Plane Master Copy

Chapter 869: : Copy 3 Skills

Opening Sun Hao's skill area, Wu Yan found that there were really many skills in his skill disk.

She is full of sights, and has a lot of very practical skills.

For example, Eich's E skill eagle hits the sky, ejects an eagle spirit and flies out. The area that the wing flies through can all be seen, which is a magic skill to detect the way.

There is also Ahi ’s super magic crystal arrow, which has a very long attack distance. Once it hits the target, it is explosive damage and it can stun the target.

Such control skills can also be regarded as rule abilities?

There are also the skills of magic gods, fireball and thunderbolt and other offensive skills will not be mentioned. Is the intensity of temptation strong? Learn about in a flash?

The priest of the Valley of Dragons game, the healing hand, summons a holy object from the sky, and heals all friendly allies around.

There are also shield blocks, almost enhanced blocking, sacred shock waves, and range of imprisonment skills ...

The Gobletman's Q skill draws souls, and there is no upper limit for growth. A big move comes to death, and what teleportation is there.

There are also buffs for the blessings of the Holy Blessing and God of War, simple buffs for curses ...

In general, since Wu Yan has acquired the ability to copy, the target of copying has been very many. However, for so many years, apart from Sun Wukong and Jade Emperor, no one has as many skills as Sun Hao, even so comprehensive of.

If it ’s not enough space for your D disk, Wu Yan really wants to copy a lot of things over.

The space of my D disk was not enough, and it was almost completely filled. Fortunately, as the number of crystal points increased to about 8000, the capacity of the disk also increased, and there was a capacity of about 30G. Already.

Without too much hesitation, Wu Yan directly selected the ability to drain souls and slam it, and copied it directly to his disk.

The copied knowledge and skills, what is the counterpart's disk, what would it look like if copied over, only the genetic blood files of the C drive need to be developed by yourself.

It ’s like the gene of Wanciwang, like the bloodline of writing round eyes and so on ...

Draining souls is just a Q skill for Gou Tauren. Theoretically, the capacity should not be very large, but in the D drive file, this skill is as large as 15G.

Obviously, in four years, Sun Hao has made this skill very proficient and very powerful, so that the file capacity of this skill has increased to 15G.

Copying the progress bar, slowly moving forward, Wu Yan is also browsing Sun Hao's other skill files.

多 There is more than 10G of capacity left, so what skills will be copied next?

Soon, the shield blocking skill was noticed by Wu Yan. The enhanced version of blocking can ignore the difference in strength and resist nine attacks, which is still very practical.

However, this skill requires a shield to cast, so do you need to get a shield in your hand?

Moreover, the capacity of 10G is indeed not small.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yan also gave up. With the ability to duel, to a certain extent, the skills of this shield seem to be a bit of a rib.

It is not very cost-effective to exchange 10G capacity for this skill.

So, after thinking for a while, Wu Yan's gaze is on the skill of God of War blessing.

The victory over blessing is the ability of the magician who is on the way to increase the attack power of the target.

And the most important thing is that according to the setting of the magician, the higher the spiritual attributes, the better the effect of the victory blessing. For Wu Yan, this can be said to be an unlimited growth ability.

After all, cultivating for so many years, Wu Yan has cultivated with spiritual gems for so long, the level of spiritual attributes is beyond doubt.

The capacity of the God of War blessing is 8G, but it can be copied over, which is very good. There is no pressure to copy it over.

However, Wu Yan's gaze was again placed on the sacred blessing. Like the God of War blessing, it was also a buff. However, the defense ability was enhanced.

Since the BUFF that increases the attack power has been copied, Wu Yan naturally wants to copy a BUFF that increases the defense ability.

However, with Wuyan's current capacity, after copying the soul-stealing blow and God of War blessing, the capacity of the D disk is not enough. If you want to copy the sacred blessing, it is a little bit worse.

After thinking about it, Wu Yan had a plan in mind, and Wu Yan's mind was condensed: open the door, close the door, open the door, open!

Three consecutive doors opened, making the breath on Wu Yan's body become a lot violent, and the powerful breath emanated from him.

"Wuyan? What's the matter with you?", Feeling the change of Wuyan's breath, watching his crystal point number broke through the 10,000 mark from around 8000, Sun Hao asked Wuyan in amazement.

"Well, it seems that there is some mysterious power interference in the performance of this technique. I will try to strengthen it again," said Wu Yan with a mouthful of words in the words of Sun Hao.

While talking, watching the copy progress bar of the God of War blessing was almost completed, Wu Yan's palm was lifted.

巨大 A giant turtle appeared in Wu Yan's hands. With the appearance of this turtle, naturally, another mobile storage device completed the connection.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yan cut out the ability of the wooden puppet ninjutsu in his skill disk, freeing up 8G capacity, so that he had enough capacity to copy the divine blessing.

For the current Wuyan, the wooden 遁 ninjutsu of the Naruto plane has already had some ribs, so cutting it off is also a good choice.

Soon, the copying situation was over. Wu Yan silently put his hand back. At the same time, the turtle used as a mobile hard disk was also returned to the Evolution House by Wu Yan.

如何 "How? Can you see something?" Sun Hao asked Wu Yan curiously.

After all, Wu Yan ’s Master is the existence of 10 million crystal points. Therefore, Sun Hao is also curious and looking forward to the ability of Wu Yan ’s phase art.

I don't know what his Xiangshu was, and what he saw in the end.

"Well, it seems disordered, so I don't see much. I've just spent three years of my life. I finally saw a half-clawed claw. What is the last thing you want to know? Wu Yan's face was a little pale, and it seemed that it was really worn out just now, and her voice became a bit weak.

"So what did you see?", Sun Hao stared at Wu Yan with wide eyes, expecting in his heart.

"I saw that at the end of the last days, human beings are still alive, and the whole end of the last days has ended", Wu Yan looked at Sun Hao and said.

"Really? That's really good." After hearing Wu Yan's words, he got his affirmation. Sun Hao's mood was very good.

After a few more chats with Wu Yan, Xu left happily.

"I don't lie to him, right?" Wu Yan murmured in his mouth, watching Sun Hao leave happily.

Although Xiao Meng has no intention of ending the end of the world because of Xiao Meng, he can end the end of the world at any time if he wants.

Moreover, Wu Yan also thought of a solution that was not a solution.

I snapped my fingers, and of course it would wipe out the world's zombies, but what if Xiao Meng is no longer in this world?

For example, the Marvel Plane, when he first went, left Xiao Meng in the Marvel world, and then hit a finger when he returned to the real world.

So, the next time I go to Marvel World and pick her up again, won't things be solved perfectly?

However, the crossing planes are completely random. Some can enter again, while others have not entered again. Therefore, these are completely out of Wu Yan's own control.

Therefore, this matter can only be regarded as a method that is not a solution?

Of course, besides this, there is another more convenient and quick way, which is to cross the parallel universe.

Using Tony Stark's equipment, traversing the parallel universe, leaving Xiao Meng there, and hitting a finger on his own, perhaps, this will not affect the progress of other parallel universes?

However, the real world is not another plane after all, such as the Marvel world, who took away the infinite gloves to leave, and he can walk away, but in the real world, no one can predict what will happen.

Therefore, Wu Yan will not cross the parallel universe unless necessary.

After all, the effect of the butterfly effect is beyond human control.

Besides ~ ~ the existence of parallel universes, if the current one can restrain himself, do not go to other parallel universes, then, if you want to come to other universes, you can also restrain yourself, you will not come to your own universe, this All are mutual.

With this consideration in mind, Wu Yan seems to have a certain agreement with the parallel universe innumerable ...

I ca n’t stop the end of the last days, but this kind of things do n’t have to be rushed, and urgent things should be postponed to find a relatively reliable method.

Therefore, Wu Yan temporarily suppressed these messy thoughts.

That's it. In the next days, Wu Yan will stay in Changshi. Looking at the city construction order, Changshi is completely different, and he is quite satisfied.

Although the style has changed greatly, the entire city of Chang has become a lot safer like a city in the game under the role of the city construction order, which makes Wuyan very satisfied.

In this way, it was another ten days or so, and it took me a while to pass. For half a month, I just spent it so slowly.

On this day, Wu Yan looked at the computer pattern in his hand and was almost complete, so he left Xiaochang with Xiaomeng.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Wuyan to feel a slight fever in his palm.

The computer pattern on the palm of the palm radiated a bright light, and immediately collapsed and shattered into stars.

星 The stars are twisted and twisted, turning into a space-time vortex, rolling up Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, and disappearing again ...

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