Plane Master Copy

Chapter 768: : Don't be a god

I have to say that although Wu Yan and Tramayi have their own misfortunes, no one can trust each other, but it must be acknowledged that after the three of them have joined, they will recover Chang'an. The journey is much faster.

Tramayi ’s group gains of BUFF and healing abilities have a great effect on this battlefield, and Ishi's archery is also very strong. Each arrow can kill a zombie. Efficiency Extremely high.

Of course, there is the fire wall of the law god, the magic of continuous burning, so that countless zombies are burned into coke, this is the real slaughter.

Everyone who has played the legend of the blood knows that the magician's leveling speed is the fastest, and the reason why the leveling speed is extremely fast is mainly the skill of the fire wall.

The magician in the game dropped the fire wall in the pig hole, and led a large group of wild boars to run among the flames. Unconsciously, each monster was burnt to death by a sea of ​​fire.

After all, it is different from other group attack spells. Put it aside and it ’s gone. The fire wall is not only a group attack spell, but it can still keep burning on the ground forever. Make a sea of ​​fire.

Originally, according to Wu Yan ’s estimation, if the people in the three major bases regained Changshi, it would take at least half a month to succeed, but after the three of them joined, soon, the zombies in Changshi, It has been wiped out almost, and the entire Changshi city is completely under the control of Wuyan.

The next task is to eliminate those zombies who have been hiding, and to clear these missing fish.

Of course, after more than a month of slaughter, this Changshi was a battlefield, and the damage was naturally very serious. It was not only the task of removing the fish that leaked the net. Therefore, the task of rebuilding Changshi after eliminating the zombies was also natural. very important.

After another half month of slaughter, the three bases were all exhausted, but their faces were all smiling.

The successful recapture of Changshi is a feat, and it also seems to be a signal that a signal that humanity can regain the entire world.

In this battle, countless zombies killed, many of them appeared, causing many casualties, but the existence of these people, such as Zhao Lei and Tramayi, are not in the minority Therefore, the situation of casualties is not too serious.

Half a month has passed, and the sequelae of Wuyan Bamen's Armor have also recovered. His face is still pale and looks sick, but there is no major problem with walking around, let alone You need Xiao Meng to help yourself.

However, the physical condition is still very bad now, and you ca n’t do strenuous exercise. Therefore, although the number of crystal points has reached more than 800 points, Ke Wuyan is still unable to operate with people, especially in melee combat. Means are not available.

On this day, the situation of cleaning up zombies and zombies is still continuing. The overall situation is set, and Wu Yan has no more thoughts of staying in Changshi. Therefore, with the three people of Tramayi, they returned to the Dalongshan base together. Over here.

"Mr. Wu Yan, congratulations, Changshi has completely recovered!", The rest is just some aftercare work on the sidelines, and Tramayi's face also expresses congratulations to Wuyan Road.

"Tongxi, the three of you have been very helpful in this battle. I would like to thank you all three", and heard Tramayi's congratulations, Wu Yan said with a smile on his face.

"His number of crystal points is so exaggerated ...", Tramayi didn't move his face, but when he saw the number of crystal points on Wu Yan's body, he was secretly shocked.

How many days have passed, Wuyan's crystal points have broken 800 points. If you go down at this speed, in about half a month, he can break through 1000 crystal points and reach the level of level four awakeners. Right?

When I first met, the number of crystal points was only over 600 and less than 700. Now there are more than 800. The speed of growth has made Tramayi shocked and even more shocked.

If you continue to grow at such a speed as Wu Yan, in more than a year, you can successfully reach the level 5 awakener?

For Wu Yan, as long as he can keep the three of them, everything else can be said. Wu Yan still attaches great importance to the power of several awakeners in the middle of the fourth grade.

Therefore, on the surface, you and me chat with Tramayi, the relationship is very harmonious.

In the same way, the three Tramayis also know the reason why people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Therefore, despite the unhappiness in their hearts, they did not dare to tear their faces. Seeing that Changshi has successfully recovered, Trama After congratulating Mayi, she could not help but ask Wu Yan to fulfill her promise.

After all, Wu Yan said that those people were left to witness the restitution of Changshi. Now they can be regarded as successful, so they are ready to leave.

"Cough, of course, what I say is natural ..." Wu Yan nodded and said, after hearing Tramayi's words.

With the blood of overbearing color and domineering spirit, Wu Yan acted diligently. Since he had promised the three of Tramayi at the beginning, he would let them go as long as he regained the city of Chang. Naturally, Wu Yan would not say anything if he said it out.

However, just letting them leave like this will pose a great threat to Changshi.

Therefore, Wu Yan only made a slow move that day, leaving them behind and not letting them leave.

Now, after these days of recovery, Wu Yan's injury has also been recovered, and in these days, Wu Yan is also ready to respond.

Therefore, when Tramayi offered to leave, Wu Yan agreed.

"Really !?" Wu Yan promised with such a mouthful of relief that it made Tramayi's faces look cheerful.

They can also see that Wu Yan deliberately kept himself in Changshi and did not let himself be free. Originally, in their opinion, after making this request, Wu Yan, soft or hard, would definitely use some means to put himself again The three stayed.

However, I did not expect that Wu Yan actually agreed to go down.

"Of course, although I haven't spoken at all, Wu Yan has at least made no promises yet." Although his face was sickly pale, and he felt a little out of breath, Wu Yan's His expression was firm, and he nodded.

However, speaking of this, Wu Yan's eyes fell on the three of Tramayi and he said, "You, look into my eyes!"

Wu Yan's words, let Tramayi, Fa Shen and Ai Xi, reflectively look at Wu Yan's eyes.

Then, they could clearly see that Wu Yan's original dark eyes had become scarlet at this moment.

At the same time, the pattern of a four-corner windmill appeared in Wu Yan's eyes, slowly turning.


About a few minutes later, at the gate of the Dalongshan Base, Tramayi, Fashen, and Aishi gathered up, apparently preparing to leave, and Wu Yan and Xiaomeng sent them in person. Got three of them.

"Mr. Wu Yan, rest assured, we will complete the task you have explained successfully, and will delay the emperor ’s attention to Changshi as soon as possible." Tramayi said to Wu Yan. The believers generally said to Wu Yan loudly.

"Well, go, wait a few days, if my injury is healed, I will go to the emperor in person." For the enthusiastic eyes of the Tramayi people, Wu Yan is not very comfortable, slightly He nodded and waved.

Immediately, watching the three of them leave, they gradually disappeared.

"Oh, brother, you, you have a nosebleed, are you okay ..." When Wu Yanmu sent Tramayi and the three of them away, suddenly, Xiao Meng next screamed.

Wu Yan touched his nose, a greasy feeling, and then looked at his palms, and sure enough, with blood on his hands, this made Wu Yan sigh secretly, his physical condition is still very serious, but forcibly urged The power of kaleidoscope to write round eyes to cast another god, and sure enough, made his situation worse.

Then, Xiao Meng reached out and gently touched Wu Yan's nose. Wu Yan felt a cold, and then the blood on her nose condensed. Naturally, the bleeding stopped.

I had rested for more than a month, and my injuries had stabilized a lot. However, after I forcibly used other gods, I got worse.

The next year or so, if you can use your own power, you should try not to use your own power.

"Well, these are just minor issues, don't worry, let's go back", seeing Xiao Meng's look very worried ~ ~ Wu Yan said with a smile, comforted, and turned home.

In these days, the bloodlines of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke have been cut off, so Wuyan ’s eye of the writing wheel shows Uchiha ’s water-stopping eye of the writing wheel.

Then, using the tricks of other gods, he modified the will of the three Tramayis, injecting them with their subconscious minds.

"It seems that I have to think of a way to cut out the blood veins of Uchiha's water. Otherwise, I can't open the reincarnation eyes of Uchiha's spots ..." Wu Yan murmured secretly.

It's just that the trick of don't be a **** is very useful, just cut it out, Wu Yan can't bear it.

But relatively speaking, Uchiha's spot power is stronger, so in the meantime, Wu Yan has to make a choice.

Not to mention what Wu Yan's mind is like, another two or three days later, the computer pattern on Wu Yan's palm was finally perfected.

Immediately, a space-time vortex appeared on the palm of his hand, rolled up Wu Yan, and began his new round of plane crossing journey.

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