Plane Master Copy

Chapter 667: : Fast Silver

Professor X, looking at Wu Yan in surprise, was secretly amazed.

Sure enough, Wu Yan didn't know how many abilities he had copied in five years without seeing him. Various magical abilities have emerged endlessly. Has he even copied his mental abilities?

The power of Qi ’s spiritual thoughts is already strong enough to sense the distant figure.

"Hmm? What are you two talking about?" After hearing the conversation between Professor Wu Yan and Professor X, Wanci Wang looked at them in wonder and didn't understand what they meant.

"Although the speed of this figure, like Sun Wukong's somersault cloud, has not reached the speed of light, the speed of sound is inferior to him. It should be fast silver, right?" The figure moving at the speed of sound, Wu Yan secretly murmured in the heart, have already guessed about the identity of the visitor.

"You look for Mora here, I will go to this uninvited guest for a while", thinking that the visitor might be Kuaiyin, Wu Yan's heart moved slightly, and he immediately said to Professor X.

For the four major disks, the C drive is the most special and is related to life span, but for Wu Yan now, his C drive is the largest.

Like the plane of Journey to the West, although various magical spells are powerful, their D disk capacity is too small to be seen, but not qualified to copy.

This time back to the X-Men level, all kinds of magical and powerful abilities, but only the blood space of the C drive, naturally Wu Yan should choose a good copy, fast silver speed, or let Wu Yan very hearty of.

"Okay," Professor X nodded when they heard what Wu Yan said.

I just used Superbrain to look for Mora's trail. It really doesn't need Wu Yan to be here.

Professor Xun X entered the super brain control room, while Wu Yan and Xiao Meng turned around and went out.

At this time, you can see that Quicksilver is walking in the X Academy and seeing his look. I am still very interested in the place where the X Academy is all mutants.

"Quick silver? His speed is indeed too fast. Remember that in the original work, the explosion was not instantaneous, and it lasted for two or three seconds. However, he was able to go in and out to put everyone in the X Academy building. When rescued, even when saving people, there is still time to make funny moves. For him, although he didn't stand still when he moved, the time seemed not to be much different. "

Looking at Kuaiyin, Wu Yan's mind reflexively remembered the scene in the original book where he saved people, and he nodded secretly in his heart. Naturally, his speed was very hot.

Faiyin's speed is not just pure speed. Even his responsiveness and so on all match his own speed.

From another perspective, when it comes to fast silver, when he launched his ability, he didn't seem to be super fast, but like the flow of time, slowed down by a factor of 1,000, or even 10,000 times.

At the same time, Wu Yan's mind is also a little curious. If he successfully copied the blood of Quicksilver, and then performed shaved body surgery, I don't know if it will have an additive effect?

If this is the case, I don't know if I opened the writing wheel and can keep up with my speed.

I shook my head, Wu Yan pressed all these messy thoughts, and at the same time, walked towards Kuaiyin.

"Hey, this beautiful lady, I'm not malicious, I just came to the professor, um, I and he are friends and have known each other years ago." At this time, Kuanyin walked in the X Academy and was The woman stopped, carefully questioned, and Quicksilver explained.

"Hey, let me talk to him ...", seeing this woman stopping Kuaiyin, Wu Yan was really afraid that Kuaiyin would run away in a flash, walked over, and said to the girl of X Academy.

"Oh, okay." Look at the two Wu Yan and Xiao Meng who came here. The women of X Academy nodded, and then turned away.

For Wu Yan, the people of X Academy still know them, and Wu Yan is their friend of Professor X, and these students also know.

"Hey, hello, I'm a friend of Professor Charles". Looking at Wu Yan's appearance, he obviously has a certain status in the X Academy. Quick Yin spoke and explained his identity.

"Well, I know, let's go," Wu Yan nodded slightly and said to Kuaiyin.

He talked, took Kuaiyin to turn to the direction of the super brain control room, and walked slowly.

Seeing Wu Yan's appearance, he didn't doubt himself at all. Quick Yin hesitated a little, but didn't think much, followed Wu Yan to walk over.

"What is the purpose of your coming here? Are you looking for Professor X? Or are you looking for the Magneto King?" Walking next to Kuaiyin, Wu Yan broke the goal of Kuaiyin to X Academy in a word.

"You? Who are you ...", when Wu Yan mentioned Wanci Wang, Kuaiyin looked at him with surprise.

If it ’s okay to mention Professor X, it ’s OK to put forward the Magneto King. Does he know something?

"Me? Charles, Eric, and me are all comrades-in-arms," ​​Wu Yan said with a smile at Kuaiyin's words.

"How do you know that I came to X Academy to find Wanci King?" Kuaiyin looked at Wu Yan strangely and asked him.

"I know more things," Wu Yan's face with a bland smile, said a moment, and then said, "I also know about the identity between you and Wanci Wang Yes, you are looking for a mother? Uh, the metaphor is not appropriate, but it means that. "

"He really knows the relationship between me and the Magneto King". After hearing Wu Yan's words, Kuanyin's heart groaned secretly, and his guess was also confirmed.

"Well, now that you know the relationship between me and him, and the purpose of my coming here, then, can you tell me how can I find him?"

Hearing Wu Yan directly broke the father-son relationship between himself and Wanci Wang, and Quicksilver had no meaning of nonsense, and asked Wu Yan directly.

"Wang Magnetic King? You have a blood relationship with him, so I use my ability to trace your blood, and I should be able to find his whereabouts. Would you like to try?" After listening to Kuaiyin, Wu Yan smiled secretly. , But on the surface it did not move, and asked him seriously.

"Your ability?", Listening to Wu Yan, Kuaiyin is also understood as the ability of Wuyan mutants, which can echo the blood of Wanci King from his own bloodline, and determine his position.

He didn't rush to agree, Qinyin asked, "How can you launch your ability?"

"Rest assured, it doesn't hurt, it just needs to let me hold your hand," Wu Yan said with confidence.

"This way? Then try it." After hearing Wu Yan's words, Yin Yin thought about it, nodded, and then stretched out his palm.

"The opportunity is coming ...", looking at the palm of Quick Yin's outstretched, Wu Yan smiled in his heart, then raised the palm of the hand, and grasped with the hand of Quick Yin.

同时 Almost at the same time, the reminder in my head came as expected.

Ding Ding, discover removable storage!

In the computer page, a prompt popped up, Wu Yan immediately opened his computer space, and sure enough, the four major disks of Quicksilver have appeared in front of themselves.

There is no nonsense, Wu Yan directly opened the C drive of Quicksilver. Well, his C drive capacity is not large, only 65G space.

After searching for a circle, soon, the document about the speedy gene of Quicksilver 8G appeared in front of Wu Yan.

Wu Wuyan copied this file directly to his C drive.

I still remember that when I copied the Magneto ’s gene, I copied the 10G file for more than half an hour, but now, with the improvement of my strength, only the 8G file is very fast.

From the progress bar, copying can be completed in just a few minutes.

"Is there only 65G C drive capacity? This is really a short-lived child ..." Looking at the fast drive C drive has used about 40G, the total capacity is only 65G, Wu Yan's heart shook his head secretly.

嗯 "Huh? Is it okay to just hold your hands like this? Somewhat awkward ...", being held by Wu Yan, there was no response at all, which made Kuaiyin's heart feel strange.

The ability to launch, not only does he feel nothing at all, even Wu Yan can not see the slightest sight?

"Cough, judging from your bloodline, you have a short life span." You can also see that Kuai Yin is a bit boring. Wu Yan coughed twice and said.

"Oh? Can you still see my life?", Listening to Wu Yan, Kuaiyin slightly hesitated ~ ~ asked strangely.

"Well, there are about 20 years of life left", nodded, Wu Yan answered.

Taking the current age of Quicksilver and looking at the remaining capacity of his C drive, his life is indeed relatively short.

"There are still more than twenty years? Isn't it good?" Hearing his remaining life, Kuaiyin didn't care much, and he was open-minded.

Ding Ding, copying is complete!

After Wu Yan and Kuaiyin talked briefly, in a few minutes, Wu Yan's copying was completed.

After his copying was completed, Wu Yan took his hand back and said, "Your luck is good. I just met me. I have a rare chance. I will give you some life."

"Ah? Life can still be given away?" Wu Yan's words made Kuaiyin look at him in amazement. What was his ability?

I didn't say much, Wu Yan's palm gently turned.

Immediately, a huge glass container appeared in Wu Yan's hand, which was filled with a bottle of crimson red juice.

Then, Wu Yan took another glass of water and the juice in the huge glass container dripped gently.

"Here, this drop of peach juice is enough to increase your life span by 100 years." He sent this cup of water with peach juice to Kuaiyin, Wu Yan said.

(PS: Recommend a friend's new book, "The Great Rescue of the Movie World", interested siblings can go and see ...)

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