so similar, it is no wonder that the East is undefeated and will say that it is very similar to him, and consider itself as a confidant like a passerby.

At this time, Wu Yan understands why the undefeated East is better for itself. For a lonely person, it is natural to cherish a confidant who recognizes it.

"If you are a man, you and I may not be able to be brothers to drink wine, if you are a daughter, you may not be a confidant, unfortunately ...", gently put down the undefeated corpse of the East, Wu Yan ’s A sigh in my heart ~ ~ Yes, the East is undefeated and regards himself as a confidant, but Wu Yan has stayed away because of his practice in the palace. He has repeatedly invited himself to discuss the technique of flying needles, but he never promised ...

"Hey, boy Wuyan, since the East is undefeated, there is no need to fight between you and me. From now on, how about you or my deputy leader of the Sun and Moon theology? If you wait for the old man for 100 years, this The leader is yours ... ".

At this time, Ren Wuxing was already seriously injured. Looking at Wu Yan's appearance from the sky, he naturally persuaded and said quickly.

"The position of the leader?", Wu Yan's mouth smirked at the words of Ren Wuxing.

I have to leave this plane sooner or later. What does the position of the leader mean to me? It doesn't make sense to make yourself emperor.

Seeing Wu Yan's ridiculous look, let me know his choice, let his heart sink, and he hurriedly said: "On the day of the Shaolin War, the husband and you just had different positions. Today the undefeated East is dead, we There are no more opposing positions. Besides, although I hit you hard the same day, you also broke my palm. Was it written off? Why did you have to do it? "


Wu Yan was silent for a moment, and looked back at the undefeated corpse behind the East, saying: "There is no revenge for the gentleman, no reward for the true villain, the East is not defeated by me. I have the favor, and I cannot save it today. He feels guilty, and the only thing he can do for him is revenge for him. "

Wu Yan said slowly, Wu Yan raised his hands slowly.

The long sword that ordered Linghu, the long sword to Xiangwentian, Wuyan's own white dragon sword, and the embroidery needle scattered all over the place ...

All metal products are suspended by the ability of Wuyan ...

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