Plane Master Copy

Chapter 846: : Infinity Gloves

Hitting a finger, all those who have died have been resurrected. This is indeed a great joy, but because of the spiritual gemstones, the whole earth, and perhaps even the entire universe, has a flipped heart. This also It is indeed a distressing thing.

Alas, now that after the extermination of the tyrants, the members of the Avengers look ugly, of course, their minds have become dignified.

"Hey, Tony, you said, in accordance with the role of the soul gem, will the Destroyer become a good person at this time?", Watching the advent of Destroyer, the next Captain America suddenly spoke and whispered to Tony Tower Asked K.

He said this, so that all the Avengers were slightly surprised, and then nodded secretly.

Although I do n’t know how Exterminator is resurrected, but if he really lived a long time ago, under the power of spiritual gems, he would become a good person. Does n’t it seem strange?

"However, what he thinks are all bad comers ...", the little raccoon next to him shook his head.

Although Captain America's words made sense to a certain extent, watching the overbearing look of tyrants came over, and behind him, countless monster armies were under pressure and densely packed. It is purely for sightseeing.

"If Exterminator really stays alive, it should become a good person, but if this Exterminator also crosses from other parallel universes?".

Listening to the conversation between Captain America and the little raccoon, Wu Yan interjected.

As I spoke, I glanced at the nebula next to me.

Coincidentally, when he heard Wu Yan's words, Nebula looked at him in surprise, and then looked at Wu Yan's eyes locked on himself, Nebula's heart tightened: What did he say, and what was his vision? Why a look that sees through everything? He won't know anything, right?

"Oh? Did it come from other parallel universes?" Hearing Wu Yan's words, the avengers next to him were shocked, and at the same time, they felt suddenly realized.

No wonder the Oblivion had been killed at the beginning, but he is still alive now. The real reason is that.

Regardless of the mentality of these Avengers, the exterminator holding the tyrant butcher knife came over, and after a slight glance, he fell on the Hulk, more precisely, on the Hulk Above Infinite Gloves, said: "Very well, you have successfully assembled the six infinite gems. It seems that if I let you hand it over, it is impossible, I can only do it, right?"

As he spoke, the tyrant Tu Dao in the hands of the tyrant raised his sword and waved forward.

In a short time, tens of thousands of alien monsters pounced on Wuyan and others like the tide.

The dense and dense number is endless.

Looking at these tens of thousands of monsters, Wu Yan's brow raised slightly. To deal with these monsters, it is naturally the most convenient way to use the overbearing color.

However, Wu Yan didn't mean to use it in a hurry, but stood quietly, twitching his fingers, and all kinds of sword qi, blasted out with Wu Yan's action, allowing countless alien monsters to fly horizontally .

Infinite Gloves are now in the hands of the Hulk. If Wu Yan takes the lead to take it from him, it will be rejected by the Avengers.

After all, relative to this plane, they and they are just strangers, they must be prepared for themselves, let alone give the infinite gloves to themselves.

However, if they ca n’t beat the tyrants and are forced to do nothing, they show their strength enough to guard the infinite gloves, and believe that they will give them to themselves.

In this way, I got the infinite gloves, so I was right.

So Wu Yan didn't mean to rush.

Sure enough, tens of thousands of alien creatures surged in like tide. Although Thor is very powerful, but in the face of these monsters that seem to never be able to kill, soon, these Avengers They are all tired of coping.

Even the Hulk has several monsters hanging on it. These monsters are biting him frantically. At the same time, he is also trying to slap the infinite gloves on the Hulk's hand.

"It's almost time ...", seeing this scene, seeing the exterminator has not yet started, but these avengers have been unable to stop these monsters like the tide, Wu Yan mind was frozen.

She took a deep breath, and her body turned into a plume of smoke that disappeared, leaving several monsters coming to her bite.

看 At almost the same time, Wu Yan appeared next to the Hulk, waving his fingers quickly.

The sword was so silky that it instantly cut off more and more alien monsters on the Hulk.

"Give me the gloves!", The breezy look relieved the Hulk, Wu Yan shouted at the Hulk.

"Okay, here you are!" I also know that with my own ability, it is impossible to protect the infinite gloves. At this critical moment, there is no time to consider so much. Hulk hastily took the infinite gloves in his hands. After coming down, it was delivered to Wu Yan.

"Success!", Wu Yan was overjoyed after taking infinity gloves with his own hands.

Naturally, after the infinite gloves changed hands, countless alien monsters all focused on Wu Yan's body, and then rushed towards Wu Yan densely.

At this time, Wu Yan still did not mean to be too strong, and did not mean to use the overlord color.

Otherwise, why did n’t you do it before, but now you do it? Doesn't this make sense to seize the infinite gloves?

Therefore, Wu Yan hurriedly put the infinite gloves into his storage space, and at the same time took out the Qingdi sword. The skills of Dugu Jiujian were cast, the sword was shining, and the battle was retreating, leaving a residue of the land Broken arm.

Obviously, in the face of the overwhelming attacks of these monsters, at least Wu Yan can protect himself.

"This guy!", The tyrant kills the tyrant butcher knife. The old **** was waiting, waiting for these monsters to help him to grab the infinite gloves. At this moment, I saw Wu Yan put the infinite gloves into the storage space. It was sinking in the mind of extermination.

Where can I sit still? The tyrant butcher knife in his hand stunned and rushed towards Wuyan.

"Hum, come well ...", looking at the figure of Miba rushing over, Wu Yan snorted in the heart, at the same time, the duel skills were activated.

The goal of the duel is naturally on the body of extermination.

After Wu Yan has performed his duel skills on the extermination tyrant, all the surrounding monsters and their attacks on Wu Yan have been invalidated.

Qiu Wuyan's eyes stared tightly at Exterminator. The bite of these alien monsters around Wu Yan fell on Wu Yan's body, all of which had no effect.


Ignoring the bite of these alien monsters, I watched the tyrant slaughter knife in the hands of Extermination fall towards himself.

Yan Wuyan's mind was slightly frozen, and immediately his eyes turned into a lavender reincarnation.

Although his injury has been recovered by about 80%, if he can't do close combat, Wu Yan will not try to overburden his body as much as possible. In addition, Wu Yan knows his strength well before fighting against tyrants.

As a result, Wu Yan now directly showed her reincarnation.


Seeing the tyrant's butcher knife of Tyrant will soon fall on Wu Yan's body, but still about a half meter away, suddenly, the tyrant's butcher knife in the hands of the tyrant seems to cut into an invisible wall, and stops Came down.

"What? What's going on?".

The tactile sensation in the hand was clearly what had been hit, but there was nothing in front of him, Wu Yan didn't even lift his finger, which made Miba feel very surprised and didn't understand what was going on.


I just waited for Miba to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, his abdomen was suddenly severely hit, and then the whole man was blown out.

The mighty strength, even though the destroyer wore a heavy armor, but it still made the destroyer feel a tumbling ...

"The prison next to the round tomb ...", Wu Yan, standing quietly, watching the look of the annihilation, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Yes, I just blocked the annihilation attack and the power of counterattack is the power of the prison next to the tomb.

Xun Yuzhi's reincarnation eye has the ability of the tomb next to the tomb. Naturally, the bloodline of the Uchiha's back is copied. Wu Yan also developed the power of the next tomb.

武 For Wu Yan, although the power of the round tomb is not as good as himself, the four round tombs are united ~ ~ This power is still very powerful.

You do n’t need to do it yourself, you just control the four round tombs to attack the tyrants. Soon, you can see that the tyrants are like a ball, and they are hit by the shadows of several rounds of the tombs. Going, looks miserable.

Beside him, the fierce alien monsters stopped one after another and looked back at the miserable look of the tyrants. These monsters were obviously frightened.

I didn't expect that even Master Exterminator became like this?

这 "What is this power?", As the alien monsters stopped, naturally, the Avengers also stopped.

They watched the tyrants being beaten up and down by invisible enemies, each with a look of astonishment and disbelief on their faces.

The strength of Exterminator can be said to have left the psychological shadows of these Avengers. However, when Exterminator is facing Wu Yan, Wu Yan does not seem to move his fingers, but Exterminator is difficult Did you bear it?

"Yes, this guy named Wu Yan has good strength ..." Even Thor, when looking at this scene, nodded calmly, admiring Wu Yan's power.

"Sure enough, he really has the ability to defeat the tyrant!", Captain America and Tony Stark exchanged eyes, both with surprise.

Before Wu Yan said that he had solved the tyrants, it was just one word. Now, he has completely confirmed his strength.

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