Plane Master Copy

Chapter 63: : Return

Wu Wuyan has always been very clear about his grievances. If he is a stranger, he can help him easily, but if he wants to deny himself? Unless the other party has helped Wu Yan once, Wu Yan can't do things like denying himself.

For example, at the time of smiling and proud, Lin Xingzhi threatened him with Lin Pingzhi.

However, with these days, Wu Yan and Smog still have some friendship. Moreover, Smog did help Wu Yan more or less with regard to shaving practice.

So, watching Smog take the devil fruit, Wu Yan naturally wanted to help him.

原来 "It turned out that the smoke fruit in the original book was eaten from this time?" Watching Smog bit the smoke fruit, Wu Yan murmured in his heart.

Three years erupted in the last days. Wu Yan happened to be about 20 years old three years ago. One of the most popular anime in the world, Wu Yan naturally saw it.

Although most of the details are already unclear, many of the main character plots are still faintly remembered, and Smog is a relatively important character.

Wu Wuyan still remembers that on an ice-fire island in the original book, Don Quixote Doflamingo wanted to kill Smog, and Kuzan, who had left the navy at that time, went straight to the rescue.

Look now, he wants to kill Smog. Maybe there is no reason for this smoke fruit?

"This guy, dare to eat the smoke fruit! Kill him!".

I watched Smog eat the fruit of the smoke with a sip, and the pirates around him were frightened and angered, and chopped his sword towards Smog ...

"Miscellaneous things! It's so bold ...", seeing this scene, Alla G, who flew all the flying swords and knives, saw the scene, and was also angry, a pair of dark fists, facing Smog fiercely Rushed over.


I saw this scene, Wu Yan's ability was operating to the extreme, dozens of swords turned into a torrent again, and shot towards Aura G.

As for those ordinary pirates? Wu Yan no longer needs to be entangled.

Puff puff……

Sure enough, the chaos fell off, and the attacks of these pirates were all on Smog's body, but at this moment, Smog's body turned into a white smoke and quickly flew away.

的 Elementalization of natural fruits, fully immune to physical attacks.

"The ability of this natural fruit is really strong!" Looking at this scene, Wu Yan also felt very envious.

But unfortunately, the ability of the Devil Fruit does not belong to the gene region of the C disk or the skill region of the D disk. Wu Yan cannot copy even if he wants to copy it.

I have previously tested on Luffy's body. Disk C has no devil fruit ability, and disk D has only a few devil fruit tricks developed by himself. Even if you copy it, you ca n’t show it without the ability of rubber fruit. .

In other words, is the ability of the demon fruit belong to the props? Not own?

In this regard, Wu Yan also considered that no matter how much a person develops the power of the demon fruit, as long as he dies, the demon fruit will be reborn elsewhere. This is also a side proof of the power of the demon fruit abilities. , Does not belong to itself, but belongs to the devil!

After all, One Piece has long been legendary that there is actually a demon in each demon fruit. You cannot eat two demon fruit at the same time, because the two devil will fight in the body, causing people to die ...

"Thank you, Wu Yan. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed just now!" Wu Yan was envious and helpless as he looked at the ability to elementize. Full of gratitude.

Help life, the importance of this kind of self-evident.

It's just that Smog's words made Wu Yan's face a little black. If you really appreciate me, don't come to my side.

As Smog landed here, a large group of Don Quixote's pirates desperately came to kill here.

可以 It can be said that the current Smog is the focus of these pirates.

Although Xun secretly vomited in his heart, Wu Yan's movements were quick, his ability to activate, affecting the weapons in the hands of these people, letting them mess up.

"Retreat!" Fortunately, at this time, Qingzou Kuzan did not intend to continue the fight. Seeing that although the smoke fruit was eaten by Smog, this task was considered complete, and he said directly.

Then the ability to freeze the fruit was released, blocking many pirates and allowing the navy to retreat quickly.

At this time, the people from the Beast Pirates Group have approached. Now that the mission has been completed, there is no reason to stay and die with the Beaver Pirates Group.

Ku Kuzan can't do such a lazy personality, after all, he is not a red dog ...

I watched the retreat of the navy, and the members of the Don Quixote family naturally wanted to delay them, and then joined hands with the people of the Beast Pirates.

After Qing Ke Kuzan, a general-level strength, died, the Ice Age's big tricks were released, and huge group attack tricks made these pirates careless. Where can they still chase?

Admiral, deserves to be the navy's top combat power. It is not surprising that one person can reverse the situation on a battlefield.

Navy warships returned quickly and sailed at full speed. Behind them, the pirate ship of the Don Quixote family and the Pirates of the Beasts were pursuing.

Just in terms of speed, their pirate ship is not faster than the admiral ’s warship ~ ~ After chasing for a long time, after leaving the territory of the Beast Pirates, there is no way to the sea behind The thief ship also gave up.

I said again, all the fruits of the natural system have been eaten. At this time, it would not make much sense to catch up and fight again.

"Smog, your choice is not wrong. If you did not eat the fruit of the smoke, it is likely to have been taken away ...", on the battleship, the young man Kuzan said to Smog, the key to him The choice of time was in agreement.

"Thank you, Lieutenant General, all of this is thanks to Wu Yan. If it was not for his demon fruit ability to win time for me, I would have been killed ...", I heard that the Lieutenant General did not hold him responsible for eating the smoke fruit, Smug secretly sighed and followed.

"Nice ...", after hearing the words, Kuzan's eyes also fell on Wu Yan.

"Although you are still a recruit now, your performance just now is really eye-catching, and the ability of the demon fruit is also very useful on the battlefield. Your credit for the first battle today is not small. After you go back, you will learn about merit and reward." .

"Well, thank you, Lieutenant General!", Did you hear Kuzan's words, Wu Yan nodded and said, no matter what, it is a good thing to have a reward.

Although the mission was a bit wrong, the smog fruit was eaten by Smog, but it was considered to have completed the mission. After all, this fruit finally fell into the hands of the Navy.

Therefore, on the way back, the people on the battleship felt quite relaxed.

Wu Yan was just after World War I. Wu Yan was frightened by the strength of the admiral. The frozen sea area was almost like Tianwei.

Xu Wuyan curiously measured the crystal points of Kuzan with his own crystal measuring device.

Immediately, a value appeared on the lens that surprised him ...

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