Plane Master Copy

Chapter 898: : The Devil Squad

The existence of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is naturally very important for the Lord Sauron.

For the Demon Sauron, after possessing the Supreme Lord of the Rings, he can almost rule the entire Middle-earth continent. Therefore, when Chu Xuan heard that they were willing to find the Supreme Lord of the Rings to give to himself, the Demon Sauron naturally did not refuse reason.

Wu Yan ’s overbearing arrogance just made these half-orcs stunned. This scene has made him feel the power of these people.

In addition, kill the evil dragon of Gushan? Although the dragon's strength is very strong, if you have the Supreme Lord of the Rings, it will not be too difficult to kill the dragon yourself.

And, just now these people also said that they had to send the Supreme Lord of the Rings to themselves before they promised to help them to kill the dragon in Gushan?

"Okay, if you are willing to agree to it, then we have reached this transaction, but we need some qualified guides on our way to find the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and I see that the spiritual guards under you are very good."

After the demon Sauron nodded, Chu Xuan followed his voice, trying to make the ring spirits under his hands his own.

"Spiritual spirit? They are my most proud subordinates ...", listening to Chu Xuan's words, the words of the demon Sauron, hesitated.

Wu Chuxuan's so-called transaction can be promised by himself, after all, they first give the Supreme Lord of the Ring to themselves, which is not a loss for themselves.

But if you want your spiritual help to help, this makes Sorrendo think about it.

For one thing, without the Ringer beside me, I lacked some powerful helpers.

Twenty-two, if these people belonged to the sorcerer and elves camp, would it not weaken their power to deploy them to them?

"Rest assured, in exchange, we will keep our companions at Mordor as a bridge for us to contact."

Seeing the hesitation of the demon Sauron, Chu Xuan began to raise the price he was willing to pay.

既然 "In this case, then just as you wish", listening to Chu Xuan's meaning, willing to let his companion stay at Mordor as a hostage, Sauron thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

As the Demon promised, then there will be no surprises about the next thing, just wait quietly for Zheng Ye and others to come.

吒 Before Zheng Ye and their arrival, the demon Sauron left Chu Xuan and others for the time being. As long as Zheng Ye and others arrived, Chu Xuan and they could leave with the ring spirit.

"Chu Xuan, you are so awesome ...", for the time being, while staying at Mordor as a guest, Li Shuaixi looked at Chu Xuan with a look of astonishment.

Although the plan has changed slightly, it seems to be moving in a better direction.

"Oh? Can you see?", Li Shuaixi said, making Chu Xuan raise an eyebrow.

"Please, although I'm not very clever, but I'm not stupid? You deliberately let the ring spirit obey our assignment, the actual purpose is to keep those new people here as hostages? There is the devil Sauron their Power as a guardian, whether it is the Devil team or the Tenjin team, can't they easily deal with them? "Li Shuaixi answered Chu Chuxuan's words.

"Yes, this is one of the purposes", nodded slightly, Chu Xuan answered.

"One? Is there any other purpose?" Chu Chuxuan's response made Li Shuaixi look at him strangely.

Do you think you have seen the purpose of Chu Xuan's behavior? It turned out that you only saw part of it?

"Top Ten Souls, in this horror movie world, the strength is still very good. With such a power in hand, do you think we should do something?" Chu Xuan pushed the glasses on her nose bridge , Seriously looking at Li Shuaixi, asked instead.

"For example, let ’s go to Gushan to see if the dragon can be killed in advance? Or, for example, can the people of the Tenjin team or the demon team take the initiative? Our team is indeed weaker than them. So, they didn't think we would take the initiative? ".

"This, it seems that it is really feasible if you look at it this way ..." After hearing Chu Xuan's answer, Li Shuaixi's eyes were indeed brightened.

Originally, the Nakasu team should be in the gap between the Devil and Tenjin teams.

But now, after such an operation, it seems that I have the ability to protect myself, and even have some means to sneak attack on them?

I have to say that sometimes the power of wisdom is more important than pure power.

Staying at Mordor, naturally, time can't be wasted. As a VIP of Soul Lord, except for some taboo places, Chu Xuan and others walking in this Mordor can be considered There are no contraindications.

Walking in Mordor, of course, Chu Xuan they also saw the army of half-orcs.

Except for the half-orcs who were stunned by the overlord color and domineering, the half-orcs army on Mordor seemed endless.

半 The existence of these half-orcs is like a beast. They are ferocious and violent, not only fighting against the enemy, but also endlessly.

After watching the battle between these half-orcs, Chu Xuan and others found that these half-orcs were very powerful.

He is just an ordinary half-orc. He can smash a large stone at every turn, and even lift a large stone, smashing it like a small stone.

"I remember that in the original book, although these half-orcs are more powerful than humans, they are not too powerful, right? In this situation, each of these half-orcs is a super warrior."

I watched for a while, and found that almost all the orcs have extremely powerful power, and Li Shuaixi said with a look of surprise on his face.

After all, the Lord of the Rings series, as one of the most popular movie series in the real world, Li Shuaixi has also seen it.

"It seems that as the battlefield of our three reincarnation teams, the main **** has also consciously increased the force value of this horror movie world ..." Chu Xuan looked a little dignified and nodded.

From the perspective of destructive power, these half-orcs now seem to be more powerful than any half-orcs in the original book.

半 The strength of these half-orcs has been improved so much. Obviously, it also proves that the Devil and Tenjin teams are powerful.

The time, one minute and one second passed, thirty-six hours, quickly passed. Then, under the attention of Chu Xuan, the Lord God watch shook slightly, and then was informed by the Lord God, the demon team and the **** The team has arrived in the Hobbit world.

"Huh? The analysis appears to be true. There are indeed reincarnation squads, which appeared in Mordor."

He also stayed at Wuyan of Mordor, and he was very sensitive to spatial fluctuations. He clearly felt that within Mordor, the space was distorted. Obviously, a reincarnation team appeared.

"Wu Yan, the master invited you to come ...", not long after, a half-orc came over and said to Wu Yan and others.

He nodded, Wu Yan and Xiaomeng got up, and soon met Chu Xuan and Li Shuaixi, who also walked to the side of the demon Sauron.

The team of four people soon came to the place where the demon Sauron was.

Sure enough, in addition to Sauron, there are several unexpected guests here, obviously members of other reincarnation teams.

喂 "Hey? Is that Zheng Zheng? Chu Xuan, and you are also here ...", Li Shuaixi said with a look of surprise on the other party's reincarnation team.

It is true that there are two acquaintances in the opponent's reincarnation team, namely Chu Xuan and Zheng Zheng.

However, the feelings of these two people are completely different.

"So, is it with the Devil Sauron camp, is it the Devil's Team? Have Zheng Zheng and I been copied?" Seeing the opposing team of reincarnation, Chu Xuan certainly understood what was going on.

"You and Zheng Ye are both here, but I don't have one, so does the Lord think my qualifications are not good?"

After glancing at the situation of the Devil Team, looking at the four members of the Devil Team, Li Shuaixi whispered in his mouth.

"Oh? Interesting ...", everyone here saw the situation of the demon team. Naturally, these people of the demon team also saw the Zhongzhou team, and there was a look of interest in the copy of Chu Xuan.

"Is this? Is the Zhongzhou team?"

Zheng Zheng, the replica next to Zhuan, apparently noticed the situation here too. After seeing the true body of Chu Xuan, Zheng Zheng's brow raised, and a look of doubt flashed.

Of course, the Devil team knows that in addition to themselves, there are Tenjin and Nakasu.

I just didn't expect that, just after advent, I found that the Zhongzhou team was also here.

More importantly, it seems that the Zhongzhou team has not seen their body. Has it died in a horror movie? Or is it just because it doesn't show up here?

I thought about the death of the normal body ~ ~ The Luo body made by the normal body would also disappear with it, and the copy Zheng Zheng's heart felt a little pain.

"This time, the situation has become troublesome, but it has also become interesting ...", Chu Xuan's body, after seeing his own copy, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and then there was a flash of feeling in his eyes A look of interest.

Since his replica is also in the Devil's Reincarnation Squad, then all of his layout, even his thinking mode, will be seen by the other party when he wants to come. This is very clear to Chu Xuan.

However, Chu Xuan was very interested in this situation.

This kind of thing, I have never experienced it, which makes Chu Xuan, who has not had any emotional fluctuations for many years, feel his emotions and have some unusual feelings.

"咦? Are you two, twins?"

Not to mention the first contact between the Zhongzhou team and the Devil team, what kind of minds are the two sides, the next demon Sauron, obviously also noticed two exactly the same Chu Xuan.

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