Plane Master Copy

Chapter 683: : Level 5! Level 5!

"I've been driven by a duck ..." Wu Yan, walking step by step towards Gray Qin, sighed helplessly in his heart.

To be honest, Wu Yan's most feared position in the X-Men plane is Gray? Qin, if possible, Wu Yan would rather never see her fire phoenix.

But unfortunately, things went against her wishes. Once the power of Fire Phoenix broke out, it seemed that only herself could stop her.

"Hey ..." Wu Yan couldn't help sighing, looking at Gray Qin, who was full of violence and evil.

I remember the X-Men series of movies. Before the timeline of reversing the future was changed, the old Professor X was annihilated under the power of the Fire Phoenix.

Is this Murphy's Law? The more things you don't want to happen, the more likely it will happen.


As Wu Yan's gaze fell on Grei Qin's body, the crystal leaping for a while, immediately, a high value appeared in front of Wu Yan, and Wu Yan's heart could not help but sigh:


Judging from the number of crystal points, Gray Qin has reached the level of the fifth-level awakener. If the number of crystal points is just ordinary power, Wu Yan really doesn't need to be afraid of it. If he throws all his cards, even For the strong around 20,000 crystal points, Wu Yan also thought that he could deal with one or two.

However, it is difficult to say that the power of Gray Phoenix's fire phoenix has reached the level of annihilation at the molecular level.

It's like if a fist of ten pounds is punched, most people will be fine, but if a ten pound of embroidery needle pierces, the situation will be completely different.

Therefore, the same ten pounds of force, fists and embroidery needles are completely different.

And the same number of crystal points more than 10,000, the ordinary awakening and the power of the fire phoenix are also different.

Faced with the power of Fire Phoenix, it is very dangerous, but this battle is not good for Wu Yan.

If it was placed on the plane where Wu Yan had just crossed the X-Men, there was no danger at all. Wu Yan avoided it.

But now, looking at Charles and looking at the Magneto King, they are all fighting, standing by themselves, and even fleeing without fighting?

Wu Yan can't do such a thing.

As Wu Yan came step by step, naturally, Qin Qin also noticed the existence of Wu Yan.

Eyes gazed at Wu Yan, and then the force of annihilation pressed over Wu Yan's body.


As the force of annihilation came over, Wuyan's soul gem immediately reacted, and a weak light bloomed to help Wuyan resist the erosion of the force of annihilation.

No matter how powerful the power of annihilation is, it is also a manifestation of the power of the mind. The power of the jewels of the mind can naturally resist part of it.

"Unfortunately, the existence of the spiritual pendant has limited most of the power of the gemstone. It is impossible to resist the annihilation force by the gemstone alone."

The power of annihilation was partially blocked, and the rest fell on his own body. The invisible and intangible power immediately made Wu Yan feel that his body was thrown into sulfuric acid, and his whole body began to show a An annihilation.

"Armed color domineering!", As if immersed in sulfuric acid, this feeling made Wu Yan could not help but humming, at the same time, armed color domineering was fully activated.

A layer of black ink appeared, covering Wu Yan's whole body, hoping to resist the power of Gray Qin.

At the same time, Wu Yan gritted his teeth and walked towards Gretchen step by step.

However, as a fifth-level mutant, Gray Qin's power is already very powerful. After getting the power increase and deeper development of the Apocalypse this time, the power of Fire Phoenix is ​​stronger than it was in the original work. Already.

Even the dual defense of spiritual gems and armed color domineering can hardly resist the erosion of the force of annihilation.

However, Wu Yan is still facing the erosion of the force of annihilation, and walks forward step by step. The naked eye can see that Wu Yan's blood and flesh are almost squirming. The annihilated skin regenerates at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then is annihilated And then regenerate ...

"Fortunately, I copied the deadpool's super-healing ability. Otherwise, this power, even if it has spiritual gems and armed color domineering, may not be able to stop it?"

As Wu Yan moved forward, he looked at his own skin, constantly changing between annihilation and rebirth. Although he was extremely painful, he still felt the pain, which proves that his body is still there. Let Wu Yan secretly rejoice.

The Wolverine in the original book can stand up to this annihilating power, step by step in front of Gretchen, and then directly strangle him.

His defense is stronger than Wolverine, and Deadpool's self-healing ability is stronger than Wolverine. It seems reasonable to be able to resist this power.

The power of annihilation is indeed very terrible. If it cannot be resisted, the body will be annihilated into a molecular structure and disappear, but if it can be resisted, this power will not need to be worried at all.

Other forces, maybe there are other means of turning over, but the force of annihilation is a simple all-round attack. If you can block it, you can block it. If you can't block it, you can't block it. There is no chance of turning over.

Unless more powerful forces can erupt.

Wu Yan, step by step towards the Phoenix, step by step between the extinction and regeneration of the skin.

Although the fire phoenix is ​​very powerful, after the dual defense of armed color domineering and spiritual gems, the remaining power, relying on the deadly self-healing ability of the deadpool, can already resist the fire phoenix's power.

"Go to death!", Watching Wu Yan approaching himself step by step, Wu Yan getting closer and closer, Grei Qin shouted.

Everything around was annihilating quickly, but Wu Yan still stood up to this force and came to Gray Qin smoothly.

"Wu Yan, don't kill her!", Next to the laser eye fighting the Storm Girl, shouted at Wu Yan at this time.

"Stunned?" Looking at Gray Qin, Wu Yan came to her, murmuring secretly in her heart.

During the conversation, Wu Yan's dark fists were raised, smashing into Gray Qin's head.

Huge power, this punch is enough to smash a small hill.

However, looking at Wu Yan ’s movements, Gray Qin ’s eyes were slightly condensed, and his powerful soul power almost turned into a substance, blocking Wu Yan ’s fist.

The invisible psychological barrier makes Wu Yan's fist difficult to penetrate.

"Sure enough, this soul is very powerful ..." Wu Yan sighed in her heart, feeling that an invisible wall in front of her blocked her fist.

At the same time, the fists couldn't hold down, and eight doors were opened, one door after another.

Open the door, close the door, give birth, hurt the door, Dumen, Jingmen ...


With the unstoppable opening of the eight-door armor, Wu Yan's powerful breath also erupted, and the unstoppable beating on the crystal measuring device also increased the number of crystal points of Wu Yan.

5880 ... 7652 ... 9988 ...

Wu Yan's crystal points are constantly rising, and the same violent breath permeates from him, and he feels that he is chasing after Gray Qin. This battle has attracted everyone's attention.

Including Professor X, they felt Wu Yan's soaring breath, and he was secretly amazed. Does he still have such power? So this is his real power?

Feeling from the breath, Wu Yan seems to have touched the threshold of the fifth-level mutant, right?

"Well, he didn't use all his strength in the battle with me at the beginning!", Feeling the power that erupted in Wuyan's eight-door armor, Tianqi's eyes were full of unbelievable look.

Although Wu Yan's power has been overestimated as much as possible, Apocalypse didn't expect that he could not let Wu Yan use his full strength that day in World War I?

Taking a deep breath, Wu Yan's power broke out completely, and at the same time, it also stabilized. Immediately, Wu Yan's gaze fell on himself.

Finally, the number of its own crystal points is stable at a high value.


"Have you succeeded ?!" Wu Yan couldn't help exulting, looking at the number of his own crystal points when he opened the six doors.

Although it is just enough to reach the level 5 awakener, it is already a true level 5 awakener.

So, what is the ability of the fifth-level awakening person?


However, now that it is at the critical moment of the battle, Wu Yan does not have so much time to study the level 5 state. What is his new ability to unlock? I feel that Wu Yan ’s fist is getting stronger and stronger. The power of the Phoenix erupted.

The strength of Gretchen directly took Wuyan back a lot. However, judging from the number of crystal points, the current Gretchen is still better than Wuyan.

"Anyway, I have successfully reached the fifth level. Let ’s put aside the research of new abilities for the time being, let ’s defeat Gray Qin before we talk about it." After being struck by the power of Fire Phoenix, Wu Yan murmured secretly.

I put my spirits on Gretchen's body, and immediately took a deep breath, and drank in my heart: Law heaven and earth!

With the opening of the magical power of the world of heaven and earth ~ ~ Wu Yan's body immediately rose to the height of the ship and turned into a giant one hundred meters high.

With the change of body shape, the Qingdi sword followed Wu Yan and turned into a giant sword.

Looking down at Ge Lei Qin, Wu Yan raised the sword of Qing Emperor, and then smashed towards Ge Lei Qin.

The increase of the eight-gate armor, the equipment of the Qingdi sword and the poisonous ring of the snake bone, the increase of the magic power of the heavens and the earth ...

In terms of strength alone, Wu Yan at this time is already above Gray Qin.

The power of the mind turns into a barrier, and wants to resist Wu Yan's attack.

However, in front of this huge Great Sword, the barrier of the mind just blocked the Great Sword of Obstruction Rock, and then it broke apart ...

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