Plane Master Copy

Chapter 538: : Zhang Xiaofan's Kaleidoscope

The huge sword pillar fell from the sky, as if punished by the sky, and the powerful power poured in, so that the entire Tongtian Peak was erased directly by a small half, and the rest was also turned into countless fragments under this blow Collapsed.

The people of the right way and the magic way suffered heavy casualties, while the remaining people were more or less embarrassed.

Looking at Tongtian Peak, which completely collapsed, everyone was stunned. Such a force was simply beyond the boundaries of mortals.

"Dad ... daddy ..." Baguio shouted loudly, tears like rain.

It turned out that at the last critical moment, the ghost king exhausted all his strength and pushed Baguio out of the attack range, but he was enveloped in it, and the clouds disappeared, leaving only the deformed Fulongding. Stay on the ground.

"Linger!" On the other side, Su Ru cried loudly.

Originally thought that Qi Hao could take Tian Linger out of the attack range of that sword post, but the collapsed Tongtian Peak fell down a huge mountain range, but pressed Tian Linger and Qi Hao under the mountain With the mountains of billions and thousands of averages down, with the ability of the two of them, it is naturally impossible to escape.

"Brother Lin, your legs ..." On the other side, Lin Jingyu lay on the ground, and a huge stone hit him on his legs.

Obviously, the legs had been smashed into meat. Although not dead, in this life, it was almost a waste.

Screams, shouts, crying ...

Under the full force of this Xianxian sword, the entire Tongtian Peak completely collapsed. Countless people, regardless of the right path or the magic path, suffered heavy casualties.

The entire Qingyunmen Gate now seems to be a purgatory on earth.

Numerous disciples of Qingyunmen looked at Dao Xuan with hatred in grief.

Enchanted, he is already enchanted.

On the other side, Zhang Xiaofan was standing still as if he were a stone sculpture, but his body's dark atmosphere slowly diffused out, and the writing wheel eyes of a pair of three hooks were also rapidly rotating.

Just now Zhang Xiaofan watched Tian Linger be crushed by huge stones, his bones were gone, and then he looked at Qingyunmen's deadly wound. The hatred in Zhang Xiaofan's heart seemed to be magnified infinitely at this moment.

How similar was the tragedy at Caomiao Village that year?

And in the final analysis, all have nothing to do with the demon, all from the so-called right hand.

"The right way, what is the right way? Is this the so-called right way?" Zhang Xiaofan lost his soul and murmured secretly.

The belief that has always been firm in my heart seems to have completely collapsed with the collapse of Tong Tianfeng.

"Your name is Zhang Xiaofan? Starting today, I will be your sister."

"Xiao Fan, these black bamboos are more than fine iron. Although they are very felled, they are of great benefit to your cultivation."

"Xiao Fan, I'll bring you over."


At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan's heart couldn't help flashing through the years, every bit between himself and his sister Tian Linger, and then thought that Tian Linger was just under the huge mountain, Xiang Xiaoyu, Zhang Xiaofan's mouth Here, could not help but yell loudly.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty beads on his body also seem to sense the change of mood, permeating the red and black breath, entangled in Zhang Xiaofan's body.

Zhang Xiaofan's loud shouting here attracted many people's attention. Looking at the red and black breath permeating him, many people in Qingyunmen's face changed.

How does this Xiaofan look like Daoxuan?

Couldn't he be enchanted?

"Hurry up, knock him out!" Looking at Zhang Xiaofan's appearance, Tian couldn't change his face suddenly, shouting secretly at the same time, and flung at Zhang Xiaofan at the same time, at the same time, a palm knife cut at Zhang Xiaofan's neck.

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However, at this time, the purple energy suddenly appeared and turned into a purple skeleton, completely covering Zhang Xiaofan's body. It seems that the skeleton of the devil is only half-length above the chest and abdomen, but it is unbearable. He resisted Tian Diyi's palm knife.

"This is it?", Looking at the human-shaped skeleton encased in the purple energy surrounding Zhang Xiaofan's body, Tian Yiyi's face was shocked.

I've seen Wu Yan ’s complete body Susano Nerhu, and it ’s not easy to see that Tian Xiaohang ’s skeleton transformed by the purple energy is also Susano Nerhu, but it looks more low-level and has a different color. .

"What kind of world is this in the end? People in the demon are cruel and weapons. The so-called right path is also hypocritical and cruel ..." Zhang Xiaofan murmured secretly, and a pair of three-took jade writing chakras followed. The appearance of a six-star array.

Witnessing Tian Linger's death, coupled with bloodthirsty beads eroding his heart, evoked Zhang Xiaofan's heartache about the Caomiao Village tragedy. Zhang Xiaofan's writing wheel eye, advanced to the kaleidoscope form.

"Well, is it three times as strong as melanization, and three points as weak as white?" Looking at the sight of Tong Tianfeng in front of him, Wu Yan couldn't help sighing secretly, murmuring secretly.

In the original book, Dao Xuan used magic sword several times before he became enchanted, but now, he is enchanted for the first time? This is something Wu Yan did not expect.

What's more, Dao Xuan was so fierce after being enchanted that even Qingyunmen's disciples were not soft-hearted, and it is no wonder that Wan Jian was going to be a master at that time. Under this blow, even Tian Linger followed Xiangxiang Yuyu It is even more unexpected than Wu Yan.

Wu Yan ’s complete body was required to be able to deal with it. The original targets were Wandumen and Changshengtang ’s disciples. However, with the collapse of Tongtian Peak, the disciples of Changshengtang and Wandumen were severely injured. At this time, they did not After dealing with Wu Yan's thoughts, one by one staring at the sight of this world of purgatory.

Wu Yan naturally stopped his attack.

"Brother Wuyan, please take the uniform of the head!" Tian Tianyi was also very sad at this time, and at the same time he yelled at Wuyan.

In Tian Yiyi's opinion, if anyone in this world can make Daoxuan after entering the magic, then only Wuyan can do it.

"Me? Yeah ...", regarding Tian Yiyi's request, and the first members of the other peak veins, looking forward to his own eyes, Wu Yan groaned for a moment and nodded silently.

After entering magic, Dao Xuan, the number of crystal points has exceeded the 8000 mark, close to the level of the fifth-level awakening.

Wu Yan is very clear that if he doesn't have the opportunity to enter the fairy mode, he won't be able to defeat him so easily.

"Then, I can only try it quickly ..." Nodded his head, Xu Zuo Neng Hu's wings vibrated, suspended in midair, facing Dao Xuan, secretly murmured in his heart.

From the point of view of body type, Xu Zuo Neng is much bigger than Dao Xuan, but at the moment, Dao Xuan is backing Wu Yan.

It ’s perfect, plus Zhao Lei ’s words, Wu Yan ’s own golden boss layout can deal with even opponents with five or six thousand crystal points, but compared to Daoxuan ’s own strength now Still a little worse.

"Wu Yan? At that time, I had no choice between you and me. I was still thinking that you would enjoy this dish at the end and enjoy it slowly. Since you came here to die, I'm welcome." Approaching Wu Yan, Dao Xuan's eyes were completely blank, and he grinned.

Speaking a moment, I looked at the huge Xu Zuo Nenghu, and nodded: "It's so big, shouldn't it be cut?"

Do it as soon as you think of it, and in a word, Dao Xuan's sword in the hands of him lifts up and slashes forward. Immediately, a huge sword spirit appears again, and he severely chops at Wuyan Come down.

Although the body size is small, the slashing sword qi is very huge.


Looking at the huge sword spirit oncoming, Wu Yan did not dare to belittle her, the crimson shield lifted up and blocked herself.

However, under the attack of Wuxian Jianqi, countless cracks appeared instantly under the attack of Wuxian Jianqi.

Immediately after, the eight-piece mirror turned into numerous fragments that collapsed and dissipated. These eight-piece mirror fragments fell from mid-air into red energy.

"The shield is broken? So, what are you going to use to resist it?", After Yi Jian split the eight lenses, Dao Xuan said with a grin and grinning, and in the middle of his speech, the Xianxian sword raised again.

Ten Boxing Swords!

After the eight-mirror was broken, Wu Yan followed up with the weapon in his hand, the weapon of the spirit body, soared in an instant, spanned a distance of hundreds of meters, and stabbed towards Dao Xuan.

The sword of the seal is a ten-box sword, which has a powerful seal power, and the seal is the weak magic skill.

However, facing the ten-fisted sword that pierced, Dao Xuan's face was frozen, and the Xianxian sword stood up in front of him.

"Without a physical ten-fist sword, can you even cut it off?" Looking at this scene, Wu Yan was surprised.

"Your strange sword is very dangerous, but I won't give you a chance to make a sword!" After Daxuan sword split the ten-box sword, Dao Xuan still said with a smirk. On the sword, the endless fighting spirit pervaded again.

"Pet Order ~ ~ At this step, Wu Yan also knows that it is almost impossible to defeat Dao Xuan by his own strength. When he turned his palm, he took out the pet order and pointed it into the air Shook.


As the pet order came out, a powerful and hot breath suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and at the same time, the bright dragon chanting echoed between heaven and earth.

The blue **** dragon appeared in mid-air, and the nearly 1,000-meter-long dragon body was huge.

"Dragon! How could he summon a dragon?" Looking at the blue **** dragons emerging from the sky, whether they were Qingyunmen or the magical Taoist people, they were stunned.

Dragon, this is the legendary beast, but did not expect that Wu Yan could actually summon the Shenlong directly?

Feeling from the breath, this dragon is a little stronger than Daoxuan after entering the demon.

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