Plane Master Copy

Chapter 964: : Sitting Well Watching Sky

"Two people, the poor way through this place, I wonder if I can ask for a bowl of water to drink?" The old man looked like he was about forty or fifty years old, gave a salute in front of Wu Yan and said.

"Oh, drink water? No problem." Listening to this old man came to ask for water, Wu Yan nodded and said, got up and went back to the room, and brought a bowl of water.

Wu Yan walked back to the house. The old man's gaze glanced at Xiao Meng next to him, and he couldn't help sighing: a good-looking woman.

Yes, I have received the help of Buddha, such as Buddha, to improve my physique, and have trained the magical ability of Moon Eater for so long. Although I only live here with Wu Yan, and I wear coarse sackcloth, but I have a dusty and refined temperament Can't hide it completely.

"Hi this girl, how do you call it?", Taoist eyes fell on Xiao Meng's body, and looked like Yan Yuese.

However, for this person, Xiao Meng just sat quietly and didn't bother. Although she talked about the world, she was cold.

"Girl, how can I change a trick for you?" Seeing Xiaomeng's frosty appearance and not talking well, the Taoist suddenly said with a smile.

While talking, the palm of his hand was lifted, and suddenly a flame flashed in his hand. It was extremely gorgeous. After the flame had dissipated, Taoist held a fiery red flower in his hand and delivered it to Xiaomeng: "This flower , For the girl. "

Xiao Meng turned her head, glanced at the other side, looked at the flowers in the other's hands, shook her head, and said, "Your flowers are not good-looking. I still like my own."

In a word, Xiao Meng also raised her hand. In the void, a snowstorm appeared out of thin air and gathered in her palms.

But for a moment, it turned into a lotus condensed with snow and ice. Although not delicate, it gave a holy feeling.

"You, you can also do tricks !?" Looking at the snow lotus that appeared in Xiao Meng's hands, the Taoist's face could not help but change, and looked at Xiao Meng in surprise.

Alchemy is no more, but claiming to be a master of using alchemy, he can't see how the snow lotus of the other party has changed.

The main thing is that this weather, not winter, how can there be snow and ice? How did she do it?

"Lord, the water is here." At this time, Wu Yan came out with a bowl of water and sent it to the Taoist.

"Thank you ...", he gave a deep glance at the snow lotus in Xiaomeng's hands. The priest thanked Wu Yan with respect and respect. He touched Wu Yan's bowl with both hands, drank the clear water, and turned away.

"By the way, Dao, meeting is a destiny. You have n’t asked the Dao how to call him?" Looking at the Taoist who turned away, Wu Yan asked.

As Wu Yan's eyes fell on this Taoist priest, the number on the crystal measuring device also showed that he had 60 crystal points.

At this level, the strength of this crystal point is obviously not weak.

"The poor road is magical, there will be a period later." He heard Wu Yan inquiring about his road number. The priest turned around and answered. After leaving this sentence, he quickly went away and entered Changan City.

"Is he Xuan Tian? A poor guy ..." After hearing the name of Wu Tian, ​​Wu Yan murmured secretly in his heart.

Speaking of which, possessing this number of crystal points, the magical ability of the sky is still okay, but compared to the Feng Mozu, the ability is much worse, and it is still unknown how to become a chess piece of the Feng Mozu. It is easy in the original book. Was killed by the Sealed Demons.

However, for Wu Yan, what does this have to do with himself? He happened to pass by here and asked for a bowl of water to drink. This was just a matter of convenience, and there was no friendship.

Wu Yan didn't intervene in all these thoughts. However, from the perspective of Phantom's entry into Chang'an City, the plot of these four heavenly kings seems to have begun. The Queen of Heaven should have Yu Chizhenjin summon these alchemists to get things done.

However, Wu Yan may feel that all of this has nothing to do with himself, and he is too lazy to intervene, but it did n’t take long for Changtian to enter Changan City. Suddenly, one person and one horse came to the door of Wuyan's house. gold.

"Mr. Wu Yan, don't come here without any worries," jumped down from the high head and immediately, Wei Chizhenjin greeted Wu Yan and said voluntarily.

"Master Yu Chi, are you here to catch me back?", Taking a look at Yu Chi Zhenjin, Wu Yan said calmly, without the slightest surprise, apparently for Yu Chi Zhenjin to find himself, and Not surprisingly.

"Mr. Wu Yan joked. With your alchemy, I can't crack it, and naturally I can't catch you. Moreover, depending on your expression, I'm not surprised by my appearance. I want to know that Jin Wuwei took control of you. Where is it? ", Chi Chin-jin walked aside, pulled a chair and sat down, asking Wu Yan.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, what's the matter, let's talk straight."

The two sides can only be regarded as acquaintances, and far from being close friends. Therefore, Wu Yan didn't mean to chat with him. After greeting, he went directly to the subject.

"It's like this. The queen of the sky has a purpose. Let me summon the masters of the art of the sky. It's very useful. The alchemy of my husband makes me fresh. So I came to ask if I want to make a mountain?" Yu Chi Zhenjin didn't mean to turn around and talked about it directly.

"Let me out of the mountain?" In this case, it made Wu Yan smile a little, chuckled, and looked at Yu Chizhenjin, saying, "Aren't you afraid I'm not good for Her Majesty and Houhou?".

"Mr. Wu Yan, your alchemy is amazing. If you really want to be detrimental to your Majesty and the Queen of Heaven, who can stop you? But these days, you are here to stay here without any fuss. "I do believe some of what you said that day. You said that it was a coincidence and not the original intention when you arrived at the palace that day." Wei Chizheng looked at Wu Yan and said.

"Well, although your analysis makes sense, but you are wrong in one point," Wu Yan shook his head and said about Wei Chijin's words.

"Wrong? What's wrong?" Wei Chizhen Jin looked at Wu Yan in surprise, for no reason.

"I went to the palace that day. It was really not my intention. I was not malicious to the emperor and the empress. These are facts, but what I did was not alchemy. This was wrong." Shaking his head, Wu Yanzui Lee corrected.

"Not alchemy? What is that?" Wei Chizheng looked at Wu Yan in amazement and felt more inexplicable.

As far as I know, only the alchemist can do this.

"If I want to explain, it is difficult for you to understand. Simple explanations are all tricks. They are illusory things, and what I do is not illusory but real." For Yu Chizheng's Surprised, Wu Yan briefly introduced.

"It's real, not imaginary? It's impossible, is it possible that you can't be immortal?" After listening to Wu Yan's words, Yu Chizhenjin stood up and said in surprise.

Although Wu Yan was amazed by the space capabilities of that day, and even couldn't figure out how Wu Yan did it, from the perspective of Yu Chizheng, it was just a more advanced alchemy.

But today Wu Yan said that it was not alchemy, but fact, which made Wei Chi Jinjin unacceptable.

It ’s like a magician in the real world. No matter how amazing the magic is, even if he ca n’t crack the mystery of magic, he still thinks that it is just a very deep magic, but he does n’t take it as real. Spell.

"Fairy? In your understanding, I can indeed be regarded as a fairy", Wei Chizheng's words made Wu Yan nodded slightly.

At the time of the return of the Great Holy One, the number of crystal points of Sun Wukong was only about 20,000. It is indeed not an exaggeration to say that he is a fairy by his current means.

"Hahaha, fairy ...", listening to Wu Yan's answer, Yu Chizhen Jin laughed and shook his head at the same time, and said, "Before you come here, I think Mr. Wu Yan is an extraordinary person. However, I did not expect that after a conversation, you were disappointed. You are also a nonsense person who pretends to be a gui. "

"How? You don't believe me?" Wu Yan didn't look angry at Wei Chijin's words, just looked at him calmly and asked.

"Believe it or not, but for the time being, but as far as I know, all the people who think of themselves as immortals have been deceiving the world," shook his head, and Wei Chijin said seriously.

"Well, what you said has some truth. A frog stays in the well, and the sky it can see when it looks up is only the size of the wellhead, but there is no way to do it." Nodding slightly, Wu Yan did not Arguing with him.

From Wei Chijin's perspective ~ ~ It is not strange that he will have such recognition and persistence.

"Are you saying that I sit in a well to watch the sky? Do you say that the sky and earth I see are only the size of the wellhead? Then, sir, how big is the sky and earth you see?" Wei Chijin's face was not good-looking, serious Staring at Wu Yan asked.

Sitting on a well and watching the sky, the word is obviously full of irony. Wei Chizhenjin's anger is also common sense. If it wasn't for Wu Yan's alchemy, he might have started it directly.

"The frog sitting in the well, everything it knows is in the well, and suddenly jumps out of the well, seeing the outside scene, and then let it return to live in the well, it will look out of place, right? I advise you Good question, "shook his head, Wu Yan said.

"So? You guys, when you can't do that, you like to use this method to hide yourself, right?" Wei Chijin shook his head.

"Also, if you want to see it, then I'll take you to see it, I hope you don't regret it ...".

After listening to Wei Chijin's words, Wu Yan suddenly became interested, and thought that letting him see the vastness of the universe, the mystery of time and space, seemed quite interesting?

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