Plane Master Copy

Chapter 947: : Tentative

Kansas! ?

Hearing this name, Wu Yan moved in his heart. As one of the most important BOSS in the Super Theological Seminary, Wu Yan is certainly no stranger to what is known as the Death God.

Moreover, according to the settings in the original book, at the beginning, the Super Theological Seminary was not on the earth, and when the angel civilization was founded, was Kansas still the mentor of the Super Theological Seminary? And came to the Super Theological College on earth to apply for a teacher?

"Yes, a guy who looks very young. I really don't know what General Dukao is doing and why he should be a teacher." He nodded, and said Ge Xiaolun was very upset.

"Well, a few of you can go back, I'll take a look," Wu Yan said secretly after a moment of groaning in his heart.

Taking a step forward, he walked towards the place where General Dukao was.

Kansas will come to apply for a teacher at the Super Theological Seminary. This has not appeared in the original work. I want to come to the butterfly effect caused by his appearance. However, I do n’t know what the purpose of Kansas is?

With curiosity in his heart, Wu Yan went directly to the office where General Dukao was located.

Seeing Wu Yan's arrival, General Dukao naturally invited him to sit down enthusiastically, but in Dukao's office, there was another young Wuyan who was relatively unfamiliar.

This young man, who looks like he is about twenty years old, is indeed very young. He wears casual clothes, cuts his hair, and looks very handsome.

As Wu Yan walked in, his eyes fell on Wu Yan.


The young man was looking at himself. Naturally, Wu Yan's gaze fell on him, and with Wu Yan's sight, the numbers on the crystal measuring instrument also beating.

Immediately, a high figure was displayed in front of Wu Yan: 31500!

"The number of crystal points in the early 30,000 is about the same as that of the sacred Kesha". Looking at the numbers emerging from the crystal measuring device, Wu Yan was secretly surprised.

In the Super Theological Academy, there are only a handful of powerful people who can compare with the Holy Kaiser. Therefore, the identity of the young man in front of him is naturally expressed. It is precisely the supernatural plane called Karthus, the **** of death.

"Teacher Wu Yan, haha, you came just right ...".

After greeting Wu Yan to sit down, Dukao followed the opening and introduced each other: "This is Karthus, and you are as young as Teacher Wu Yan. In the same way, he is just like you and you have come to the Super Theological Seminary. As teachers, my abilities are very good. You two should have a common topic. "

Yes, from Dukao's point of view, Wu Yan and Karsas do have a lot in common.

For example, both of them are very young. For example, they both volunteered to be teachers of the Super Theological Seminary, and for example, their strength was unfathomable.

"Mr. Wu Yan, right? It's been a long time." Karthus looked calm and stretched out his hand, but his eyes fell on Wu Yan, staring at Wu Yan seriously, as if he wanted to see something completely different from him. Something came out.

"Well, Teacher Kansas, you are welcome to join", nodding slightly, Wu Yan also reached out, shook with Kansas, and said hello.

"Yes, Teacher Wu Yan!", After gently shaking hands, Karthus closed his hands without a trace, looking at Wu Yan with a curious look, and said, "I think you look a bit like Familiar, have we met? "

"No!", Wen Yan, shook his head decisively.

Although from the original work of the Super Theological Seminary, he recognized the existence of Kansas, but this was his first meeting with Kansas, Wu Yan was very sure.

"Oh, haven't you met? Maybe I remember it wrongly," said Nod slightly, and Karthus said casually, as if it was just a casual word.

Next, Wu Yan, Kansas, and Dukao all talked briefly about the current situation of the Super Theological Seminary.

In the meantime, General Dukao mentioned that the Demon Legion would come to earth at any time, and it made Karthus spend more time on teaching students.

"Well, since I have become a teacher of the Super Theological Seminary, I will of course try my best to teach them". Hearing General Dukao's instructions, Karthus nodded seriously.

However, at that point, he looked at Dukao curiously again, and said, "General, you just said that the Demon Legion is coming to the earth? Where did you get this news?".

"Teacher Wu Yan reminded us," and there was nothing to say. General Dukao confessed to the inquiry from Karthus.

"Oh? Teacher Wu Yan, where did you know the news of the Demon Legion? And it was concluded that they were about to invade the earth?" After General Dukaw's answer, Karthus asked Wu Yan again. .

"Oh? A magical and special ability? The method of calculation can predict the past and the future." Regarding the inquiry of Karlsas, Wu Yan hesitated a bit, and habitually summarized this problem into the ability to calculate.

After all, since walking around the world, for so many years, things pretending to be magic sticks have long been familiar with them.

"It turned out that I didn't expect Teacher Wu Yan to have such ability. It was a magical method." For Wu Yan, Kansas nodded slightly, with an admiration on his face.

"That's the truth."

General Dukao next stepped in at this time and nodded and said, "Teacher Wu Yan's ability is not only powerful, but more importantly, his diverse ability. Until now, no one seems to be able to identify Teacher Wu Yan In the face of how many types of abilities, he is also proficient in calculation skills, I seem to have been surprised. "

After a few simple gossips, everyone was familiar with it. Karthus said that he still had to formally meet with the students of the college and needed to prepare in advance, so he left.

After Kansas left, Wu Yan and Dukao simply chatted a few words, and then got up and left.

After leaving Dukao's office, Wu Yan was walking on the way back, thinking secretly about the situation in Kansas.

Just after a conversation, I don't know if he was delusional. Wu Yan felt that Kansas seemed interested in himself.

Even when chatting, is he or she inquiring about his situation, is it an illusion?

Also, just when chatting, Wu Yan also secretly paid attention to the remarks of Kansas, trying to infer his purpose of coming to the seminary.

However, after thinking about it, there didn't seem to be any noteworthy intelligence information.

Wu Yan shook his head secretly. It seems that, based on his own wisdom, it is impossible to reason about the purpose of Karthus' coming to the Super Theological Seminary.

However, the wisdom of oneself does not mean that the wisdom of others does not work!

Although at the time of infinite horror, the contact with Chu Xuan was not long, and the understanding was not particularly deep, but the power of unlocking the third order of gene lock can simulate Chu Xuan's thinking mode to a certain extent. owned.

Although it may only be similar to five or six points, it is much clearer than thinking about the problem yourself.

Just do it when you think about it, take a deep breath, Wu Yan instantly turns on the third-order power of gene lock, his eyes become blank, thinking about the relevant information of Chu Xuan in his mind, and then simulate himself to be Chu Xuan. Thinking mode to think about problems.

Recall every word that Kansas said, even the expression when speaking, and the physical movements.

I have to say that the same thing, what different people see, what they see is really completely different.

Wu Yan recalled what he said about Kansas before, but he couldn't see anything, but now, with the third level of gene lock turned on, he can recall it again, Wu Yan has a completely different view.

Earlier, Karthus said he seemed to have seen himself and asked if he felt the same. Has he ever seen him? It seems to be just a very ordinary conversation.

However, judging from Chu Xuan's thinking mode, he said this sentence at the time, certainly with a potential purpose.

His answer at that time was that he had never seen him!

Looking back at the moment, Wu Yan felt that his answer was wrong at that time, or it should be said that he was right in the arms of Kansas.

If it is really two people you do n’t know, logically, it should be recalled, and then answer in uncertain tone that you have no impression.

But at the time, he answered with a firm look. Doesn't this prove that he recognizes him, otherwise, how can he be so sure that he hasn't seen him before?

It seemed that Kansas had casually asked ~ ~ for this purpose, but he fell into his language trap.

"It's weird. When he first met, he was testing me. Did I know him?" Wu Yan reached out and pushed the glasses that didn't exist on the bridge of his nose, and the glasses were slightly squinted.

"This also proves side by side that, before this meeting, Karthus also knew me? Otherwise, why did he test me?"

Then, the question comes again. Before the first meeting, I knew Kansas because of the original work of the Super Theological Seminary. Why did Kansas know himself?

Combining the original plot of the Super Theological Seminary and the current situation, I thought about it. Soon, Wu Yan understood it. It should be that he knew his news from Moganna, right?

"Interesting ...", the interlocking reasoning made Wu Yan's mind clearer and clearer. Slowly, Wu Yan also understood the purpose of Kansas.

"It seems that Kansas and Mogana have been in contact, so did you come to the Theological Seminary for me?"

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