Plane Master Copy

Chapter 834: : Tragedy's Extermination

Su Zuo Neng Hu, a hundred meters high, gives people the impression that, like a towering mountain, Wu Yan is suspended in the blue crystals at the center of his eyebrows.

The Emperor Qing Qing sword is a Ruyi magic soldier, which changes with Wu Yan's idea, and turns into a huge magic sword, which is held by Suzuneng.

Qingtian giant sword held up, and fell down fiercely ...

The tyrant slaughtered his sword in his hand, raised it high, looked at the falling giant sword, and the tyrant faced Wu Yan's attack. The attack range of this long sword made him unavoidable at all, and he was only able to resist it.

Moreover, after a few battles, Deba could also feel that although Wu Yan's power is strong, this blue energy body looks very scary, but in fact, the power is not much different from himself.


The gigantic sword fell from the sky and fell fiercely on the tyrant's butcher knife. The terrible power caused the earth within dozens of miles to shake.

As the Qing Emperor's sword fell, a huge gully appeared on the ground, as wide as the road.

The terrible fissures seemed to split the earth apart.

Destroy the tyrants, and the whole person lies in this huge ditch. On the double-edged tyrant butcher knife, several deep and long cracks appear.

The look of annihilation was also very miserable. The whole man was embarrassed, and even the armor he was wearing collapsed in many places.

Obviously, just the Wuyan Qingdi sword's slash, even the annihilation is very uncomfortable.

"In the original book, the tyrant slaughter tyrant is a weapon that can shatter Captain America ’s Zhenjin shield. Now, it is difficult to resist the power of the Qingdi sword, sure enough? Qingdi sword is from the plane of ancient mythology. The quality of weapons is higher than that of Marvel planes. "

Wu Xu Zuo Nenghu, step by step to the huge ditch, looked down at the tyrant that fell to the ground, Wu Yan's eyes glanced at the tyrant slaughter knife that appeared cracks in the tyrant's hands, secretly murmured in his heart.

"It's impossible, this guy's power is even stronger than me ...".

Extermination felt his whole bones as if they were broken. Lying on the ground, he looked at Wu Yan's Xu Zuo Nenghu, and took a deeper look at the huge Qingdi sword, his eyes were full of vigilance And shocking look.

If it is said that the extermination of tyrants, holding a tyrant butcher knife, and being able to fight with Wu Yan's Xu Zuo Neng are incomparable, then now, Wu Yan holding the Qingdi sword has completely crushed his strength, This tyrant can clearly feel it.

The Emperor Qing Emperor Sword is an ancient magic soldier, and after being strengthened by the equipment strengthening stone, the additional attack power reaches 3400.

For the total number of crystal points that is only 3800, the increase in the attack power of this weapon alone is almost equal to his strength.

Naturally, using the Emperor's sword, Wu Yan's Xu Zuo was able to completely crush the tyrant in strength.

Escape! Looking at the Qing Emperor sword that came to his front and raised it again, the desperation of the tyrants retreated.

My own strength has been completely crushed by Wu Yan. If you continue to fight, you will undoubtedly die.

Although unwilling, but in order to achieve their dreams, Destroyer can only choose to escape.

He originally wanted to test the strength of Wu Yan first. If he could, he would take the soul gem in his hand first.

But now, the tyrant's mind has some regrets. If I knew that Wu Yan was so powerful, I should collect other gems first, and then deal with Wu Yan.

For example, if you get a power gem, this Wuyan should no longer be your opponent?

Uh ...

Not to mention the situation between Wu Yan and Mieba here, what ’s going on here? On the side of Kama Taj, after Wu Yan left, the two remaining Supreme Masters, Gu Yi and Dr. Qi Qi In the meantime, naturally there is much to discuss about magic, and even about the situation between Kama Taj and the three temples.

Although Gu Yi is very convinced that Dr. Strange can become a more perfect Supreme Master than himself, for now, Dr. Strange is still too young, so for many questions raised by Dr. Strange, Can give different degrees of opinion.

However, some of these views were agreed by Dr. Strange, and of course, some Dr. Strange expressed their opposition. The debate between the two sides was very fierce.

"Huh?" But just when Dr. Strange and Master Gu Yi were debating a question about magic, suddenly Dr. Strange and Master Gu Yi both shut up.

After the two exchanged a look, Dr. Strange said, "Did you feel it too?".

"Yes, it came from the New York Temple. It seems that there are some things apart." Master Gu Yi nodded, and said with a serious look.

During the conversation, Master Gu Yi slowly pulled up the hoodie behind him, and slowly covered his head.

Uh ...

At this moment, suddenly, a sudden knock on the door rang.

At the same time, without waiting for Dr. Strange to answer, the voice outside the door eagerly rang: "The alarm from New York is the highest-level alarm, and it seems to have a strong presence, hiding our perception, Sneaked into the earth. "

"The highest level of alert!", Hearing this, Dr. Strange opened the door with a startled look on his face.

What does the highest level of alert mean? Of course Dr. Kiwi knows that this means that it is almost an opponent at this level of Domam who has invaded the earth before it will cause the highest alert mechanism of the temple.

After realizing the seriousness of this matter, Dr. Strange got up and was going to go over to the New York Temple to take a look. The highest-level alarm was not a joke.

等等 "Wait, you stay in Kama Taj to sit down. You are now the Supreme Master. You need to be unprepared. You also need to be prepared for others to move away from the mountain. The situation in New York, let me see ..."

He also knew the seriousness of the matter, but when he saw Dr. Strange preparing to leave Karma Taj, Mage Gu Yi stood up, put his palm on Dr. Strange's shoulder, and held him down.

When Dr. Gu Yi heard the words, Dr. Strange became calmer. After thinking about it, he nodded in agreement: "Well, yes, that will trouble you ...".

Dr. Strange will not rest assured if a mage sent by another faction, but Dr. Strange will feel relieved if an ancient mage goes.

If it ’s a situation that even an ancient mage ca n’t solve it, it ’s useless even if you go by yourself?

"Who? Who is it?" After listening to the conversation between Master Gu Yi and Dr. Strange, the Master who rushed in to report gave him a surprised look at Master Gu Yi.

Extreme Master actually believed her so much? Don't even worry about letting her handle the highest-level alert in New York?

Of course, because Master Gu Yi wore a large hoodie and completely blocked his face, this master was completely unable to see the face of Master Gu Yi.

I didn't mean to waste time. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand and made a few laps in the void.

Soon, the space portal to New York opened.

Followed by, Master Gu Yi walked directly to the past, and as she crossed the past, the magic transmitted in this space was naturally lifted.

"She, is it our Kama Taj's own magic?"

Looking at the magic used by Master Gu Yi, the master looked at Dr. Strange with surprise, and said, "Who is this lady just now?"

"She is a person with deep roots with us, Kama Taj, rest assured ..." Since Master Gu Yi deliberately blocked her face and did not want others to know her identity, naturally, Dr. Strange will not reveal her Identity.

After crossing the space directly to New York, Gu Yi ’s eyes hidden under his hat swept slightly, and his mouth whispered, “Is this a means of folding space? It seems that because of the movement of the attack, Something leaked out of the folded space, which triggered the alarm in the New York Temple? ".

"At that time, I purposely recorded the breath of several dangerous strong men in the universe. Once the three temples felt it, it would trigger the highest level of alarm. I don't know who this person who secretly landed on the earth?" .

With a dignified mind, Master Gu Yi stepped forward and walked forward with grace and grace, but his heart was secretly heavy ~ ~ No matter who it was, the person who came was bad.

Based on the magical attainments of an ancient mage, she naturally felt the space folding quickly. As she moved forward, her body shape suddenly passed through a layer of water, and the space rippled with layers of ripples. Disappeared completely.

The people who blame him for being blameless have no reaction to the disappearance of Mage Gu Yi, and it seems that they cannot see the appearance of Mage Gu Yi at all.

"Escape, you have to find a way to run away quickly. After I collect other infinite gems, I will come back to deal with Wu Yan and take his soul gem ..."

I was once again smashed out by the Qingdi sword, and the look of annihilation was extremely miserable. The armor on his body was already broken and almost completely damaged.

Since the mind has been determined to run away quickly, when being split by Wu Yan's power, Mieba forced himself to almost completely fall apart, and he stepped on the ground with a fierce step.

The powerful force was launched, and the ground was stepped out of a large pit.

After a while, the extermination of tyrants was like a blasting shell, and rushed in the other direction. At the same time, he wanted to release the space folding scene to stop Wu Yan's pursuit.


However, at this moment, a figure wearing a large cape came out, wearing a hat, so that she could not see her completely at all.

And the appearance of this figure just happened to stand in front of Extermination.


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