Plane Master Copy

Chapter 664: : Wu Yan is more like BOSS than Apocalypse

"Charles ...", looking at Professor X who came over, Wanciwang's face also had these complex colors.

Leaving aside the two people's stand on the mutants, the relationship between Wang Wan and Professor X is still very close. After all, everyone was a teammate fighting side by side, and the feeling of fighting side by side is often the strongest. .

"Sure enough, are you married and have children?" Charles glanced at the woman in the coma in Wanci Wang's arms, and then looked at the little girl hiding behind Wanci Wang with a smile on her face. .

Charles is very clear about the experience of Magneto. The dark experience has led to his extreme personality. If he married and had children, he could really have a dull day, maybe it would be the perfect ending for him?

"Oh, it's unbelievable, you will ...", Beast Hank next to him, looked at the little girl next to Wanci Wang, and said with a surprised expression on his face, shaking his head.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Wang Wanci again, and said, "Where is Ruiwen? Where did Ruiwen go?"

Ruiwen, a devil-shaped girl, grew up with Professor X from an early age, but because of the idea, she finally joined a camp with Wanciwang.

Moreover, between them, the relationship between the two of them also surpassed the boundaries of their friends, but unexpectedly, Wanci Wang actually married and had children.

"Ruiwen? I haven't seen her for a while, why? Don't you arrange for us?" Shaking his head, Wanciwang didn't say anything more about the Devil Girl, in his arms. The coma wife nodded and said.

"Oh, look at me ..." After hearing the words from Wanci Wang, he was obviously going to live here. Professor X's face was filled with joy, and he patted his own brain. Then, he immediately gave Wanci Wang The family arranged where to stay.

I have to say that the security of X Academy is still very high. After settling his wife, Wang Wang also found Wu Yan and Professor X.

With a dignified look on his face, Wanci Wang's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, and said, "Okay, now you can say it? Specially appeared, why did you find me here? What is your calculation ability? Do you see any future? ".

"Well, let Charles talk to you about this matter." Wu Yan didn't want to say the same thing anymore. He shrugged and said something about Wanciwang.

Immediately, Charles gave the Magnet King a detailed account of the identity of the apocalypse mutant, the purpose of destroying the world, and his endless power.

"Oh? The purpose of Apocalypse is to destroy the existing world and re-establish a world order? The new order must be in the interest of mutants, right?" But, for the purpose of Apocalypse, the eyes of Wanciwang are slightly Once bright, there was some expectation.

The purpose of Apocalypse is, to a certain extent, quite in line with the mind of Wanci King.

"Eric, don't you kid me? What if his purpose is to kill all ordinary people? Is your wife dying too?" After hearing the words of King Magnet, look at his look, Professor X couldn't help but speak. Said.

"This ..." For these words, Wanciwang's face could not help but change.

Indeed, if this is the case, I really ca n’t accept it, and now I am not willing to fight for mutants. I just want to live a normal life and live the rest of my life with peace of mind. .

"Apocalypse, has the power of many mutants?" Thinking of Apocalypse's ability, Wanci Wang murmured in the mouth, and finally, glanced at Wuyan without a trace.

This look seemed to mean something.

"Hey, what do you mean by this look? Are you doubting me?" This look from Wanci Wang twitched the corner of Wuyan's mouth slightly, and then said angrily to Wanci Wang.

"Apocalypse has a lot of abilities. I remember that you also have a lot of completely different abilities in Wuyan, right?" Wan Wan's eyes fell on Wu Yan and asked seriously.

In saying that, without waiting for Wu Yan to answer, Wanci Wang said, "In addition, the power of Qi Qi was extremely powerful, and I can also feel a powerful power from you."

"Eric, do you mean to doubt that I am the Apocalypse?".

What Wanwan Wang's words meant, naturally Wu Yan also understood. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said angrily.

"I think my suspicion is not baseless," Wanci Wang shook his head at Wu Yan.

Although the relationship between himself and Wu Yan is also very deep, it has to be said that the characteristics of Wu Yan make Wanci Wang feel that he and Apocalypse are compatible in many places.

"Huh? Wu Yan may be the apocalypse?", Wang Wan said, let the beast beside Hank, look at Wu Yan with a look of doubt.

Indeed, although the suspicion of Wanciwang is bold, it seems to be justified, and in just five years, Wu Yan ’s strength has increased to a terrible level, and his ability has also increased. Do n’t they look like ordinary mutants?

"Well, Eric, Hank, there is no objection to your suspicion. Actually, Wu Yan's ability was known five years ago."

Regarding the suspicion of Wanci King and Hank, Wu Yan has not spoken to clarify himself. Professor X next to him has spoken to help Wu Yan clarify.

During the conversation, Professor X's gaze fell on Wu Yan's body, and his eyes were inquiring.

Wu Yan didn't hesitate, nodded slightly, and responded to Professor X. Immediately, Professor X explained Wu Yan's ability to copy classes to Hank and Wanci Wang.

"Originally, does your ability actually look like this? Can you copy others' ability wantonly?" After hearing Professor X's words, Wanci Wang and Hank both looked at Wu Yan in amazement, indeed.

This ability, no matter who heard it, would feel incredible?

"So, how many abilities have you copied Wuyan so far?" After learning about Wuyan's power, Wanci Wang asked Wuyan with anger.

"This, I don't know a lot about myself ..." Wuyan's look was awkward when he heard the inquiry from Wanci King.

Indeed, along the way, the blood, skills, and knowledge that I copied myself are really endless, and it is not easy to count them clearly.

"His, so much that you can't count yourself?" Hank and Wanci, next to him, heard Wu Yan's words, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Before, I felt that the Apocalypse had a lot of abilities. Before and after, Wuyan said seven or eight kinds. But in fact, is Wuyan really capable? He can't even count himself?

"A lot? If you don't mind, can you give me some insight?" After hearing Wu Yan's words, Wanciwang's face was full of curiosity.

It's been a long time since they disappeared, Wan Wan's heart is indeed full of curiosity about Wu Yan's current ability and strength.

Although the mutant's ability is strange, but Wu Yan's ability is the most amazing?

"Wu Yan, you actually copied countless abilities? Could it? You ..." Professor X's face was even more surprised.

The capacity of the C disk at that time was related to Wu Yan's life. This idea was put forward by Professor X. In short, to copy the ability of other mutants is to use their own life for power.

"Yes, I have solved the problem of the capacity of the C drive. My life now has reached nearly ten thousand years ..." Wu Yan smiled and said nodded to Professor X's surprised look.

"Life span of nearly 10,000 years?" The words of this remark made all the people present could not help taking a breath.

Such a long life is almost like a god?

"Listening to you, I have always felt that the existence of Qi Qi is terrible, but you seem to be more terrible than Qi Qi?" Can you copy the ability of others and live for nearly 10,000 years? Beast Hank could not help but say to Wu Yan ~ ~ Let's see what kind of power you have in the end. ”Wang Wanci, very curious about Wu Yan's ability, got up and said.

"Well, okay, I also look at what kind of abilities you have copied over the past five years." Professor X was also a little curious about Wu Yan's abilities. He nodded slightly, and got up to say the same.

During the talk, Professor X also greeted the students in the X Academy, and came out to take a good look and let them see how wide the mutant world is.

Regarding his own abilities, Wu Yan was naturally reluctant to let others know. However, Wu Yan did not mean to refuse the request of Wanciwang and Professor X.

For an adult, when they were young, those classmates and friends always missed, and their feelings are very sincere.

In the same way, Wanci Wang and Professor X were companions of Wuyan's weakest childhood. Therefore, in Wuyan's heart, the affection between them was even more sincere.

"Also, if that's the case, then I'm welcome ...", nodding slightly, Wu Yan also felt that he should take a good look at his current ability.

"Xiao Meng, you and I haven't studied well for a long time. How can we discuss this opportunity?" Since it is necessary to show our strength, natural fighting is the best. Wu Yan's eyes fall on Xiao Meng's body.

"Everything is yours." Naturally, Xiao Meng would not refuse Wu Yan's request, and nodded.

At this time, in the square outside the X Academy, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were fighting against each other. Professor X, Wang Wang, and other students heard that Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were about to perform. They were all curious. come.

After all, when Xiao Meng just appeared, when they raised their hands, the world seemed to turn into an ice and snow world, making them all amazed by Xiao Meng's power.

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