Plane Master Copy

Chapter 554: : Super leak detection

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vado.

General Qing Qing sits quietly in his office and puts an intelligence in front of his desk. This is intelligence information about the Shampoo Islands.

As a gateway to the new world, the Shampoo Islands has always been an important place for the navy to fight against pirates. This time, some supernovas known as the extreme evil generation have successively gathered in the Shampoo Islands. Now, these are all pirates whose rewards have exceeded 100 million before entering the new world.

Although the pirates with bounty over one hundred million yuan are nothing to the young people who are already generals, there are still a few people in these supernovas who are more concerned about them.

One is Robin, the second is Monch D? Luffy, and the other is Monster Kid.

After holding some intelligence information of the Straw Hat Pirates at his fingertips, Qing Ye followed up with the information of the kid Kid.

With the fruit of magnetism and the ability to control the power of metal products, the monster Kid has already made a great reputation before entering the new world. More than 300 million rewards are enough to explain everything.

"Magnetic fruit ..." Looking at the message from the monster Kidd, Qing Yao's heart couldn't help groaning, and she could not help thinking of the original Wu Yan.

Although it has been nearly ten years, Wu Yan's talents still remember clearly.

The Navy's six-type shaving was quickly grasped, and in just one week, the armed color domineering was mastered. Such a record is amazing.

Of course, the most important thing was that Wu Yan was handed over to himself by Lieutenant General Capu. It was also the new marshal named by the Warring States Marshal to focus on training.

The magnetic fruit obtained by the monster Kidd is the best evidence of Wu Yan's death. After all, the devil fruit above the sea will only be born again if the capable person dies.

"Well, in the era of great sailing, I don't know how many brilliant geniuses have fallen before they can even step on their own stage. Sure enough, only grown-up geniuses are real geniuses ...".

Although things have been going on for a long time, I can think of Wu Yan, Qing Yan still feels very sorry, and sighed in his heart, letting the information in his hand go.

Tuk Tuk Tuk ...

When Qing Ye was idle and sitting quietly in his office, soon, the door of the office was knocked.

A young navy came in and said, "There is two important news for General Green Dragon. One is that the Marshal said that the Shampoo Islands recently gathered a lot of hundreds of millions of bounty Pirates. I want to send a general to guard him personally. "

Having said that, the young navy gave a slight meal, and then said, "In addition, the supernova star pirate who paid 315 million Bailey, the monster Kid has been captured, and the person who captured him heard that it was A man who claims to be the Lieutenant of the Naval Headquarters said that his name was Wu Yan. "

"Wu Yan !?" After hearing this, Qing Yan stood up, with a look of astonishment on his face, and thought it was impossible. For nearly ten years, Wu Yan had already lost his life? Actually appeared again?

Moreover, hasn't his magnetic fruit already appeared and been eaten by the monster Kid? Instead, he caught Kidd?

For Wu Yan's news, Qing Ye did not believe that the emergence of magnetic fruit, Kidd's ability was enough to explain everything.

However, I suddenly knew the news, and Qing Ye was still unable to sit still. I wanted to confirm it myself. In addition, the Shampoo Islands needed a general to guard it. What does it mean, Qing Ye also Naturally understand.

"I know, I'll go to the Shampoo Islands myself," Qing Yin said after secretly groaning for a moment.

After leaving such a sentence, Qing Ye decisively left his office and went out, then, very leisurely, rode a bicycle, slowly riding on the sea, and heading towards the shampoo ground The direction of the islands.

The bicycle wheel rolls, and the sea surface under the wheel automatically condenses into ice, showing that the barley has control over its own devil fruit.

After Wu Yan and Xiao Meng found a place to live, because of the recent influx of pirates in the Chambord Islands, the places to stay here are particularly full, and Wu Yan finally got a room.

Fortunately, Wuyan does not need to sleep, sits on her knees, and sits quietly beside the bed. The jewels of the heart bloom with radiance, slowly nourishing her own spirit, allowing the spiritual power to accumulate little by little.

However, Xiao Meng didn't mean to sleep. Instead, she was lying on the bed, wearing a white dress, with a contented look, and a pair of white and slender legs shaking gently, and she had a copy in front of her. The novel, flipped lightly, was just taken off the shelf in the room.

Looking at the novel, occasionally looking up at Wu Yan next to him, there are only two people in the quiet room, and Xiao Meng feels very comfortable.

Xiao Meng doesn't have too much extravagance. As long as she can stay with Wu Yan, even if it is just plain, Xiao Meng feels very happy.

Looking at the novel and occasionally looking at Wu Yan's calm appearance, Xiao Meng felt that time passed quickly.

There was no speech overnight. The next morning, after washing for a while, ate breakfast, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng went out early.

Early in the morning, the auction not far away was very lively. This auction has a slave auction today, and the auction house advertised, and today there are rare mermaids for sale.

When Wu Yan came to the auction house, he found that he came relatively early. There were not many people in the auction house, and there was nothing worth noting.

However, a man with a bear spotted hat attracted Wu Yan's attention.

The man carried a long knife on his shoulder, and the pattern on his clothes was exactly the pattern of the Don Quixote family.

"Trafalgar? Luo? Who is the fruit of surgery?" I glanced at the other person. From his clothes and clothes, Wu Yan could roughly guess his identity. With Wu Yan's eyes fell on his On the body, the number of 1700 crystal points is displayed, which is also a good strength.

After a moment of deep groaning, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng sat down beside Luo. Naturally, Xiao Meng leaned against Wu Yan and sat down.

Luo next looked at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, seeing that Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were both empty-handed. They were not as fierce as the pirate eyes, and they were not wearing navy clothes. People look at it.

Time, minutes and seconds passed, and soon, some supernovas of the most evil generations also appeared one after another.

In addition to Luo, there are Apu, Baggins and others.

Of course, it didn't take long for Luffy and Nami's group to follow, and beside them was an octopus-like mermaid.

"Well, everyone, welcome everyone to this auction ...", after the time was almost over, the host at the auction came to the stage and said.

After making some opening remarks and not wasting time, the presenter obviously knew that everyone was unwilling to listen to their nonsense, so after speaking for a moment, he immediately started the auction.

The two beautiful women brought out for auction first, with collars around their necks, were pulled out for auction like cattle, and they were able to sing and dance, together with their beautiful looks, attracted the attention of many men present. .

Even Wu Yan, looking at the pair of beauties on the stage, was a little emotional.

Speaking of which, it was the Playboy Stark from the Marvel Plane who took him to find a beautiful girl to play with. He has never touched a woman in these years.

However, although he was a little emotional, he looked at Xiao Meng who was standing beside him, Wu Yan sighed helplessly.

Well, Xiao Meng's side is really inappropriate.

If Xiao Meng didn't come with him this time, buy two slaves by hand, and let them be free when they return after more than half a year.

Well, this idea flashed in Wu Yan's mind, after all, he was not the kind of person who would be dominated by the lower body.

One after another, many slaves were brought out. Of course, the price was high or low. After all, not all slaves had good value.

At the scene, many people were waiting for the final mermaid beautiful girl to be put up for auction.

Mermaids, this is a race that is loved by the world, but since Mermaid Island was placed under the aunt of one of the four emperors, no one has dared to attack the Mermaids, and the auction house has been without the beauty of Mermaids for many years The girl appeared.

However, as the final mermaid family, naturally it was not sent so early. In the waiting of Wu Yan, soon, an old man about 60 years old was brought up.

Wearing a pair of eyes and a thin body, it looks very ordinary. If it is not for the display of Wuyan's crystallizer, Wu Yan may not see anything unusual about this old man.

Although the host really wanted to talk about the advantages of Raleigh ~ ~, but such a nasty old man, it seems that he knows a little about the coating technology, which is really hard to boast.

After a brief introduction, the host said, "Okay, now, the auction starts, the reserve price is 100,000 Bailey ...".

100,000 Bailey?

For tens of millions, hundreds of millions of bounty pirates, 100,000 Bailey seems really not much.

However, spend 100,000 Bailey to buy a bad old man who has no effect and go back?

Many people looked at each other, and after waiting half a minute, no one spoke.

"Ahem, since no one wants it, then I bought this person politely. This is really a leak." Just when the host thought the bad old man was going to take a shot, finally, Wu Rock spoke.

Naturally, no one will bid with Wu Yan.

Right and left of Dignified One Piece, Pluto Lei, was bought by Wu Yan for 100,000 Bailey ...

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