Plane Master Copy

Chapter 53: : Karp

The plane crosses, the whole person seems to pass through a vortex, Wu Yan's mind is a little drowsy, when he returned to God to stand still, looked around, he was standing in a lush large forest.

Looking at the sky again, the white fish belly has appeared in the east, apparently now is the moment of dawn.

Just when time traveled, people seemed to be thrown into the blender. Xiao Meng naturally slowly opened his eyes, looked left and right, and then looked at Wu Yan in confusion. Obviously he did not understand why Wu Yan took her from Out of the cave.

Wu Xiaomeng came here in a deep state of sleep. Naturally, she didn't know the fact that she had followed Wu Yan to other planes.

"Well, it really succeeded ...", looking at Xiao Meng holding in his arms, Wu Yan nodded secretly in his heart.

武 For Wu Yan, although the ability to copy other people is a secret, it is the real biggest secret that travels through the world of film and television dramas before the end of the world. Wu Yan naturally does not want anyone to know.

I walked through it twice, Wu Yan didn't know how long each time he crossed and returned, the real world would pass, Xiao Meng was just a little girl, leaving her alone in the woods, Wu Yan was naturally restless.

But not far away, she knew the secret of crossing the plane, so letting her cross in a sleeping state is the best choice.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Wu Yan also wants to try it out. Can people in the real world take it with them, and now it is confirmed that it is possible.

This also means that if you want to in the future, you can bring the characters in the film and television drama to the reality together, right?

武 For Wu Yan, although he has already awakened his ability, many subtle problems in this ability need to be explored slowly by himself ...

For example, how long does the real world spend each time it returns? Is it the same every time?

For example, you can clearly feel that the two planes of X-Men and Swordsman are not the same, so what does this time depend on?

For another example, will the skills similar to Dugu Jiujin that you copied yourself become stronger as you continue to cultivate, and the capacity will gradually increase?

"Wow wow, help ...".

When Wu Yan was thinking about these questions about his ability, in the silent forest, there suddenly came a burst of exaggerated yelling. From the sound, this should be a little boy.

I heard someone, Wu Yan naturally approached the place where the sound came.

Wu Xiaomeng said nothing and followed Wu Yan tightly. From the perspective of speed and flexibility, Xiao Meng who was awakened by speed was still on Wu Yan.

Soon, Wu Yan saw that a little boy, about eight or nine years old, ran away madly, fast, and yelled in his mouth.

Behind the little boy, he has been lying on a huge tiger with a height of three meters, and is chasing the little boy.

"What a big tiger!" Is a three-meter-high tiger impossible to evolve?

Wu Wuyan lifted the crystal measuring device in his hand, and a faint red light fell on the tiger, but the feedback number made Wu Yan slightly stunned.


"The number of crystal points is 0? Isn't it an evolutionary beast? The pure body is huge?" Although Wu Yan was a little surprised, the huge body of the tiger, even the pure physical strength, was very powerful.

The white dragon sword in the hand of the uncle came out of the sheath and shot directly at the tiger. It was just a huge tiger, how could it prevent the sharpness of the white dragon sword.

When the long sword flew back, the tiger's head had been cut off.

"Wow, you are so terrific ...", watching the big tiger behind him was so easily killed by Wu Yan, this is a teenage boy, admiringly watching Wu Yan shouted.

"What's your name? Why are you alone in the forest? What about your parents?" Wu Yan looked at the little boy in front of him and asked.

父母 "Parents? What are the parents?" For Wu Yan's words, the little boy scratched his head and asked with a thick look, apparently in his heart, there was no concept of parents at all.

When I heard the little boy's answer, Wu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, then looked at Xiao Meng who was silent beside her from the beginning to the end, and could not help raising a strange feeling in her heart.

If your life experience is a novel, will your style of writing become a daddy's style?

However, when Wu Yan secretly groaned in his heart, the little boy laughed and said, "Hey, uncle, my name is Monch D. Luffy, I am going to be a man of One Piece! Wait for me! You must be Would you like to be my companion on my boat? "

Wu Wuyan: "...".

From such classic quotations, Wu Yan certainly knew where he was now, and knew the identity of the little boy in front of him.

"I am, come to the One Piece plane?" Wu Yan muttered in his heart.

Isn't this the world of anime? It turns out that, in addition to movies such as X-Men and TV drama novels like Swordsman, can they even penetrate the world of animation?

I carefully looked at the little boy in front of him. He looked eight or nine years old. I remember that when Lu Fei went out to sea, he was seventeen.

In other words, what is the current timeline about eight or nine years before the original plot started?

"By the way ~ ~ Luffy is thinking of becoming one piece, that is to say he should have seen Shanks, so he has eaten the devil fruit now?"

At this moment, Wu Yan suddenly reacted, then reached out his hand, and touched Luffy's head.

"Is your name Luffy? Why are you alone in the woods ...".

Pretending to be intimate, he touched Luffy's head, while Wu Yan's mouth spoke, attracting Luffy's attention.

Ding Ding, found removable storage devices.

The ability to open Luffy's C drive, the fruit of the devil, should be hidden in the genetic blood of the C drive, right?

I just searched around and found no document about his demon fruit ability. Instead, another document attracted Wu Yan's attention.

Overlord color domineering, 13G.

"His ..." Looking at this file, there was a full 13G, Wu Yan took a breath, which is larger than the gene file of Wanciwang.

In the original work of One Piece, domineering is divided into domineering color, armed color and seeing color,

Both of the latter two can be obtained through cultivation, and should belong to the skill area of ​​D disk.

However, the overlord color is all born, so it is taken for granted that it appears in the gene blood region of the C drive.

"Hey, Luffy, how many times have I said! You are born to be a powerful sea soldier! It seems that you have been inculcated with the wrong thought by the red-haired kid, you must use my iron fist to keep you awake what!".

As Luffy shouted that he was going to become one of the words, one violent and powerful male voice sounded, and at the same time, a figure came out of the forest.

"Grandpa ... Grandpa ...", Luffy looked at the figure coming over, with a look of fear on his face.

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