Plane Master Copy

Chapter 918: : Super Theological College

In a large-area college, a bald man with blue skin looks like an evil blue demon, but he has a thick stack of books in his hands, and he wears it on the bridge of his nose. A pair of glasses adds a bit of elegant scholarship.

This feels very strange.

Around, dozens of young men and women gathered together, and more or less looked with anticipation on their faces.

"Everyone, today I will call a **** for everyone, yes, yes, it is god. In theory, she will be your monitor, sharpen you, and will eliminate the waste that can not be a hero. "The bald man with blue skin said to all the students around him.

"Teacher, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I haven't seen what God looks like." Although the blue-skinned man's words are very polite, the young men and women next to him do not look angry Some even couldn't help urging.

The blue-skinned man sighed helplessly, watching the surrounding students' faces more or less wearing expectations.

Not to mention, since they can't scare them, then there is no need to say anything more, raise their hands and prepare to brew the summoned magic.

However, before his magic was shown, suddenly, at the center of everyone's attention, space was twisted and turned into a space-time vortex.

"Here it is, awesome look ...", looking at the space-time vortex appearing out of thin air, the students next to them all looked with a look of wonder.

Although these students have different abilities, the appearance of this space-time vortex looks extraordinary.

"Here, what's the situation?" And not to mention how the students were all surprised, the bald man with blue skin next to him looked aggressive.

Others think it's their own summoning magic, but he knows very well that his summoning magic has not yet been performed. At this time, the emergence of the vortex of space and time has nothing to do with himself.

Not to mention what kind of mind these people are, with the emergence of space-time vortex, soon, two silhouettes appeared in front of everyone along with the space-time vortex.

A man, dressed in casual clothes, looks in his early twenties, very young, and looks like a youthful and sunny feeling.

Next to the man was a woman in her early twenties, wearing a classic long dress and holding an amethyst staff in her hand, as if she were a fairy in ancient mythology.

"What's the situation?" Wu Yan looked around, and a lot of people surrounded him with the same expression.

Where did you cross this? Who are these people? The man and woman who came through the vortex of time and space are naturally Wu Yan and Xiao Meng.

"Goddess, wow, is this the goddess? It really looks fairy ...".

However, the people next to him completely ignored Wu Yan, and focused on Xiao Meng's body. His eyes were beaming, and the image of Xiao Meng was in line with everyone's fantasy of the goddess.

However, Xiao Meng didn't feel much about the attention of those around her. With a look of indifference on her face, she glanced at those around her without saying a word.

"Two people, who are you? Why are you here?" At this time, the bald man with blue skin next to him, staring at Wu Yan and Xiao Meng seriously, said with vigilance. .

Although I do n’t think that two people would dare to break in here, but after all, they are uninvited guests, and they can come across the space.

"Ah? Teacher Liu doesn't know who they are? Didn't they be summoned by Teacher Liu?", Listening to the blue-skinned bald man next to him, the students around him looked at each other and talked.

"Well, I said that I just happened to pass by your letter? Also, where is this place?" After hearing these people asking about their identity, Wu Yan swept around these people present and asked.

With Wu Yan's eyes passing by, the numbers on the crystal measuring instrument jumped.

Wu Yan found that the number of crystal points of the people around them were not weak, and some of them reached the level of fourth-level awakeners, and some even reached level five!

Listening to Wu Yan's words, I don't even know where it is here, what this bald blue-skinned man said to him.

After believing for a few minutes, after a little groaning, he replied: "This is the Super Theological Seminary."

"Super Theological College !?", this answer made Wu Yan hold back, immediately reacted, understand what plane he is in now.

Wu Yan was just a young man when the last days erupted. Naturally, such as League of Legends games are known. Therefore, in the real world, Sun Hao's summoning character, Ice Archer Ai Xi, and Desert Death's Soul Drainer smashed these things , All understand.

As for the Super Theological Academy, a domestic anime about the League of Legends theme before the outbreak of the last days, Wu Yan has also seen it.

"Originally, did I cross the plane of anime again?" Thinking of coming to the world of Super Theological Seminary, Wu Yan secretly murmured.

There are also a lot of crossing the heavens and the world, and the world of animation has naturally crossed a lot.

For example, One Piece, such as Naruto, such as one-punch Superman, etc., but Super Theological Academy is the first time Wu Yan has crossed into the domestic animation world.

"Okay, now you can tell us your identity, right?" After reporting the name of the Super Theological Seminary, watching Wu Yan's face change, the blue-skinned teacher Liu raised his brow slightly and then asked back.

Seeing his reaction to the name Super Theology, it doesn't look like he's going the wrong way.

As Teacher Liu asked for his identity, Wu Yan groaned for a moment, quickly sorted out the relevant plot of the Super Theological College, and replied: "Hello, my name is Wu Yan, this is my sister Wu Meng. In the case of the earth, then we have not gone wrong. We are chivalrous men from the universe. Because we knew that the terrible war on the earth was about to erupt, we came here to help. "

"Chivalrous men from the universe?" After listening to Wu Yan's answer, the students at the Super Theological College looked at each other, and many people laughed out loud.

Wu Yan's self-introduction feels a little bit of a second-second feeling.

"Hahaha, I thought you were the gods summoned by Teacher Liu. Was it just passing by? Chivalrous men? All of us are chivalrous men, this man, do you want to join our super god? College ", as Wu Yan's words fell, a man next to him smiled at Wu Yan.

"Xiao Lun, don't laugh, although they were not summoned by Teacher Liu, but the woman next to her is indeed a fairy-like one", meanwhile, another man with a long pony tail beside him said.

During the conversation, his eyes looked like pig brothers, staring at Xiao Meng next to him and looking up and down.

Looking at this man with a long pony tail, with such an iconic hairstyle, his identity, Wu Yan can naturally guess.

But his staring at Xiao Meng made Wu Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Wu Yan has n’t shown much yet. The man with a ponytail came over and said to Wu Yan with a warm look: "Dude, is your name Wu Yan? Hello, hello, if you join Super God In the college, we will be brothers in the future. Maybe I have to call your elder brother later, hehehehe ... ".

"Go away ..." Unhappy in his heart, Wu Yan naturally didn't have the heart to bear it. Seeing Zhao Xin's insignificant and disgusting look, Wu Yan lifted his feet in a fit of energy.

Then, Zhao Xin yelled and was taken out by Wu Yanyu, lying on the ground like a dog eating shit.

"Xin Ye, are you okay?" Watching Zhao Xin was kicked out by Wu Yan, of course, Ge Xiaolun and Jia Wen, who are good friends next to him, would certainly not stand idly by. .

Looking at the appearance of the two men, Wu Yan's brow frowned slightly, thinking of shocking them with a domineering color.

But think about them, they are all important roles in the Super Theological College, their own courage and strength, and the overbearing color is not necessarily effective for them.

Of course, there is a more suitable body fixation technique, but looking at Ge Xiaolun's tens of thousands of crystal points, Wu Yan shook his head secretly.

Being in the power of the galaxy, although it has not been developed yet, the fixation technique obviously has no effect on them.

Since the two convenient abilities of overlord color and fixation are not easy to use, then there is no other way but to use power.

Raising his hand, Wu Yan grabbed the fists of Ge Xiaolun and Jia Wen, and flicked them back, and the two were directly hit by Wu Yan on the ground.

"Oh, some means ..." Seeing the three of Ge Xiaolun, they were not opponents at all, and they were easily defeated. The students of the Super Theological College next to them narrowed their eyes.

Although Ge Xiaolun and some of them are not good students ~ ~ even often make a lot of things, but anyway, they are also classmates of Super Theological Seminary. People naturally feel shameless.

Qilin, Qiangwei, and Big D all have some anger in their eyes.

"Do you want to do it with me?" Wu Yan said calmly after glancing at the people around him.

Since he said that he is a chivalrous person walking in the universe, naturally, Wu Yan does not mind showing some strength.

As Wu Yan's words came to an end, the magical powers of heaven and earth were displayed.

The huge phase of the law, which is more than three hundred meters high, appeared behind Wu Yan. The high level of the law, all of them were as small as ants.

"This friend has something to say, we are not evil people, there is no need to fight," Teacher Liu, watching the shape of heaven and earth, interjected.

(PS: Crazy push book, "Tang Monk through the Westward Journey", pass through to become a Tang monk, what kind of experience can you blame to upgrade explosive equipment?)

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