Plane Master Copy

Chapter 821: : Scroll of Skill Enhancement


Behind them, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei were both chasing the moth of this fifth-order evolutionary beast. However, watching Zhao Lei's magic attack, he actually split the evolutionary beast from the air and fell down. Wu Yan froze and looked at Zhao Lei in surprise.

These days, Chang city is regained. Every day, there is a battle. The monster killing upgrade has brought Zhao Lei's crystal points to 6700. However, this moth is a fifth-order evolutionary beast. Attack can actually split this evolutionary beast down?

什么 When did this guy become so powerful?

"Don't look at me, it's not that my magic attack is too strong, but this evolutionary beast is too weak ...", staring at Wu Yan's surprised look, Zhao Lei could also roughly understand his mind and shook his head. Said.

During the conversation, Zhao Lei also directly opened the monster page of the moth.

"Very strong monster, the golden BOSS level layout, and the ability is very scary, almost no solution, but it is very crispy, blood thin and low ..." After looking at the moth's monster layout, Zhao Ray said with a startled look on his face.

的 The deviation of the data attributes of this moth can not be described by the family.

"Yes, even my kaleidoscope writes the illusion of chakras and samsaras. Even ordinary people, even if they are level five awakeners, are likely to drink hate on the spot. This ability is really terrible. Well, from the perspective of the game, it ’s reasonable to be thin and prevent blood, ”Wu Yan nodded, hearing Zhao Lei ’s words.

In Wu Yan's heart, the monster's ability is indeed unsolvable and terrible, but once its illusion is broken, it is like a toothless tiger, not to mention.

It is because of this that when I first saw myself, even though I was screaming fiercely, but turned around and ran away?

After Wu Wuyan and Zhao Lei rushed directly to the place where the moth fell down, naturally, Zhao Lei had no nonsense, and raised the axe in his hands, and split it towards the moth.

Although the number of crystal points is only 6700, Mangshan Axe has increased the attack power by 1500, plus the increase of other equipment.

But in terms of attack power, Zhao Lei's power has touched the threshold of the level five awakener.

However, at the same time, the moth falling on the ground shook its wings a few times, and then, pink smoke appeared.

Along with the breeze slowly spreading out, then, Zhao Lei's axe lifted, twisted his waist, and split directly towards Wu Yan.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yan sank in his heart. This moth's illusion could be eliminated by his own golden eyes. Apparently, Zhao Lei was also dominated by the illusion and attacked himself.

Although Zhao Lei suddenly launched an attack on himself, Wu Yan was unexpected, but after all, Wu Yan was considered to be rich in combat experience and responded quickly. Block!


This terrible axe fell fiercely on Wuyan's Qingdi sword, and made a crisp sound,

Only, under the skills of blocking, Zhao Lei's attack was blocked. Seeing that Zhao Lei's axe was raised again, it was necessary to continue the operation.

Yan Wuyan's eyes were slightly condensed, the ability of the nightwalker was activated, and it disappeared into a cloud of blue smoke. When it appeared again, it had already come behind the moth.

With a flash of light from Jian Jian, a huge head flew directly, fell to the ground, and his head was severed.

The giant moth, which is ten meters in height, fell directly to the ground with a loud bang.

伴随 With the death of this moth, Zhao Lei and Xiao Meng, who were controlled by illusion, also slowly awakened from illusion.

After the moth fell to the ground, soon, several rays of light popped out directly. Seeing these rays, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei came over.

A pink cape, a slightly worn out scroll, several blood and blue bottles, did not seem to have anything particularly valuable.

However, looking at the scrolls and cloaks, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei still had some expectations.

No matter what, it is also a fifth-order golden BOSS-level monster. What should burst is not bad?

The tincture potion is nothing to look at, and the value is not particularly great. Wu Yan and Zhao Lei are evenly divided.

Then, Zhao Lei's eyes fell on the cloak, and from his mouth, the attributes of the cloak were revealed.

Phantom Cloak (blue quality): 10,000 crystal points are needed, defense +900, with passive special effects: when deadly damage is suffered, the equipment can be transformed into a lone to withstand deadly attacks, and the equipment is damaged after use.

"Well, the attributes are pretty good, especially the final incidental effect, which is really relative to the second life, good thing." After learning the data information of this cloak, Wu Yan and Zhao Lei nodded secretly.

The defense ability has increased a lot, but this pink cloak is more feminine.

And it needs a full 10,000 crystal points to use, so no accident, this cloak Wuyan and Zhao Lei are ready to give to Xiao Meng.

I only exchanged a look and knew that the cape belonged. Immediately, Zhao Lei's gaze was placed on another simple scroll, and then the role of this scroll was also read out.

Skill Enhancement Volume (Consumables). After using it, you can make random enhancement effects on your skills.

"Scrolls to strengthen skills?" The role of this scroll made both Wu Yan and Zhao Lei bewildered. Obviously, even Zhao Lei encountered this kind of prop for the first time.

Let the skills get random strengthening effects? This is a bit similar to gambling. It may have a great effect, but it may also lead to a very weak effect.

"Here you are, my skills. As the level continues to increase, the skill tree will unlock more skills, which can be used from beginning to end." After thinking for a moment, Zhao Lei threw this skill strengthening volume to Wu Yan.

"Okay, then I'm welcome!", And Zhao Lei didn't mean anything, Wu Yan nodded, took this skill-enhancing scroll over, and then focused on his skills.

If you can say how much, Wu Yan's D disk can be said to have a lot of skills, such as kick flying, blocking, duel and other regular skills, or call for blood and auxiliary skills such as healing magic .

Therefore, this reinforcement scroll is naturally used for the most effective skills.

After thinking about it, Wu Yan felt that what he needed to strengthen was naturally his ability to use it from start to finish.

For example, these are armed and domineering. In the later stage, the role is very weak, and they have been cut off by Wu Yan. Of course, such skills are not enough.

And similar to block, kick flying these skills, Wu Yan can be said to have been used until now, the effect is very great.

After thinking about it for a while, he also browsed all the skill files in his D disk space. After Wu Yan's final gaze fell on the three skills of Fa Tian Xiang Di, Ba Men Jia and Healing Immortal.

First of all, it is natural to say that the law of heaven and earth is the biggest. The skill file with the largest capacity in drive D is 60G, and it is very powerful.

Once it has been strengthened, what will it achieve? This makes Wu Yan very curious.

There are also eight door armors. After strengthening, will they greatly reduce their side effects? Or make the increase of Bamen Panjia stronger? Or is it another effect? This made Wu Yan also curious.

The last one is the treatment of fairy art. Although the undocumented knight has extraordinary talents, after all, it has only been studied for more than half a year. Although the effect of this treatment of fairy art is good, what effect will it have if it is strengthened?

As his only means of recovery, Wu Yan naturally wants to strengthen this skill.

"Brother, are you okay?"

At this time, Xiaomeng and Dragonscale Tiger, who had been awake from the control of illusions, also came to Wuyan's side. Xiaomeng looked at Wuyan with injuries, and interrupted Wuyan's. Thoughts.

"It's okay, but you are injured." Looking back, watching the wounded Xiaomeng and Dragonscale Tiger, Wu Yan put away the scroll.

He pinched the orchid finger in one hand, raised the other finger, and gently touched Xiao Meng. The golden light shot from Wu Yan's fingertips and fell into Xiao Meng's body. The naked eye could see that her injuries had recovered a lot.

"Ah, Wu Yan, do you actually have the ability to heal? It is so good?"

Zhao Lei next to him saw Wu Yan's ability to treat fairy art, especially he who has a game system, and he could clearly see the recovery data of Xiaomeng's blood volume under this healing method ~ Let him look at Wu Yan in surprise.

"You don't know many ways", Wu Yan replied to Zhao Lei's words.

It is true that although he did not deliberately conceal anything from Zhao Lei, he has been traveling the world for more than ten years. Wu Yan has copied a lot of blood, skills, and knowledge. Zhao Lei is not clear.

During the conversation, Wu Yan also regained the ability to heal immortals and healed Dragonscale Tiger's injury.

The moth was killed. Although Zhao Lei only got a few blood bottles and blue bottles, the high experience value still increased his crystal point number by a small amount.

As for props and equipment? It can only be said that the luck is not good today and the burst rate is relatively low.

He shook his hand. Zhao Lei should have a lot of things to deal with. Therefore, Wu Yan did not retain his intention, and directly constructed a space to transmit magic and sent him back.

On the other side, the people who had slept among the pink cocoons, although some were dead.

However, there were two people, slowly waking up.

I felt the two people waking up here, Wu Yan thought about it and came over.

"Two of you, did you kill the phantom moth? Thank you for saving your life!".

The two people who awakened, a man and a woman, looked weak, and thanked Wu Yan when they came over, but they both stared at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng vigilantly when talking.

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