Plane Master Copy

Chapter 921: : Lena Hanged

Night is already deep.

Wu Yan sat quietly on his bed, wearing infinite gloves on his hands, among which the light of the jewels of the soul quietly bloomed.

Borrowing the power of spiritual gems to meditate and practice, Wu Yan can feel that his power is accumulating bit by bit, and gradually strengthened.

The practice is like snowballing. The bigger the snowball, the more snow it gets.

With the real-world monster siege, Wuyan ’s crystal point number has reached about 20,000. By borrowing the cultivation of spiritual gems, Wuyan can feel that when he cultivates, the crystal point number has also increased to a certain extent. .

Wu Yan is practicing quietly, naturally, Xiao Meng is also practicing.

Although Super Theological College also arranged a rest place for Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng came to the roof alone, Xiao Meng, sitting cross-legged, running the magical power of lunar swallowing the sun, and she could clearly see that The light of the moon received the influence of her cultivation, gathered together, turned into a beam of moonlight, projected from the sky, and fell on Xiaomeng's body.

Sitting cross-legged in the moonlight, Xiao Meng felt very calm, and could not see the identity of the zombies. On the contrary, it gave people a very fairy-like feeling.

"Oh? What's that?" On the girl's dormitory side, Lena said, seeing the beam of light converging in the distance.

"It looks so good. Can you gather the glory of the moon?", Lena's side happened to be Carter, looking at the pillar of moonlight, and said with awe.

"I am the goddess of the Lieyang star. I control the power of the sun. Is there anyone else who can control the power of the moon?" With her body moving, with curiosity, Lena jumped directly towards the high building where Xiaomeng was. .

Carter next to it pondered for a moment, and then followed the same movement. Two shadows quickly passed in the night sky and came to Xiao Meng.

When she noticed someone approaching, Xiao Meng opened her eyes and looked at the approaching Carter and Lena, holding the Amethyst Staff in her hand, stood up, her brows frowned slightly, apparently the two were approaching, Not very satisfied.

"You are? Miss Wu Meng? Are you in special training?" Looking at Xiao Meng who stood up, Carter said hello, feeling a little embarrassed in her heart, as if she had disturbed the other person?

"Is she also a classmate of our college? It's very interesting to dress up. Hello, can you control the power of the moon?" As a goddess, Lena naturally didn't have much vigilance, and asked Xiaomeng with a big smile. Road.

"It has nothing to do with you", Xiao Meng's face was very indifferent to the attitude of others, and he answered politely.

During the conversation, a guest-by-customer order was issued: "Okay, you go now, don't bother me to cultivate here."

Rena's personality is soft and hard, and she was driven away as a goddess? Can Rena accept it?

"Yeah? Get me out? Is there anything I can't do in this Super Theological Seminary? Would you like to get me out? I wouldn't go, and have the ability to try."

The goddess of the flame galaxy, Lena's strength is the strength of the sun, and Xiao Meng as the ability of Xuexue fruit, to a certain extent, is opposite to Lena's power. Therefore, Lena and Xiao Meng are two people. Perhaps it is because of the opposition of the strength attributes that both sides do not see each other very well.

"Lena, be careful ..." Carter was not afraid of anything, just thinking of the terrible power that Wu Yan showed during the day, reminded Lena in a low voice.

Although he didn't see Xiao Meng's shot during the day, since he appeared with Wu Yan, he wouldn't be too weak.

"Don't worry, I'm God!" After listening to Carter's reminder to herself, Lena didn't care much and waved her hand.

There was no nonsense during the talk, and she raised her hands and raised it. Jin Chanchan's light bloomed from her body. The whole person seemed to be a humanoid sun, full of dazzling light.


However, seeing Lena's hands, Xiao Meng naturally wouldn't stand still, a wave of amethyst staff in her hand, and then a large icy snowstorm appeared, and Lena's body was tightly wrapped.

For a moment, after the snow and snow had completely dissipated, Rena turned into a huge snow sculpture, and froze.

After almost killing the other party in one stroke, Xiao Meng shook her head slightly, didn't speak, and turned into a snowstorm, and quickly left the top of the building.

"Hey, Lena, are you okay?" Carter, who was too late to help, saw Xiaomeng's snowstorm disappear, and knocked on Lena's snow sculpture, and asked.

Carter also secretly suspected that this is the goddess summoned by Teacher Liu?

Is she really god? This strength doesn't look very good.

In the end, it is the goddess of the Lieyang galaxy. Although she has not mastered her own power because of her age, the power in her body is still very strong. After Xiaomeng left, but for a moment, Lena was golden The sun bloomed, and the snow and ice around her melted away quickly.

"Abominable, that guy just attacked me. I want to fight her for another 300 rounds!" After recovering from the snow and ice imprisonment, Lena rubbed her skin and felt cold, and at the same time, her face Said with anger.

As the goddess of the strong sun star, Lena never believed that she would be defeated. Just now, the other party must have attacked herself first, leaving herself too late to react.

"Well, Lena, let's go back." Carter rolled her eyes secretly about Lena's unrelenting look, and said, without talking to Lena's answer, she turned and left.

After some shots, Carter can see that Lena is not like her opponent at all. It seems that the so-called goddess has a lot of water.

It ’s all like this, but you still want to rush to give it away? Isn't this brain good?

She also said that she was attacked by someone. Is she an opponent? Does she have no ACD number in her heart?

Seeing that Carter didn't bother her own meaning, she turned and left, and Rena waved her fist in the direction that Xiaomeng turned into a snowstorm: "Hum, don't be touched by me next time, otherwise, It will make you feel good! ".

There was nothing to say overnight, when the sun washed down and torn the night, Wu Yan slowly opened his eyes, and the simmering breath slowly calmed down.

The light of the psychic gemstone on the infinity gloves slowly faded.


After glancing down at himself, after the number on the crystallizer jumped, Wu Yan could clearly see that his crystal point number had risen to 20019. Wuyan was quite satisfied with the crystal point number at this level. Nodded.

A wave of monster siege conditions has increased their crystal points by about 10,000. The overall strength is naturally increased significantly. These days, you must familiarize yourself with the power of 10,000 crystal points. .


With the completion of Wu Yan's practice, the snow and snow infiltrated from the window, and then gathered in front of Wu Yan, turning into Xiao Meng's appearance.

"Well, let's go for a walk", watching Xiao Meng come over, Wu Yan said.

After a brief wash, the two left the building.

The food at Super Theological Seminary is still very good. When you come to the cafeteria, you can see that many people are already dining. After they have had two breakfasts, they sit aside.

"Two people, can I sit here?" But, just as Wu Yan and Xiao Meng were slowly enjoying breakfast, Dukao also came to Wu Yan with his breakfast. He said.

"Please sit down" and nodded, Wu Yan invited Dukao to sit down in front of himself.

However, after sitting down, Dukao didn't speak, and seemed to follow the rules of food and sleep.

After I ate up all my breakfast and wiped my mouth with the dining paper, I focused my eyes on Wu Yan.

"Wu Yan, I talked with several teachers in the school about your desire to join the Super Theological Seminary. I thought it would allow you to try it out and see how it works." There is no nonsense, and an opening is a straight-cut theme , A complete military style.

"Okay, then, when will I take office? And, what do I teach?" Nodded slightly, Wu Yan said clearly, and then asked back.

"It depends on your own will. I'll take you to meet you and formally get to know each other. As for what you teach, it depends on what you are best at," Dukao replied.

"Me? Then I will teach them to fight ~ ~ If you train them as super soldiers, then I will be their instructor", slightly nodded, Wu Yan replied.

What to say, almost enough, breakfast is already finished, and then briefly talked about the students of Super Theological Seminary, and the question of the upcoming enemies, eyes narrowed, and Dukao got up. Take Wu Yan and Xiao Meng together to the classroom of the Super Theological Seminary.

"You guys, what I just told you, I hope you remember, now, let me introduce you two people formally."

In the classroom, the blue-shaved teacher Liu clapped his hands after seeing Dukao coming.

Wu Yan walked directly to the podium, and looked around at the students of these super theological colleges, many of whom were familiar figures.

"Yesterday, many of you met with me, but some people didn't know it. Today, I will introduce myself formally."

Having said that, he gave a slight pause, and then said, "My name is Wu Yan. Starting today, I am a teacher of the Super Theological Seminary, and at the same time, a teacher who teaches you how to fight."

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