Plane Master Copy

Chapter 861: :return

After the explosion of the spiritual gemstone, Wu Yan and others finally completely repaired it. Next, everything in the universe will slowly return to the right track.

It ’s been a while since I came to this parallel universe. Now that things are done, Wu Yan has no intention of staying anymore.

However, without meaning to say goodbye to Tony Stark, Wu Yan left a letter at the temporary base of the Avengers, then activated the equipment and returned to his original parallel universe.

Yan Wuyan knows very well that Tony Stark collected six infinite gems. From the original, they do not want to change the history of other parallel universes, so they are ready to return the six gems.

I was like the time gem that Hulk Haoke borrowed from the ancient mage, and promised to return it. If they said goodbye to them, they would inevitably have to give up the infinite gems themselves.

So Wu Yan chose not to bid farewell.

After walking again for a while from the quantum realm, when Wu Yan returned to God, he had returned to the original time and space.

After a moment's groan for a moment, Wu Yan tore up the space passage and returned to the Stark Building.

"Hey, see who's here." As Wu Yan came over, Jarvis naturally informed Tony Stark of the news. Tony came over and asked with a smile on his face: "How? Parallel Has the problem of the universe been resolved? ".

"Well, yes, although some unexpected problems have occurred, they have been resolved", and Wu Yan nodded and said to Tony's inquiry.

"I'm really a genius", listening to Wu Yan's answer, Tony's face with pride, nodded and said: "I can study even the technology of crossing the parallel universe."

"I think the emergence of this technology is more threatening than good." Wu Yan shook his head with regard to Tony Stark's proud look.

Yes, this technology is researched, the threat is indeed greater, and if you are not careful, you don't know what kind of space you will be in.

Do n’t say anything, just talk about this incident. Tony Stark, they collected several infinite gems from other parallel universes. With their own intervention, these infinite universe gems disappeared. Know what the future of these universes looks like.

"No, things are two-sided, like the emergence of nuclear bombs, making war more terrible, but it is undeniable that with the advent of nuclear bombs, peace around the world has become more stable, hasn't it?" .

尼 Tony, who was born as a warmonger, holds a completely different view of Wu Yan's words.

"Well, everyone has their own will. This is because their own ideas are different. It's like some people like sweet and some people like salty." He spread his hands and did not do much in this regard. Meaning of entanglement.

He turned the topic, Wu Yan asked Tony Stark about his steel armor, and how well he studied.

"Hey, Wu Yan, have you misunderstood something?".

After hearing Wu Yan asking about his steel armor, Tony Stark shook his head and said, "I don't know how long you have been going to the parallel universe. In my opinion, you have just left for a long time. ".

"Well, that's what it was in the original ..." Wu Yan nodded slightly when he heard Tony Stark's words and understood.

It took me more than half a month to traverse other parallel universes, but for this universe, I didn't leave long.

At the same time, Wu Yan glanced down at his palm, and the computer pattern on the palm has been partially drawn. Obviously, the outline of the computer pattern is linked to the time he has experienced.

The matter to be dealt with has been dealt with, and Wu Yan has no major issues. After staying here for a while in Tony Stark's building, he turned back to the building of the Avengers.

Wu Xiaomeng was naturally very happy to see Wu Yan return.

Because Wu Yan did not take much time to leave, Xiao Meng and they did not even know that Wu Yan had experienced a parallel universe crossing.

In the following days, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng are both staying well, their lives have calmed down, and even the tyrants have been solved. On this level, there are no super criminals who dare to open their eyes to make trouble.

The following days, day by day, naturally, Wu Yan's injuries recovered very quickly.

With the increase of injuries, the crystal points of Wuyan naturally recovered.

In just two months, Wu Yan's injury has fully recovered, and even the number of crystal points has increased to 6900. Not only has he recovered his own crystal point number, but even the crystal point number has followed a good one. Promotion.

Obviously, in the year of injury, Wu Yan's constant meditation practice has improved the number of crystal points.

Of course, Wu Yan's injury has completely recovered, which is a great joy, and these days, Xiao Meng's number of crystal points has also been greatly increased.

The most important thing is that the magical powers of the moon swallowing sun have also entered a new stage.

的 On the plane from which the Great Holy Lord returned, Sun Wukong taught the magical moon-eating magical power to Xiao Meng, which can capture the essence of the sun and the moon to enhance his own power.

Originally thought of as a zombie, coupled with the lack of cultivation, Xiao Meng could only absorb the essence of moonlight at night, but could not absorb the essence of the sun, otherwise, she would feel the pain of burning her body.

最近 But recently, trying to absorb the essence of the sun to cultivate during the day, Xiao Meng already felt that there was no big problem, which made her very happy.

Naturally, Xiao Meng also told Wu Yan the good news.

"Well, the magical power of the moon swallowing sun is truly the name of" magic power ". This speed of improvement is really fast, maybe because you have also received help from Rulai, and changed your constitution." Wu Yan was also happy for her part in which Xiao Meng was able to perform the swallowing technique.

From the perspective of the increase in the number of crystal points, Xiao Meng is now faster to increase the number of crystal points.

If you practice well, one month later, you can increase the number of crystal points by about 500.

This is definitely a terrible promotion.

"Well, I will definitely work hard to practice, and strive to be able to help you in the future, and will not hinder you!".

Xun already had a little adorable with about 11,000 crystal points. After receiving Wu Yan's compliment, his face also showed a happy look and nodded heavily.

"Well, you really have to work hard, my cultivation speed has entered a period of high-speed development ...", for Xiao Meng, Wu Yan also nodded with a smile.

It is true that with six infinite gems in hand, the current spiritual gemstones have been completely opened to Wuyan. There are no previous restrictions. Wuyan borrows the power of spiritual gemstones to cultivate, and the promotion speed is faster than before.

Wu Wuyan estimates by himself that at his current growth rate, he can increase the number of crystal points by about 300 in a month.

If nothing else, if you walk around the other planes, you can probably increase the number of crystal points around 2000.

Although it is a little worse than Xiao Meng, it is also very good.

In this Marvel plane, with Wu Yan's strength, it can almost be said to be invincible. Naturally, life will be very comfortable.

Occasionally, I went out and cracked down on criminals to mediate my life. Time passed quickly.

Of course, these days, Wu Yan is also paying attention to the development of new steel armor over Tony Stark.

Often, Tony Stark will let Wu Yan help out in the past. After all, with the ability of the Magneto King and the ability to control metals, Wu Yan can still help a lot.

Wu Yan naturally did not reject Tony Stark's help, not just the friendship between the two, but the newly developed steel armor. Wu Yan was also preparing for some corresponding technology.

Wu Wuyan feels that if he thoroughly understands the technology of this armor, arming his army will definitely bring about a significant improvement.

Metal knight's armor technology is very precious to Tony. After consuming these technologies thoroughly, and then fully integrating it into his armor, these days, Tony Stark has become sleepless.

Under his hard work, the new steel armor is also slowly being completed.

Of course, these days, Wu Yan occasionally visits Evolution House.

Evolutionary home, there are hundreds of cultivation tanks, all kinds of monsters are cultivated in it. From the point of crystal points, all these monsters have more than 1,000 crystal points.

Of course, these are just ordinary monsters ~ ~ After having the blood of Shenlong, I have cultivated a lot of myself. Dr. Kenos has recently been studying new monsters. Gene to cultivate brand new monsters, which can greatly enhance the monster ’s power, coupled with careful cultivation, Kenos tries to cultivate some powerful monsters with more than 10,000 crystal points.

He called this brand new monster research project the Divine Beast Research Project.

As for the new plan of Kenos, in addition to the cultivation of fourth-order monsters, there is also the cultivation of fifth-order monsters. Wu Yan naturally agreed.

I was like this, and another three months passed.

Squinting at his computer pattern, he is almost done, and Tony's steel armor development is also successful.

After taking several armors and packing away his related theoretical knowledge, Wu Yan and all the members of the Fulian bid farewell.

On the last day, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng waited quietly, waiting for the final moment of return,

I glanced at myself, and after about three months, my crystal point number was close to 8000, which made Wu Yan secretly satisfied.

Although the personal force of Marvel is not high, but this time his gain is still great.

Just, seeing Xiao Meng next to him, Wu Yan's eyes flashed a touch of envy.

After a few beatings of Lu Jing points, a high number appeared in front of Wu Yan:


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