Plane Master Copy

Chapter 943: : Speaking of Ultimate Fear

Indeed, the atmosphere seemed a little embarrassing at this time. Wu Yan and Mo Ganna met for the first time, but they were a man and a woman. The point is to shake hands. But from another perspective, say Wu Yan It is reasonable to hold hands with Moganna.

Outside the main hall, many demon warriors come and go, they will glance inside without any trace. Obviously, the queen is holding hands with a man inside, and has never let go. The demon warriors from the outside secretly spread .

Although the behavior of these demon warriors seems to be casual, on the surface, there are dozens of demon warriors coming and going, every time you have to take a look, Moganna is not a fool, how? Don't you know

Even the fallen angel Moganna felt very embarrassed in front of her hands at the moment, so in this embarrassing atmosphere, Moganna felt that she had better find a topic to talk to.

"My identity? Kesha had asked it before," Wu Yan said when she heard Moganna asking about her identity.

"So, how did you answer her?" Moganna asked, hearing Wu Yan's words.

"I didn't answer her," shook his head, and Wu Yan told the truth.

Indeed, she said she came from the universe. A walking justice, Kesha was sure she lied. For her words, Wu Yan neither nodded in recognition nor shook her head to deny, indeed, it was said that she did not answer.

"So now? Are you ready to answer me?" Moganna continued to look at Wu Yan and asked.

"Well, strictly speaking, I'm a traveler. Come to the earth, it's a trip for me." For Moganna's questioning, Wu Yan groaned for a moment and then answered.

"A traveler? Did you come here to travel on earth?" It was never expected that Wu Yan's answer was actually this, which made Moganna very surprised.

"Yes, I did come here for tourism", nodded, Wu Yan replied.

"So, aren't you a human being?", Looking at Wu Yan in surprise, while Mo Ganna's heart suddenly realized.

Since he came to travel on earth, it is clear that Wu Yan is not a person on earth.

At this time, Moganna was also stunned, and she felt strange at first, how could there be such a powerful person on the earth, it turned out that he was not a global person.

"No, I'm a human", but Wu Yan shook her head, but the answer in her mouth made Mo Ganna startled again.

He is a man of the earth, but he said he came to travel on earth? How do you say this? Is it because of the timeline?

Although ridiculous, this seems to be the only explanation ...

"Wu Yan, I ask you a question. Have you heard of the ultimate fear?" After a moment of silence, Mo Ganna asked Wu Yan suddenly.

"Ultimate fear?" Wu Yan raised her brow slightly, and looked at Mo Ganna with amazement in her eyes.

Judging from the original works of Super Theological Seminary, the death **** Karthus and the fallen angel Moganna, just like to hang the so-called ultimate fear in their mouths.

However, Super Theological College Wu Yan has not thoroughly and systematically looked at it from beginning to end, so the so-called ultimate fear is not particularly clear, it just feels like something very powerful.

"Ultimate fear? What is that? Can you tell me?" The two held hands, and the progress bar of copying was still progressing slowly. Anyway, idle was also idle, Wu Yan didn't mind being with Moganna. Have a good chat.

"Well, if you don't know, then I'll explain it to you." Looking at Wu Yan's look, it wasn't like lying at all, but he really didn't know much about the ultimate fear, so Moganna took the so-called The ultimate fear has been explained to Wu Yan.

"Angel civilization has been 100,000 years from the beginning to the present. Over the past 100,000 years, the angel family has always considered itself the oldest and most powerful civilization ..." Moganna began, first Let's start with angel civilization as an entry point.

"Before the angel civilization, we deliberately searched, but we did not find any traces of the existence of the previous civilization. Even the big clock that recorded everything did not have any relevant information. Do you think? Before the angel civilization, no other Is civilization? ".

In the final words, although Wu Yan expressed his doubts, but before Wu Yan answered, Moganna shook her head and asked herself: "Impossible, the history of the birth of the universe is at least 14 billion years, angel civilization Existence is only 100,000 years. On that vast timeline, there must have been many, many brilliant civilizations, even more prosperous than angel civilizations. "

"But why don't we have any information at all? There are no clues? More importantly, how did those civilizations become extinct? So, we call this kind of ultimate fear."

"This is what happened", I have heard so-called ultimate fear many times from the original book, but now, Wu Yan finally understood the ultimate fear.

With 14 billion years of historical events, many civilizations must have been born in the universe. However, all these civilizations have disappeared, and no clues have been left. Then, will the existence of angel civilization be an exception?

If the ultimate fear really comes, will angel civilization, or all civilizations in the universe, also disappear into dust? No clue whatsoever?

After Moganna's explanation, Wu Yan had a better understanding of the so-called ultimate fear, and her heart groaned secretly.

No wonder these people always put the words of ultimate fear in their mouths. If inferred from this perspective, the so-called ultimate fear is indeed a very scary thing, and nothing seems to be able to resist it.

"Why do you look at me like this?", After groaning secretly in his heart, Wu Yan quickly returned, but found that Mo Ganna's eyes were staring at herself seriously, which made Wu Yan slightly surprised.

"You say that you are Earth people, but you also say that you come to Earth to travel. Is anyone coming home to travel? This is totally illogical, so there is only one explanation."

Mo Ganna stared at Wu Yan earnestly, saying: "It is impossible for two earths to appear in space, then there is only time. Do you have to travel through time? Is it from the history or future of the earth?"

With staring eyes at Wu Yan, Moganna asked the suspicion in her heart, and although this suspicion was ridiculous, in Moganna's view, it could be explained.

More importantly, through this explanation, it seems that the dark matter computer cannot detect the origin of Wu Yan. Does this seem to make sense?

"Although it's not hit, but not far away ..." Moganna's guess let Wu Yan's heart secretly marvel.

Indeed, although Moganna did not fully guess her origin, her guess was very close to the facts.

"If you really traveled through time to come to Earth, then you should be from the future, right?" Although Wu Yan did not admit his guess, at this step, Moganna felt that her guess could explain Everything, naturally, has more confidence in their own guesses.

Past or future? After thinking about it for a while, she thinks that Wu Yan's greater possibility comes from the future, because she seems to know herself long ago.

"If I say you guessed wrong, do you believe it?" Wu Yan asked, looking at Moganna's unbelievable confidence in her guess.

"Don't believe, I believe my inference more than your words!", Shaking his head, Mo Ganna expressed her thoughts.

Helplessly sighed, since Moganna did not believe her words at all, it would not make sense to say more.

Seeing Wu Yan silent, she didn't speak, although Mo Ganna still believed her guess, but after thinking about it, Mo Ganna opened her mouth and asked, "Wu Yan, I ask you, do you have the power to control time? You Is it possible to travel through time and space !? Go to the past and future? ".

"I do have the power to manipulate time in a small amount, but it is impossible to shuttle past and future," said Wu Yan, shaking his head, about Moganna.

Borrowing the power of time gems, there is no problem in manipulating time yourself, but to travel through time and space to go to the past and future?

Although he also got Tony Stark's props on the Marvel plane, according to Marvel's original plot, this machine shuttles not just time, but parallel universes.

"Shuttle time and space, is it impossible?", Listening to Wu Yan's words, did not look like a lie at all, Mo Ganna lowered her head and groaned secretly.

If it is really impossible to shuttle time and space, then what is the origin of Wu Yan?

The conversation between the two ~ ~ slowly became quiet, both of them were thinking about their own affairs, time, one minute and one second passed.

A jingling sound interrupted Wu Yan's thoughts. After returning to his mind, Wu Yan's mind was immersed in the computer page, and the blood of the fallen angel was finally copied.

No nonsense, Wu Yan followed to copy the skills of the Dark Shield to his D drive.

The Dark Shield has a small capacity. It can be copied in just a few minutes, naturally and quickly.

"Wu Yan, how long will it take you to impart my abilities?" Perhaps it was because the two kept holding hands like this, and Moganna also felt a little uncomfortable, urging Wu Yan to ask.

"Don't worry, it's fast, probably ten minutes or less," Wu Yan replied to Mogana's urging.

After talking for a few minutes, Dark Shield's skills and copying were completed.

Wu Yan then copied his kicking skills from his D disk and pasted it into the D disk of Moganna ...

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