Plane Master Copy

Chapter 824: : Mysterious and Weird Abilities

"What's wrong?", The woman sitting next to the computer desk, saw the man's reaction, looked up, and asked strangely.

However, the man did not answer what she said, walked in front of the woman, and took the two test application data sheets from her hand, and looked carefully, secretly surprised: " Sure enough, Wu Yan and Wu Meng are by no means simply the same names. They actually crossed thousands of miles and reached the capital of the emperor? Why is this? "

怎么 "What's wrong? Do you know these two?" Seeing the man's completely unusual response, the woman next to him asked.

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone is affirmative. Judging from the man's reaction, if he does not recognize these two guys, it is absolutely impossible.

"Yes, I confirm that I know them, not only know them, but also very familiar ...", silently returned the two data sheets in his hand to the woman, and the man nodded.

"Oh? Now that I have met an acquaintance, let's go down together. You can be considered as someone who knows what happened in another country ...", after the man admits it, the woman put away the two data sheets and said.

The test application for Level 5 Awakeners is justified. As the chairman of the Awakeners' Union, you must go and see for yourself.

"Although they and I know each other, but they are not friends, don't go any further." For the woman's invitation, the man shook his head slightly and refused.

He only gave a slight meal, and Fu also said, "Xiao Ying, you have to pay special attention to this woman called Wu Meng."

"That's natural. It's more than 10,000 crystal points, and the ability to awaken is snow and ice. If nothing else, it should be the sixth level five awakener in our union. I will certainly pay attention to her." The woman took for granted. Answered.

Looking at the woman's answer, she also knew that what she said was indeed the truth. As the chairman, she went down to see for herself, which is enough to show her importance.

However, after a pause, the man followed and said, "In addition, this one called Wu Yan, you also have to take it seriously. His ability to awaken is far from the ability to recover. His fighting ability is also very powerful. Perhaps, He can also authenticate Level 5 Awakeners. "

"Oh?" After hearing this, the woman's good-natured brows raised and immediately looked at Wu Yan's information.

The number of crystal points in the cricket area is 4100. Is it possible to complete the certification of Level 5 Awakener?

If so, how strong is the other party's ability? To what extent can he develop the ability?

As the chairman of the Awakened Workers' Union, she has witnessed so many awakened people ’s certifications. Of course, she is very clear that if the awakened people are certified, the lower the number of crystal points, the more they can complete the certification, but this proves the strength and ability of the other party Development level.

"If it is true as you said, then this Wuyan seems to be the real hidden gem. Since you are not going, then I will go and see for myself."

The uncle woman glanced deeply at Wu Yan's data sheet, looking very much looking forward, and then hurried down the stairs.

Wu Yan and Xiao Meng waited quietly in the test area of ​​the labor union. Li Zhiwang also said that the certification of the fifth-level awakening is not a trivial matter. Liu Ying, the chairman, should come and see for himself. Wu Yan and Xiao Meng also waited patiently.

Fortunately, I didn't wait long. Soon, several people came directly, headed by a short-haired woman in her thirties. She walked ahead in front of her, and she was very strong.

As Wu Yan's gaze fell on her, the number on the crystal measuring instrument jumped, and immediately, a high number appeared in front of Wu Yan: 16800!

"More than 16,000 crystal points? It seems that she is also a fifth-level awakener, and yes, as the chairman of the awakeners' union, if she is not strong enough, she can't help her place, but she did not expect that the chairman of the union, Turned out to be a woman ... ".

Looking at the woman who came out, many people bowed down and called each other "Chairman" along the way. Wu Yan certainly knew her identity.

"Two people, do you want to participate in the level certification? Let's start with Miss Wu Meng first." Liu Ying was very strong. After glancing at the two people in Wu Yan, there was no nonsense, she went straight and cut into the theme.

For these high-weight people, they generally act resolutely, with a clear purpose, and rarely waste time in indifferent gossip.

As her words went on, soon, the relevant tests were already arranged.

"This hall is specially prepared for the Level 5 Awakener certification. There are many seals and prohibitions. Here, all the power that everyone can exert is only one percent. I personally do it with you. "Look at your strength ...", Liu Ying came to the end personally, wearing a dress for women in the workplace, and didn't mean to change clothes.

Wu Wuyan felt it carefully. It is true that the prohibition and seal of this room are very strong, and the transfer of energy is very difficult.

The invisible power suppresses almost all energy.

Xiao Xiaomeng also said a little more to Wu Yan and was very silent to others. With Liu Ying's words falling, the amethyst staff in Xiaomeng's hand lifted.

In a short time, countless blizzards appeared and swept away towards the other side. Although only one percent of the power was exerted, the blizzards looked quite good.

"Well, is the power of the snowstorm? Interesting ...", looking at the large snowstorm coming on, Liu Ying's look did not move, and she nodded slightly.

Only, in the face of Xiao Meng's attack, Liu Ying didn't make any movement at all, and let these snows blow on her body.

Wu Yan had widened her eyes and looked curiously at the battle between Liu Ying and Xiaomeng. She wanted to see what kind of ability the president of the union was. The attack fell on her, which surprised Wu Yan's heart. What happened?

After a few moments, all the snow-blizzards were gathered up, and Liu Yan was still standing quietly, without even changing his posture.

But looking at her appearance, she didn't even condense her clothes. It seemed that Xiao Meng's attack just had no effect on her.

"Well, the attack is still very good", with Xiao Meng's attack, Liu Ying's face with a satisfied look, commented.

I talked, Liu Ying rushed towards Xiao Meng's side, without any fancy, punched towards Xiao Meng with a quick speed.

With a bang, Liu Ying's fist penetrated Xiao Meng's body directly, which scared Li Zhiwang next to him.

However, the body penetrated did not see the bleeding, but instead saw countless snowflakes, which is the elementalization of Xuexue fruit.

"Oh? Curiosity's ability, not only can mobilize the power of the snow and snow, their body can also be transformed into snow and snow? This is almost immune to all physical attacks ...", seeing that I penetrated Xiao Meng's fist, but what effect No, the woman's face was surprised.

Bang bang bang!

The discussion between Wu Xiaomeng and Liu Ying continued, and Xiao Meng's Xuexue fruit strength was fully mobilized, making the entire hall seem to be a snowy scene.

However, no matter how Xiao Meng's attack, these snow and snow attacks fall on the opponent's body, all have no effect.

Of course, similarly, Liu Yan did not use her own power from beginning to end. It was purely a fighting ability of pure body movements. These attacks fell on Xiao Meng's body, all of which were avoided by her elemental ability.

So, on the surface, it seems that the discussion between Xiao Meng and Liu Ying seems that no one can help each other.

"What is this woman's ability to awaken?" Wu Yan looked at Liu Ying seriously, wondering secretly in her heart.

After fighting for so long, her movements are all melee combats with some body movements, but Xiao Meng's attack is completely invalid, which makes Wu Yan feel very surprised.

喂 "Hey, what is your president's ability? Why is Xiaomeng's attack actually ineffective?" In surprise, Wu Yan asked Li Zhiwang, who was also watching with eyes wide open.

"do not know".

However, for Wu Yan's words, Li Zhiwang next to him shook his head decisively and said, "What is the ability of the chairman to awaken has always been a mystery, a mystery that no one knows. As for saying that Miss Wu Meng's attack was invalid For so many years, I have never seen the adult president injured. It seems that any attack that falls on her will be immune to her. "

"It wasn't long before the end of the year when Kankan broke out. The first-level awakener was the president. For the sake of everyone's power, he fought against the strongest third-level awakening general at the time.

"Here, this is completely plug-in-like ability? The more challenging you are, you won't get hurt? You have never been hurt for so many years ~ ~ Wu Yan looked at Liu Ying, my heart is incredible.

At the same time, she felt more mysterious. What was her ability to awaken?

The first-level awakeners challenge the third-level awakeners without being injured?

This ability is almost like a myth.

The first-level awakener has only 9 crystal points in the sky, and the third-level awakener is at least 100? This gap can be widened.

"If that's the case, does it just mean that she has a strong defensive ability? The means of her offense are just fighting techniques of these body movements?" Although she was shocked, Wu Yan was still on the surface. Whispered.

"Of course not ...", Li Zhiwang shook his head.

"Be careful, I'm going to do it!" Just at this time, after fighting for so long, Liu Ying obviously no longer meant to continue studying, and reminded her mouth.

The words fell, and Liu Ying's eyes fell on Xiao Meng's body, and then he snapped his fingers.

With a cracking sound, I saw Xiao Meng preparing to start, but her body suddenly froze. Then, I saw Xiao Meng's body, like a snowman under the sun, was melting away rapidly.

At the same time, Xiao Meng's mouth exclaimed ...

"Wu Yan, next, it's your healing ability, let me see how your healing ability ...".

As Xiao Meng was attacked, her body was melting rapidly, Liu Ying said to Wu Yan next to him.

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