Plane Master Copy

Chapter 953: : Weapons not in the original

The terrible power spewed out directly from Carl's machine, and instantly swept through Kasha's body. Under this terrible power, Kasha's body almost turned into a molecular structure and instantly dissipated invisible.

"This, this ...", everyone in the angel clan looked at the slain Kesha, gazing at each other, and no one expected that the development of things would suddenly become this way.

Holy Lord Keisha, without any warning, was wiped out in the blink of an eye. This seems to be a force that has been prepared for a long time, right?

"Why, I have an illusion, not that we are sneaking on the Demon Legion, but that they have arranged a trap waiting for us?" Looking at the sacred Kesha's body into an endless molecular structure, Angel Yan next to him looked ugly, Shen Sheng said.

"It seems something is wrong ...", as Holy Kaisa was actually killed, the people next to the Super Theological Seminary were startled.

Holy Kaisa's power has just been revealed, and everyone has witnessed it. Is this demon legion so powerful?

"This is also a bit wrong. There doesn't seem to be such a thing in the original book." Looking at the huge machine prepared in Karl's hand, Wu Yan's brows also frowned tightly, and his heart groaned secretly.

Although Kesha in the original book is also dead, isn't it like this?

"...", not to mention the shocking minds of the people at the Super Seminary, nor the shock and anger of the angels next to them. At this time, Moganna looked at Keisha. Where it completely disappeared, silent.

Although the two sisters, Kesha and Moganna, have already turned against each other, they ca n’t wait for the other to be fast, but when this scene really appears and sees Kesha dead, Moganna still feels very complicated.

happy? Maybe there are, but there are only a few of them.

"It seems that the method we prepared is very good. It was originally used to prepare this force to deal with Wu Yan. It is also good to use Kesha to try the water first." Carr held a huge machine in his hands, his eyes fell on Mo Ganna said.

Since meeting with Wu Yan and seeing the power of Wu Yan, Moganna and Karl have discussed how to deal with Wu Yan, and there is only one chance.

Otherwise, if he escaped, it would be difficult for Bao Yan to use the means of shuttle time and space to turn his head to ambush himself.

However, I didn't expect that the side had just made preliminary preparations and hadn't started to capture Wu Yan. The people of the Super Theological Seminary and the soldiers of the angel clan sneaked into the fallen city. Carl took the opportunity to hide and debug the machine in secret.

While Kesha wasn't paying attention, he started the machine and imprisoned him for a moment, and then she was successfully killed.

Keisha's death, even though the angels' fighters were filled with indignation, but also, the morale of the angels was also a great blow.

Without the sacred Caesar as the head, these angelic warriors have a feeling of being deityless.

"It's great. Their strength is really terrible ..." Beside, the crowds of the Super Theological Seminary gathered together, Zhao Xin looked at Moganna and Karl and said in surprise.

The sudden killing of Holy Kaisa is indeed a big blow for everyone.

"However, our next goal is Wu Yan!" Although it was indeed a very good achievement to be able to kill Divine Kesha, Carl's mind was calm and his eyes fell on Wu Yan.

He is the one who needs the most attention. He has the ability to travel through time and space. If he escapes, the consequences will be unexpected.

"Well, that's true ..." With Carl's words, Mo Ganna nodded and stared at Wu Yan seriously.

Both Moganna and Karl understand Wu Yan's capabilities, so they also know that Wu Yan is the top priority. After all, the purpose of this machine research is also to deal with Wu Yan.

"So, did these two guys hide and secretly used the tuberculosis of technology and technology to make something special for me?" Wu Yan put his hand on Lena's wrist, clutching her, the computer The copy progress bar of the page is about to be completed, and Wu Yan's mind has become a little dignified.

Moganna and Karl are both gangsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and their strength is not weak. The main thing is that the plane of the Super Theological College already has a lot of black technology methods, specifically to deal with itself, combining ability and technology Developed a machine specifically to deal with yourself?

Wu Yan did not dare to underestimate such a machine that has not appeared in the original work.

What's more, Kaisha was killed by this machine just now, which shows the extraordinaryness of this machine.

Moganna quickly packed up her emotions and fell on Wu Yan's body. She had previously suffered a loss under Wu Yan's hands. Now, she felt it was time to avenge her revenge.

As soon as the palm was lifted, the dark power surged, and then, a black wave of energy, following Moganna's action, was thrown directly towards Wu Yan, very fast.

The dark power of high-density compression looks the size of a basketball, but it's terrible black, as if even the light can absorb it.

Watching this dark energy smashing towards himself, Wu Yan's heart suddenly remembered Mo Qanna's Q skill in the game, but it had the effect of imprisoned control.

The prototype of this Moganna is the fallen angel Moganna in the League of Legends game. Therefore, Wu Yan dare not bet on whether this black energy ball also has a special control effect. Escaped.

However, after this dark energy ball passed by Wu Yan's side, it did not disappear. Instead, it stopped in the air quickly, and then, as if with eyes, it was moving toward Wu again. Rock over here.

"This is completely Lai Pi, isn't it even in the game!" After watching this black energy group hiding, he actually came back like eyes, Wu Yan secretly vomited.

However, Wu Yan also knows that although the plane of the Super Theological Academy has a lot in common with the League of Legends game, the difference between the game and the real world is not small.

For example, Ge Xiaolun's silence skills. Galen in the game is a melee attack. He can only act when he hits the opponent. But in the real world? Just point at the other person at a long distance and shout, can it be the same?

Wu Yan flashed a few times again, and each time he was evaded, this dark energy group would automatically follow Wu Yan like a navigation.

This made Wu Yan understand that it would be impossible for him to hide if he simply evaded.

Since you can't avoid it, you don't have to dodge. Take a deep breath. Wu Yan's palm is lifted, and the Qing Emperor sword appears in his hand. Then, Wu Yan cuts down with one sword.

A fierce slash followed Wu Yan's movements, fiercely chopping on the dark energy group.

However, after Wu Yan ’s choppy strike touched the black energy group, even a mountain can chop it, but it was slowly corroded by this dark energy group, and finally, dissipated In the invisible.

"Is this attack so terrible?" Even his slash can corrode, which makes Wu Yan's eyebrows jump wildly.

If such an attack falls on yourself, even the physique of your own protoss, it must be difficult to resist?

While Wu Yan was being chased by Moganna's Dark Energy Corps, Karl next to him followed, and a huge machine was launched against Wu Yan.

In a short time, Wu Yan's body was immobilized and immovable. Even if a layer of dark shield appeared on his body, it was completely useless.

"Sure enough? The power of this machine, the effect of restraining the shield of darkness !?", feeling that his body was trapped and difficult to move, Wu Yan sighed in his heart.

Her dark shield was copied from Moganna. She also knew that she had this ability, so it makes sense for the machine to make the dark shield.

In addition, Holy Kaisa also has the ability to invade the world. All the damage and control abilities have almost no effect, but they are also confined by the machine, even killed, and turned into a molecular structure.

After Wu Yan's body was imprisoned, Carl's machine aimed at Wu Yan again, and at the same time, thick and terrible forces gathered.


Seeing that Wu Yan's body was imprisoned and unable to move, Xiao Meng next to him would not stand idly by, amethyst staff waving in his hand, and the snowstorm swept directly towards Karl and Moganna.

"The power is good, but to stop us, it is even worse!".

Feeling the power erupted by Xiao Meng ~ ~ Moganna stepped forward a few steps, the dark power surged and pressed towards Xiao Meng's side.

White snow and black waves seem to make the world black and white, suppressing and erupting each other, but it seems that no one can help each other.

Xiao Meng's strength is very strong, but in terms of the number of crystal points, it is far worse than Moganna. Fortunately, with the increase of Amethyst Staff, she can fight with Moganna.

Not to mention what happened to the battle between Moganna and Xiaomeng next to him. Here, Wu Yan looked at Carl's machine and aimed himself. Although he knew that Carl would not kill himself, it should be to capture himself. However, Wu Yan did not want to know the consequences of the power of that machine.

Taking a deep breath, since you are trapped, you don't need to do anything.

Wuyan's eyes were slightly coagulated, and instantly turned into lavender reincarnation.

With the appearance of the reincarnation eye, a white smoke flashed behind Wu Yan, and then a figure with a huge one-eyed reincarnation staring in front of him appeared behind Wu Yan, and it was Poros.

Poros has twice as many crystal points as Wu Yan!

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