Plane Master Copy

Chapter 816: : Open the reincarnation eye

For a long time, Wu Yan's feelings were all of a gentle personality, easy to speak, and very agreeable with the Hero Association.

However, the person in charge of the Hero Association did not expect that Wu Yan would have such a tough side.

Looking at Wu Yan's tough look, there is no room for negotiation. The person in charge of the Hero Association has a ugly face.

But, opened his mouth, and was tough with Wu Yan? The same tough words were not spoken by the person in charge.

Although Wu Wuyan has a strong attitude, his words also have a certain truth. With Wu Yan's power, trying to defeat these aliens is nothing more than a hand.

Moreover, if his space ability is not magical enough to allow him and Saitama to come from City Z to City A in an instant, these people themselves are really more ferocious.

Therefore, in the face of Wu Yan's tough attitude, although he was very upset, but after a moment of silence, the person in charge of the Heroes Association finally sighed helplessly: "Also, since Mr. Wu Yan, you see this. If it is a spaceship, then it is Mr. Wu Yan's trophy. "

There is no way. The situation is stronger than people. If Wu Yan's strength is above Saitama, and his face is really torn, the Heroes Association will not be able to get any benefit.

Besides, although the spacecraft was taken away by Wu Yan, even these captured aliens would take away hundreds of people, but most of the aliens would stay, and naturally, the Heroes ’Association could These aliens get alien hi-tech.

As long as these technologies can be thoroughly understood, maybe a spaceship like this can be created by the Hero Association itself?

With a strong attitude, the people of the Heroes Association let the spaceship out. Wu Yan nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke. After asking about it, he found more than a hundred of these aliens. Counted as his own slave.

After the spaceship was included in Wu Yan's sac, Wu Yan looked at the body of Poros next to him and immediately lifted his palm.

The ability to poke space appeared, taking Poros's body away.

Seeing Wu Yan ’s movements, even Poros ’body was taken away. The people next to him looked at Wu Yan with wonder, not understanding what he was doing for.

However, Wu Yan did not explain anything, so that all the aliens under his hands got on the spaceship, drove the spacecraft, and directly came to stay above the evolution house.

Then, Wu Yan left a shadow clone to guard on the spaceship to prevent these aliens from fleeing the spaceship.

Dr. Kenus of the Evolution House, of course, found the huge space-like spaceship suspended in the air, with a look of astonishment on his face, saying, "Boss, is this spaceship the city of A? ".

不错 "Yes, now it's my booty ..." Wu Yan nodded slightly, confirming Dr. Kenos's conjecture.

"Is the spaceship in shape? Do you still have alien hi-tech? Is there any bio-engineering technology?"

Although the spacecraft is amazing, Dr. Kenos is more interested in alien technology, especially genetic engineering.

"You can move all the research bases to the spaceship. In the future, this spaceship will be our air fortress. As for alien technology, you can discuss it with those aliens." For Dr. Kenos, Wu Yan Gently wave.

These things, he can do it by himself, without the effort.

Judging from the size of this huge spaceship, it is indeed equivalent to a small city, and it does not matter if it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

For Wu Yan, this can indeed be used as his own base. If he returns to the real world, even if the survivor base people are moved to the spacecraft to live, it will be enough to accommodate them.

Time was short, and after a few words, Wu Yan entered Dr. Kenos's research room, and then he picked a turtle and held it in his arms.

This is just an ordinary tortoise, which is just one of the materials for Dr. Kenos's research work.

After holding the turtle in his arms, Wu Yan also discovered that the turtle, as a living body, has four large disks.

Then, Wu Yan directly cut Uchiha's blood in the C disk and cut it towards the turtle's C disk.

Yes, this turtle is used by Wu Yan as a mobile hard disk.

After cutting the water veins of Uchiha into the water, Wu Yan put the turtle back again, and instructed a copy of Dr. Kenus, the evolution house, to take good care of the turtle, and never let the turtle died.

When he first entered the Naruto plane, Wu Yan copied the bloodlines of Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Stop Water, and Uchiha Sasuke.

But now, the blood veins of these three people have been cut out by Wu Yan. All that remains in Wu Yan's body is the blood veins of Uchiha.

Sure enough, after the blood veins were also cut out, Wuyan's eyes were slightly coagulated, and the three-wheeled jade's writing wheel eye instantly turned into a kaleidoscope.

Judging from the kaleidoscope pattern, now Wuyan's kaleidoscope is written by Uchiha.

"Is Uchiha's kaleidoscope? Then, continue to evolve?", Taking a deep breath, Wu Yan's heart murmured secretly.

It can be seen from the naked eye that Wuyan's kaleidoscope writing revolving eye is rotated at this moment, and then, the scarlet writing revolving eye turns into a lavender reincarnation eye shape.

"Sure enough, with my current strength, I have successfully turned on the power of reincarnation ..." Wu Yan took out a small mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, a pair of lilac reincarnation eyes, nodded in satisfaction, My guess is right.

With his reincarnation eyes already appearing, Wu Yan lifted up with his palm, and then Poros' body was taken out by Wu Yan.

The pupil of the reincarnation eye began to act in Poros' body.

With the power of Wuyan's reincarnation, I saw Poros's body suddenly opened his eyes, but the one-eye on his forehead turned into a huge reincarnation.

That ’s right, Wu Yan ’s reincarnation eyes have been opened, and Poros ’s body is also in hand. Such a crystal point of more than 100,000 exists. Of course, Wu Yan will not waste it, but he will make Poros as his own. One of the six magpies.

"In the original works of Naruto, whether it is Nagato or soil, after getting reincarnation, you can make six 傀儡, I should be able to do it."

"But the six Dao 傀儡 they produced are not as powerful as their deities, and this Poros is much stronger than me. I wonder if it can be made successfully?".

Although Wu Yan has taken action, Wu Yan's heart is not sure whether he can successfully make Poros's body into six magpies.

After all, the power of this 太多 is much stronger than himself, and such a situation has not appeared in the original works of Naruto.

It is not that simple to make six magpies, not to mention that Wu Yan has just opened the reincarnation eye, and the pupil power of the reincarnation eye should be well adjusted. Therefore, after spending three full days, the production of the six magpies in Poros ,Finally finished.

With the completion of Poros's 傀儡 production, Wu Yan's gaze fell on Poros's body. The lifelike Poros seemed no different from his life, except that the one-eyes in his forehead became reincarnation eyes.

Didi Didi!

The number on the crystal measuring device was also stirred at this moment, and then a crystal point number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 8412!

"This, did you fail?" Looking at Poros with more than 100,000 crystal points, the number of crystal points displayed is only over 8,000. Wu Yan is a little dumbfounded.

This shrinkage of power is too serious, right?

Although the power of more than 8,000 crystal points is not weak, but Poros itself has more than 100,000 crystal points. At this moment, there is not even one tenth. Of course, Wuyan is extremely disappointed.

武 Wu Yan originally expected that after the production was successful, he had a 傀儡 with more than 100,000 crystal points in his hand, and he could run rampant in the future.

"Wait, wait, the number of crystal points of 8412?" It's just that the number of crystal points of Poros has shrunk. Although disappointing Wu Yan, but looking at the number of crystal points, Wu Yan moved in his heart, then bowed his head slightly, and fell on himself On the body, use a crystallizer to measure the number of its own crystal points.

Didi Didi!

The number on the lens began to beat, and then a value appeared in front of Wu Yan: 4206!

"From the perspective of the number of crystal points, the number of crystal points of this Poros is exactly twice that of me ~ ~ That is to say, although the power of the reincarnation eye has made Poros into six maggots, but it can play out. But the power of the number of crystal points can only be twice that of itself? ".

I looked at the number of crystal points on my body and the number of crystal points on Poros's body. Of course, Wu Yan understood quickly.

Although Poros did not show more than 100,000 crystal points, Wu Yan still felt a little disappointed, but the power limit of reincarnation eye was the same, and there was nothing he could do.

What's more, with the improvement of his own strength in the future, the power that Poros can play out should be stronger?

"For example, if my injury is cured, the number of crystal points is more than 6,000, then Poros is more than 12,000, right? If you have your own means of increase, such as eight armors ...".

After I realized the situation of Poros, Wu Yan secretly thought for a moment, but the feeling of disappointment in her heart faded a lot.

What ’s the matter of 等, wait a few days to see it, so after Wu Yan made Poros into 傀儡, he used the power of reincarnation to control Poros back to the spaceship.

Naturally, the aliens on the spacecraft watched the emergence of Boros who was resurrected, and all of them shook.

Wu Yan ignored the thoughts of those aliens. In the following days, Wu Yan's thoughts were focused on the development of space.

He is preparing to develop a huge space, a space enough to fit all the spaceships into it. This project is naturally vast.

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