Plane Master Copy

Chapter 756: : Darwin? I was killed!

In Changshi, the awakeners of the three major bases are fighting, various abilities are emerging endlessly, and the zombies are quickly cleared.

Although there are many evolutionary zombies in Changshi, these awakeners also have many strong ones, plus tree monsters, Daqing, Xiaoqing, even giant black Transformers, **** clouded leopards, etc. The power advantage of the Awakener is still there.

It is worth mentioning that the Moyun Leopard in the late stage of the third-order evolutionary beast had followed Wu Yan on the Naruto plane and learned the dog training method of the Inuzuzu family. A few months passed, but also Successfully evolved to the point of a fourth-order evolutionary beast.

As a co-ordinator, Wu Yan's existence is like a Dinghai Shenzhen.

For the people in the real world, Wu Yan's killing of the blood of the fifth-order evolutionary beast was just a matter of a few days ago. Therefore, with the existence of Wu Yan, these awakened people are very at ease.

Even the fifth-order evolutionary beast can fight, this action to restore Chang City is naturally very safe.

"Boss, there is a situation ..." But just as the war was in full swing, suddenly, Guo Xiaoyan came to Wu Yan and said, "Three strange awakenings have come, they said Qian Liyun came from the emperor and wanted to see you. In addition, they are all four-level awakeners. "

"People from the Imperial City?" After hearing Guo Xiaoyan's words, Wu Yan's face turned slightly, and he became more serious.

When Darwin was killed that day, he clamored about the imperial capital. Wu Yan also knew that Darwin had a close relationship with the imperial base. He also knew that the emperor was a large base with a population of one million, and it was even the only one. Resisted the invasion of the last days.

Unexpectedly, has the people of Emperor Capital appeared so quickly?

Between the thoughts, Wu Yan knew that hiding was impossible to escape, and he also happened to look at the visitors of these imperial capitals, and knew as much as possible about the existence of the imperial capitals from them.

Therefore, Wu Yan nodded and asked Guo Xiaoyan to take them over.

Two men and one woman, and three awakeners, led by Guo Xiaoyan, came to Wu Yan's side.

I walked through this city, watching these awakenings battle the zombies, and regaining the city of Chang, the three awakened from the imperial capital, all secretly surprised by the power of these awakenings, there are many.

And powerful, the number of level four awakeners does not seem to be a lot.

Wu Yan looked at the three people and felt a little strange about their dress.

A man headed by him had short hair like a pineapple head, a crescent white robe worn on his body, and a delicate magic wand in his hand, which seemed to be a magician-like ability, but he held a shield in his hand. This makes people feel a little strange.

In addition, there is a man next to him, wearing a long robe, which should also be dressed as a magician, but holding a large knife in his hand, this way of dressing is also very weird.

Perhaps the only thing that is more reasonable is a woman. She is wearing a skirt and a hood on her head. She holds a bow with an Xuanbing shape in her hand and a pot of arrows on her back. She should be an archer occupation. ability.

I looked at the three people in front of me separately, and immediately, their crystal point numbers appeared in front of Wu Yan, and they were not low.

The crystal point of a woman is 4100, and the man holding a large sword is 4800. The head of a man wearing a white robe of crescent moon, the crystal point has reached 6,000.

Judging from the number of crystal points, these people belong to the middle stage of the fourth-level awakening.

However, it is true to think about it. The imperial capital is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Changshi in a straight line. If the strength is too poor, there is no way to cross the distance of less than half of China to come to Changshi.

Of course, not only Wu Yan is looking at the three of them, but also, they are also looking at Wu Yan. When they saw that Wu Yan only had more than 600 crystal points, they were surprised. look.

It's unbelievable that the leader of this base actually only has more than 600 crystal points, just the third-level awakening?

How can such power dominate thousands of awakenings? Even let many level four awakeners obey him?

They were surprised to see that Wu Yan only had more than 600 crystal points. However, when they saw Xiao Meng, who was guarding Wu Yan next to him without saying a word, his face was even more shocked.

"His, more than 10,000 crystal points? The fifth-level awakener? But his guard? What is the ability of the leader of this base to awaken? The third-level awakener can make the fifth-level awakener obey him? Is the ability extremely magical? Or is it because of his ingenuity? ".

Compared to Wuyan, which has only more than 600 crystal points, the number of crystal points around Xiaomeng in his early 10,000 years has blinded the eyes of the three of them.

The level five awakeners, even in the imperial capital, have only a handful of them.

This kind of strength, even if it is placed in the capital, is not placed in the world, it is only a small group of people at the top of the pyramid ...

"What do you three call? You came to Changchang a short distance away, why?" Wu Yan looked at the three people and asked, without any nonsense, he went straight into the sky with a single-handed look and looked very imposing. .

However, as soon as his voice fell, Wu Yan couldn't help but cough a few times. His pale face looked sick, which greatly reduced his domineering.

"My name is Tramai, and I am a priest. The one next to me is called a god, but a magician. As for the beautiful young lady behind me, Ish, as you see, is an archer. We came from the imperial capital to find Dr. Darwin. I wonder if you know Mr.? "

For the first man wearing a white crescent robe, humble and courteous, like a medieval nobleman.

"Trayamayi? Fashen? Aish?" Wu Yan hesitated slightly when he heard the names of the three people.

Wu Yan feels a little strange to Tramayi's name, but the names of Fa Shen and Ai Shi are too iconic.

In particular, Ai Xi, her dress, and the bow and arrow on Xuanbing in her hand reminded Wu Yan of a world-renowned competitive game—League of Legends!

In addition, the name of the law god, the profession of the magician, also reminded Wu Yan of a more distant online game called "Legend of Blood".

It seems that in this game, the magician's weapon has a weapon called Yueyue, which looks like a warrior's weapon, but it is actually a magician's weapon, just like the person in front of you, right?

"Muffy, are these three characters coming out of the game? If you simply awaken the game's ability, it is impossible to even have the same name?" Looking at the three people in front of him, Wu Yan secretly thought Groaned.

Although Tramayi doesn't know much, she should also be a character in a certain game?

"Sir, depending on your age, we should also recognize our identity, yes, as you think, Miss Aishe is the queen from the League of Legends, and the **** of law is a wizard from the legend of blood, as for the next, It is the priest of the sacred paradise of Dragon Valley. "Looking at Wu Yan's face, it was clear that Tramayi could guess Wu Yan's idea, and he did not wait for Wu Yan to ask, and said.

"Characters coming out of the game world? Isn't it just awakening the abilities in the game?", Tramayi said, let Wu Yan secretly whisper, knowing their identity.

However, how did they get out of the game world, Wu Yan didn't ask too much. After all, the meeting between the awakened people was willing to say their ability information, which is sincere.

But if others don't say it, they will ask, this is not appropriate.

"I know both Miss Axi and Lord Fashen, but I am relatively new to Lord Tramayi. Although I knew the game of Dragon Valley in the past, I have never played it. Forgive me. My name is Wu Yan. The leader of the survivor base in Changshi ... "Wu Yan also said after Tramayi introduced themselves.

Having said that, Wu Yan paused slightly and then said: "Of course, as you can see, the current Changshi base has not been fully established. We are still fighting the zombies and taking back the city from the zombies." .

"Well, your strength is very strong. As far as I know, you are the first one to recapture the existence of a metropolis from the hands of zombies in the last four years of the last days." With Wu Yan's words, Trama Nodded earnestly.

Seeing that Changshi had recovered half of it, and then that those zombies were constantly being killed under the attack of the Awakeners, Tramayi could see that Wuyan had recovered Changshi, but it was only a matter of time.

Compliment to Tramayi ~ ~ Wu Yan just smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Looking at the enquiring eyes of the three of them, Wu Yan certainly knew that they were waiting for their reply.

Hesitating for a moment, regarding the issue of Darwin, Wu Yan knew what the consequences would be if he told the truth.

Just, Yaguchi denies? Wu Yan can't do this kind of thing. Besides, what he did in Hero City was not a secret. Even if he denies it, the three of them can always find out if they spend some time investigating.

Therefore, after a little silence, Wu Yan's mind had a plan, nodded calmly, and said: "Dr. Darwin, my confirmation."

"Oh? Where is the doctor now?" After hearing Wu Yan's recognition, Tramayi's eyes lit up and she asked.

"I'm dead, I'm killed, Kekekeke ...", coughing a few times, with a pale face, Wu Yan answered calmly.

"Killed !?", the words came out, and the faces of the three Tramayi were all unsightly.

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