Plane Master Copy

Chapter 939: : Or give up the earth?

After a trip to the Super Theological Seminary, Sacred Keisha lost some face under Wu Yan's hands, but it was also because of feeling Wu Yan's power that Kesha believed Wu Yan's words.

After all, judging by the power that Wu Yan showed, he can deal with Moganna himself, and there is no need to cheat himself against Moganna, right?

Therefore, after a trip to the Super Theological College that day, there was an verbal alliance agreement between the Holy Kaiser and the Super Theological College. As long as Moganna's demon army appears, the angel family can be notified at any time. Will come to deal with Moganna.

However, because of the battle between Wu Yan and Holy Kesha that day, all the pictures of these battles were seen by Moganna. Therefore, Mogana did not dare to underestimate the power of the Theological Seminary for a while. The crocodile came to inquire about the theological seminary.

As a result, the Demon Legion appeared later than in the original work.

In a blink of an eye, another month or so passed, and it has been more than two months before and after I crossed the Super Theological College, but I did not even see a hair of the Demon Legion, which made Wu Yan's heart secretly Surprised.

The Demon Legion in the original book appeared, have you waited so long? Or was it because of their appearance that the butterfly effect appeared, so that the demons appeared later?

Not to mention the doubts in Wu Yan's mind, this month has passed. Under the guidance of Wu Yan, the students of these super theological colleges have steadily improved their strength.

In addition to Ge Xiaolun and their group, Super Theological College moved quickly and recruited a new group of students, and these people, Ge Xiaolun, naturally became seniors.

In the mirrored space, the special training of these students has entered the formal, and they do not need Wu Yan's one-to-one guidance. They know how to train their strength.

On the side of Jiawen, he was training not only himself, but also his pet crocodile.

After a month of training, Jia Wen can clearly feel that the strength of this war pet crocodile is far greater than he imagined, and after this month of training, Jia Wen is also more familiar with the fighting with the crocodile. Already.

The ability to fight alone, Jiawen is among the top among the students. At this moment, after having a powerful crocodile pet, even if they are Ge Xiaolun and Lena, they are not sure that they can be defeated. Jia Wen, we can see that his overall strength has been raised to a very powerful level.

This day, after another afternoon of special training, the trainees successively ended their special training and left the mirrored space.

However, after leaving the mirror space, the crocodile secretly hid a cell phone on the way back without attracting anyone's attention.

After a month, the existence of the crocodile has been familiar to the people of the Super Theological Seminary, and no one has guarded him.

Moreover, in a month, he had a full understanding of the situation of Super Theological Seminary, so the crocodile felt that it was time for him to report to the queen tonight.

Late at night, the crocodile waited until the middle of the night, after all the three friends in the dormitory had fallen asleep, they sneaked out of the bedroom and found a remote and uninhabited corner. The crocodile used the phone to secretly contact the devil Legion side.

Huh ...

Moganna is lying in her bed, sleeping loudly. Although she does not know how many years she has lived, for women, sleep is the top priority. Only by maintaining sufficient sleep can you have firmer skin. No wrinkles appear.

The word cosmetology is more than just talking.

However, when Moganna was sleeping soundly, suddenly, Moganna's door was beaten. At the same time, there was a quick voice from the demon warrior: "Queen, Queen, wake up soon."

The demon warrior patted Moganna's door tirelessly, and shouted eagerly.

After a few shouts, Mogana was indeed awoken, but she picked up a tea cup from the table and threw it away.

With a slam, the tea cup directly smashed through the area, hit the demon warrior, and knocked him out. The body looked like a mural and hung on the wall.

"Dude guy, don't you know that it's important for a woman to sleep? Disturbing her mother, don't you want to live?", Mogana's voice sounded domineering, and she was very upset. There was no one at all. The gentleness a woman should have, maybe the so-called tenderness is completely worthless to her, right?

"Female ... Queen ... You said that the crocodile hasn't been in contact for a long time, like it's missing, if he has information, the first one to tell you", the demon warrior hanging on the wall has a very good physique. , Raised a phone in his hand and said to Moganna.

"Oh? Did that guy finally show up? I thought he was stripped and made into a crocodile leather shoe by someone from the Super Seminary." Hearing the words of the demon warrior, Mogana's anger disappeared a lot, and she said He said, taking the call from the demon warrior.

"Hello, you guy? Are you dead?" Moganna greeted the phone in a huff and asked.

"Wangwangwang ..." But, just as Moganna greeted, there were a few low barking dogs on the phone.

However, the dog's barking sounded nothing like the sound of a dog barking.

"This, what's the situation ...?" The call from the crocodile turned into a dog barking, and Moganna looked aggressive.

Did you answer the wrong call yourself? Or did you make the wrong call over there?

"Cough, woman, queen, it's me ..." But, just as Moganna groaned secretly, thinking that it might be the wrong call over there, a dry cough sounded, and at the same time, the crocodile on the phone over The sound sounded.

However, compared to the previous tone of the crocodile's speaking, it seems that the tone of the crocodile has changed, and it is carefully discriminated that it seems that the dog's bark from the phone just came from the crocodile?

"Hey, what the **** are you doing this month? How can it be the same as disappearance, I thought you were killed by a guy from Super Theological Seminary", wondering in his heart, Moganna asked the crocodile.

Although the words were a bit vicious, but after a month of contact, Mogana first asked not the situation of the information it found, but whether the crocodile was in danger. This remark moved the crocodile. .

"Female ... Queen ... I've been in Super Theological Seminary for a month. Listen to you. I pretend to be a pet here, so I haven't spoken this month, and no one knows I can talk. So, I haven't spoken for a long time, I don't speak very smoothly, Wangwang ... ", on the phone, the crocodile's tone was a bit weird, explaining to Moganna.

Holding the phone and hearing the voice coming from the other end of the phone, Mo Ganna's face was a little black, and she couldn't help but whisper: "You said you haven't spoken for a long time, I can understand it is not smooth, but you learn to bark What the **** is going on? You are a crocodile, not a dog. "

"I, I don't know, Wang Wang. It seems that these days, they are training me like a dog. I, I don't understand myself ..." At the Super Theological College, the crocodile felt very distressed, and at the same time, Feeling very ashamed.

However, since this month, the dogs have been barking a few times, and it seems to have become a habit. Even if I want to hold back, I can't help it.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Since you have been at Super Theological College for a month, you must have found some important information? Tell me?" In the issue of crocodile dog barking, there is not too much With so much entanglement, Mogana directly cut into the subject and asked the crocodile.

"Yes, this month, I have indeed checked the situation of the Super Theological Seminary, Queen, I think we can let the earth go. There are so many planets of intelligent life in the universe, why bother staring at the earth What? Wangwang ... ", the crocodile began to officially report on his work, but as soon as he spoke, he let Moganna stop.

"Hey, the purpose of letting you go to the Super Theological Seminary is to explore the situation over there and prepare for us to control the entire earth, but it is not for you to pervert me, you guys, don't forget that you are pretending to be To be a pet, don't you really be tamed by those guys in the Super Theological Seminary? "Browsed at the corner of her brow, Mogana said angrily to the crocodile.

"I wasn't tamed just to say this. If I was tamed, why would you secretly contact the Queen at night? Wangwang."

The crocodile on the phone suddenly felt super aggrieved ~ ~ Secretly contacted the queen in the middle of the night and told her what she had discovered, but she was treated like this without expecting it.

"Okay, okay, let's say, why do you want me to give up the earth?", And also felt that the words of the crocodile did make some sense, Moganna asked in a word.

"The power of the earth is terribly strong, and the Super Theological College is still constantly recruiting new students," referring to the business, Crocodile said.

Speaking, she told Moganna everything she had seen and heard this month, and picked all the important things.

Of course, I can't say that I was caught on a boat. I only said that I was smart and witty, and successfully deceived everyone on the Great Gorge, and became a pet in the Super Theological Seminary.

"Is that so ?!" Mogana's face became more dignified after hearing the report from the crocodile about the situation of Super Theological Seminary.

If the crocodile's statement is true, it is really difficult for this earth to attack.

After all, what they want is that all humans on the earth become the people of the fallen kingdom, not just destroy the earth.

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