Plane Master Copy

Chapter 941: : Demon Bloodline

Looking at the crocodile in front of him, because his identity was discovered, he looks like a bachelor. To say that, he looks really generous in his generous death.

Of course, if he doesn't bark a few times in his mouth, this tough guy's demeanor is even more perfect.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to kill you. Otherwise, I would have already started." Seeing the crocodile with eyes closed waiting to die, Wu Yan said calmly.

"Oh? Teacher Wu Yan, don't you kill me? Then you said it earlier, Wang Wangwang, it really scared me to death." After listening to Wu Yan's words, the crocodile opened his eyes and looked scared for a while, but looked But said very grateful.

"Although I don't kill you, there is something I need you to help," Wu Yan said, watching the reaction of the crocodile.

"Hey, wouldn't you want me to help you deal with the queen? If this is the case, I can't promise you", listening to Wu Yan asking for help himself, the crocodile looked alert, watching Wu with vigilance Iwa said.

"Rest assured, no, I just want to meet Moganna, nothing more than that", looking at the crocodile alertness, Wu Yan shook his head.

"You want to see the queen? Just a simple meeting?" Looking at Wu Yan in doubt, the crocodile obviously didn't believe him.

For no reason, Wu Yan wanted to see Moganna. The crocodile naturally felt that he had other purposes.

"Yes, I just need to see her alone. Why? Do you think the power of the Devil's Legion can't even stop me? Is there any fear?" Nodded his head, Wu Yan emphasized that he was himself Alone, meanwhile, gave the crocodile a grimace.

"Hmm ...", listening to Wu Yan's words, just heading alone, the crocodile lowered his head and thought.

Indeed, what Wu Yan said makes sense. Although his strength is very strong, he can even crush the holy Kaiser, but the battle between him and the holy Kaiser is after all alone.

But if you go to see the queen, even if he wants to do it, and the queen is there, there are so many demon warriors, no matter how strong Wu Yan is, it is impossible to overthrow the entire demon army alone?

However, although Wu Yan's words make sense, the crocodile naturally cannot decide this matter.

So, after a moment of silence, the crocodile said, "I can't give you a reply on this matter. I need to ask the queen to see if she wants to see you."

"Well, please ask, I'll wait." After listening to the crocodile's answer, Wu Yan also nodded and made a gesture, so that the crocodile can ask Moganna to see it now.

"Now !?" Wu Yan's attitude surprised the crocodile.

However, looking at Wu Yan's attitude, the crocodile thought about it and could only continue to inform the queen.

After a while, the communication over Moganna was connected, and at the same time, the violent female voice rang out: "What's going on? Is there anything you can't say to me in one go? You still don't want to let people Go to bed. "

"The queen, it's me. I have something important to tell you ...", I heard that the opposite Moganna was very bad-tempered, and the crocodile shrank her head a little bit, scared her head and put Wu Yan in Next to him, Mo Ganna was told that he wanted to go to the fallen city.

"Oh? Wu Yan, does he want to come to the fallen city? Is he alone?" Hearing was a matter of business, and it was a very important business. Mo Ganna's expected anger subsided a little, slightly. After a moment of silence, he said, "Then let Wu Yan talk."

"Queen Moganna, your name is like a thunderbolt." After receiving the communication, Wu Yan said, this is true. Whether it is Moganna in the game, or Moganna of the Super Theological Seminary, they are very famous. Look like.

"Mr. Wu Yan speaks nicely. I have been a **** for you for a long time." On the other side of the phone, Mo Ganna said with a chuckle when she heard what Wu Yan said to herself.

Because this is the first call and I have never met before, naturally, there is nothing to talk about between Wu Yan and Moganna.

After simply greeting each other, Moganna cut into the subject and said, "I heard that Mr. Wu Yan wants to come to my fallen city as a guest?".

"Yes, I wonder if you welcome me?" Wu Yan nodded.

"That's natural, then you will come together tomorrow. I'm also very interested in Mr. Wu Yan." There wasn't much hesitation. Moganna obviously had already thought out how to reply to Wu Yan and agreed. After that, the communication was hung up.

The queen has said that she wants to go back with Wu Yan herself, so the crocodile is not in a hurry to leave tonight.

After agreeing on the day to leave tomorrow, the crocodile went back to rest, Wu Yan also returned to his room, sat cross-legged, and borrowed the power of the spiritual gem to cultivate.

No words overnight, the next day Wu Yan took a vacation at the Super Theological Seminary, and also said to Xiao Meng, let her wait for herself on the Great Gorge, come and go by herself, and then left the giant with the crocodile. Gorge.

Under the leadership of the crocodile, he easily came to the support of the demon. A lonely mountain in the alien space. The mountain is where Morgana is located. In this fallen city, you can see the existence of countless demon warriors.

For Wu Yan, a completely new human, these demon warriors turned their heads more or less.

Although the crocodile received a lot of blows at the Super Theological College, the strength of the Demon Legion is quite good, and as the existence of Moganna's left and right arm, it follows Wu Yan, these demon warriors Naturally will not come to stop.

Walking in the fallen city, Wu Yan's eyes glanced at these demon warriors, and he was secretly surprised.

The numbers on the crystal measuring device are constantly moving with Wu Yan's eyes. The number of these demon warriors is not only a lot, but their strength is very good. The number of crystal points is generally above 1,000.

There are even a small number of demon warriors whose crystal points can reach more than 3,000.

"Do so many demon warriors belong to the rank of Level 4 Awakener? This power is really strong!" Although for Wu Yan now, 1000 crystal points seems to be nothing, but I have to admit it Yes, the rank of the fourth-level awakeners is quite destructive.

Looking at the number of people in these demon legions, it is difficult to calculate the number, and it is no wonder that Moganna is so confident that she can take down the earth.

"Let's go, Teacher Wu Yan, the queen is inside", took Wu Yan directly to Moganna's main hall, and the crocodile took Wu Yan into it.

The appearance of the demon warrior is the same, only Moganna looks different from those of the demon warrior, so Wu Yan naturally saw her at a glance.

Wearing a pair of black clothes, the clothes were very beautiful, and the pair of black wings on the back seemed to be broken in half. With long hair, Moganna felt beautiful and evil.

"Wu Yan, right? But I saw you myself", watching Wu Yan and the crocodile come over, Moganna greeted him and greeted Wu Yan, looking very enthusiastic.

"Queen Moganna, I have a thunderous ear for your name," Wu Yan reached out and gave Moganna a gentle grip.

On the surface, the atmosphere of the two sides is still very good. If it is not for Moganna to invade the earth and the super theological college where Wu Yan is preparing for war, the enthusiasm of the two of them will make people doubt whether it is Old friend.

"Mr. Wu Yan, before you fought against Kesha's Bichi, I saw that you could make her suffer. I am very happy, hahaha ...".

Moganna's character is not like a woman at all, but it gives people a cool and carefree feeling. When she opened her mouth, she said the fighting between Wu Yan and Kesha on the day, expressing her joy and wishing Wu Yan to put her It's best for Kaiser to hang around fancy.

"After Queen Moganna left the Angel clan, it is really not easy to grow to the current scale." Wu Yan nodded and praised Moganna.

Indeed, when she left the angel tribe, as a fallen angel, she must have been chased and killed by the angel tribe all the way to the present level. The hardships experienced in it are not easy to think about.

"Okay, let's not tout each other. Mr. Wu Yan came to my fallen city alone, what do you want to do? Let's talk straight."

Although Wu Yan's praises were good, Moganna waved her hands and did not want to tout each other anymore, and asked Wu Yan directly.

The crocodile next to him also turned around and looked at Wu Yan with curiosity. Yeah, for no reason, he ran here by himself alone ~ ~ What did he want to do?

"It's not a big deal, it's very interested in the situation of your demon warriors, so can you let me take a good look at it?" Wu Yan didn't talk nonsense about Moganna's inquiries and said directly.

Yes, Wu Yan's purpose in coming to the fallen city is to copy the genetic blood of the demon warrior, even Moganna.

Although these genetic bloodlines may have little effect on himself, if he is handed over to Dr. Kenos, it is believed that adding the bloodlines of the devil will definitely make the monster he cultivated stronger.

As for why not copy the angel family, and Lena's bloodline genes? Originally in Wu Yan's view, with the start of the battle, he had a chance to make a secret copy in the name of healing.

Only this demon legion hasn't appeared for so long. Now that we know the trail of Moganna and the demon legion, Wu Yan naturally came to the door and wanted to copy their blood.

"Check the situation of these demon warriors? How do you want to check? Is it because they are all undressed to dance for you?" Wu Yan's request made Mo Ganna spit in her mouth.

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