Plane Master Copy

Chapter 571: : Top Battle

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fandor.

Today is the day when the Navy publicly punished Fire and Boxing Aisi and Wu Yan. The Navy also has to borrow this incident to tell the whole sea who is the true master of the sea, in order to increase the prestige of the Navy.

Therefore, the ceremony was very solemn. The Navy even arranged a lot of video phone bugs to broadcast the whole process of the execution.

Numerous navy, tens of thousands, are waiting in the navy headquarters.

They all know what kind of opponents they will face in the execution.

Next to the execution platform, above the high platform, the three major navies sat quietly, as if pinning a sea god, making people feel very secure.

Not far below, the Emperor Qiwuhai stood quietly, each person exuding a powerful breath.

The existence of the Seven Kings of the Sea, the top powerhouses such as Hawkeye, has long since entered the ranks of generals. The name of the world's largest sword lord is enough to explain everything.

On the other side, the Marshal of the Navy, the Warring States, dominates the overall situation, and the navy hero Karp is also sitting on the other side. The presence of these two people is more like a heart-strengthening agent.

"What a mighty power!" Looking at the arranged forces over the navy, countless people widened their eyes and were dumbfounded.

This lineup is exaggerated. With such a lineup ready, even if all members of the Whitebeard Pirates strike, it must not be an opponent?

"Big event, today is really a big event!", Countless people watching the live broadcast, secretly excited.

In recent years, the violent exodus of the pirate era has caused many people to be deeply poisoned by the pirates. At this moment, many people are expecting that the surge of the navy will certainly suppress the arrogance of the pirates.

Under the much attention of the two, soon they were taken out directly. It was Ace in the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, and Wu Yan who was also in the handcuffs of Hailou Stone. Both were directly detained. Above the high execution platform.

Ace lowered her head slightly and remained silent. Today is the day of her own execution. In the face of death, no one can be happy.

At the same time, Ace also gave a surprised glance at Wu Yan beside him.

Why is the Navy punishing herself today? Ace is very clear, but when she was being punished, there were still people who were walking with her, which made Ace surprised.

It has been locked in the advancement city for more than half a month, and Ace also does not know Wu Yan.

At this time, Ace knelt on the high execution platform, looked down at the strength of the navy, and was shocked in his heart, glanced over Carp's body without any trace, and did not stop.

Ace lowered her head and prayed secretly in her heart, but he was not praying for someone to save herself. On the contrary, Ace's heart prayed that the white-bearded Pirates should never come to save herself.

In order to save himself, putting the entire group of white-bearded pirates into danger, and even letting countless people think they were killed, is something Eswana didn't want to see.

"Hey, don't be sad, I'll save you out later, I promised Luffy."

Just as Ace's heart secretly prayed that no one should come to save himself, suddenly, a male voice rang out next to Ace, and he looked up at Wu Yan next to him.

"You, Luffy's friend?", Looking at Wu Yan in surprise, Ai Si asked Wu Yan, who did not expect that this person who was executed with himself was still a friend of Luffy.

try {mad1 (\' gad2 \ ');} catch (ex) {} But, in a word, Looking at Wu Yan's appearance that he had been shackled by Hailou Stone's handcuffs, he shook his head and said, "Just save me, you can't guarantee it yourself."

"Rest assured, believe me, if I am not sure to save you out, how can I throw myself into the city of advancement?" Wu Yan did not have much excuse for Ace's words, but just looked at him seriously and said.

The serious look made Ace's heart can't help but have some trust in him and some expectations.

"Ace, Wu Yan ...", Carp next to him didn't have the usual careless look, and looked at Wu Yan and Ace on the high platform with a heavy heart.

These two people were punished. Of course, Karp's heart was not easy to collect. Wu Yan was a talent discovered by Karp, and even brought him into the navy himself. To say, Karp himself also hated the Tianlong people very much. However, the relationship between the death of the Tianlong people is too great.

In addition, Ace is not to mention, although there is no blood relationship with himself, after all, he grew up watching himself, and there is almost no difference from his grandson.

The two of them were executed in front of themselves, but they could only watch it ...

"What's going on, the sea is calm." The navy was waiting, waiting for the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates Group, but waiting so long, looking at the sea, calm, this made the heart of the Warring States secretly mutter.

Maybe others will feel that Whitebeard is afraid, so he dare not come, but the Warring States knows Whitebeard's character, and he will definitely come.

Just as the Warring States heart secretly wondered, soon, a phone bug on his hand rang.

The Warring States picked up the phone bug, and the voice of the phone bug sounded: "Report Marshal, we watched the White Beard Pirates Group and found that all the people in the White Beard Pirate Group had gathered, but we lost it, the entire White Beard People in Pirates Group seem to have disappeared out of thin air. "

"Have it disappeared? It must have come, but in the end, in what way did it disappear?" When he heard this, the mind of the Warring States state was silent, murmured, and then opened his mouth, letting people continue to stare.

Time, minutes, and seconds passed, and the white-bearded Pirates disappeared. No one knew where. This made many people nervous.

A powerful enemy is terrible, but it is even more terrifying if you don't know where the powerful enemy is hiding.

The power of the Whitebeard Pirates is self-evident, but now nobody knows where the Whitebeard Pirates have gone, which makes the Navy feel the heavy pressure.


Just as all the navy was waiting, and their hearts were heavy and peaceful, suddenly, at the port of Marin Vadod, the sea surged, and then, a huge pirate ship rose from the sea.

The pirate ship headed by is the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Group-the Mobick!

"It's the Mobidick! The white-bearded Pirates are here! They are coated, sneaking under the sea!".

As the pirate ships rose from the sea, some navies shouted with surprise in their faces.

"White-bearded Pirate Group, appeared!", Watching the one-by-one pirate ships appearing in the sea water, all the White-bearded Pirate Group came to the Marines of Marin Vadod, and all swallowed.

Unexpectedly, the White-Bearded Pirates would actually play in this way, let alone that the White-Bearded Pirates would even come directly to the port of Marin Vado.

try {mad1 (\' gad2 \ ');} catch (ex) {} "Did it finally appear? Countless viewers who were standing in front of the big screen saw the scene of the live broadcast, and they all murmured with surprise in their faces.

This is one of the four emperors' pirates colliding directly with the forces of the navy. The end of this battle can be said to determine the distribution of the forces of the sea.

"Ace, I'm here to save you!" At this moment, a loud yelling sounded suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

The crowd looked around and saw the young man in a red tunic shouting loudly on the bow of the Mobdic, beside the tall white beard.

It was Luffy who wore a yellow straw hat on his head.

"Luffy, I didn't expect him to come! He was with my dad!" Looking at the two figures on the Modica, Ace's face was moved and worried.

They were moved to save themselves. However, with the strength of the navy, Ace also worried about their security issues.

"Oh? The boy Lufei actually got together with the white beard?" Wu Yan naturally saw Lufei shouting over there, a little surprised.

But think about it, Luffy will definitely come to save people. Think about it, was Rayleigh recommending him to join with the white-bearded Pirates?

"However, this kid is too unconscience?" In surprise, Wu Yan's face was a little dark.

What did Luffy just shout? He came to save Ace, so? Aren't you here to save yourself?

"Ace, we're here to save you!", The height of the white beard, at least three meters away, Yuan Yuanyue's body looks like Taishan, making people feel a heavy breath, holding a large knife in his hand, mouth He opened his mouth, and his voice spread throughout Malinfando's square.

"Ahhhhh, this is the strongest man in the world, is it white-bearded? It's extraordinary." On the side of His Majesty Qiwuhai, Doflamingo hooked up and grinned.

"I also want to see how strong the world's strongest man is."

Hawkeye, who has always been silent, took a few steps at this time, and at the same time, took down the black knife behind him ~ ~ The action of the hawk eye naturally attracted everyone's attention, huge The black sword waved fiercely at the Mobdic.

Immediately, a slash larger than the pirate ship appeared and slashed fiercely towards Whitebeard.

Eagle Eye's first shot was naturally the beginning of the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Seeing that the eagle eye of the world's largest sword fighter took the lead, the face of the white-bearded Pirates also had a heavy face. At the same time, the captain of the Sanfan team, Diamond Joz jumped out and became body Become an extremely hard diamond form, stand in front of this huge slash.

"Is it finally here for the Whitebeard Pirates? I should almost have shot ...".

At the same time, Wu Yan's heart was secretly active.

The white-bearded Pirates didn't come, even if they broke off the Hailou Stone handcuffs, they could not escape with Ace.

But now that the white-bearded Pirates are here, the meaning is different.

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