Plane Master Copy

Chapter 966: : The Will of the Emperor

Chang'an City, Ye, Yu Chi House.

"My lord, I have eaten." Wei Chizhen Jinpeng looked unkempt, sitting quietly at the desk, holding a large brush in his hand and drawing, and a Jin Wuwei walked over to bring some food to Wei Chizhen.

I glanced at the pleasing painting made by Captain Chi Zhenjin, and couldn't understand it. There were a few big **** and some messy stones.

"Well, you can stay by the side." Wei Chizheng's appearance completely did not see the appearance of Qi Yuxuanang as the leader of Jin Wuwei, and he said without raising his head, still painting.

"Sir, what are you painting? A few round ones, are they buns?" After watching Wei Chijin's calm look, the Jin Wuwei hesitated slightly and asked.

"Lord, I ask you something." Hearing Jin Wuwei's words, Wei Chizhenjin slowly put down the pen in his hand, then turned his head, his eyes fell on the opposite body, saying: " If I tell you, the land we live in is actually a huge ball, do you think it is possible? ".

"Sir, you're here again. This is totally nonsense. If that's the case, haven't all the people beside and under the ball fallen?" Hearing Wei Chijin's words, this Jinwuwei was somewhat Helplessly shook his head and said.

During the conversation, I sighed again and said, "Sir, everyone else says that you are sick, but we all know that you are not sick, but these words you say are too incredible. If you continue to do so, you have to I have been locked up here, and our position as leader of Jin Wuwei does not know if it will be replaced. "

"Hey, is anyone in there? The old man came to the door and didn't treat him well?"

Without waiting for Wei Chijin to answer, suddenly, the door was knocked, and at the same time, a sound sounded outside the door.

"Huh? What's this voice? Lord Di?" He could hear the voice outside, and said in surprise to the eyes of the Pharaoh beside him.

"Old Di? Come in quickly!" Wei Chi Zhenjin naturally recognized Di Renjie's voice and said enthusiastically.

It is not just the friendship between the two, but also the wisdom of Di Renjie, which is extraordinary, and can't tell him clearly if he can't say clearly to others.

"My lord, I'll go first". As Di Renjie pushed in the door, Jin Wuwei, named Pharaoh, said goodbye. But just passing by, he said to Di Renjie in a low voice: "Master, it's up to you."

Di Renjie didn't say much, and patted him on the shoulder, expressing understanding.

Immediately, the Pharaoh left the room.

Although His Majesty placed Yu Chizhenjin under house arrest and did not even allow anyone to visit him, Di Renjie was different from other people, and he was an ambassador of Kang Long, who could go up and down, and go down to court. Opened one eye and closed.

"Wow, I haven't seen you for a while. How did you make yourself look like this? It seems you have encountered something extraordinary." Although Di Renjie was dignified, he couldn't see it on the surface. For Wei Chizhen Kim's unkempt look had a mood to joke about.

"Old Di, sit!", When it was unusual, he was teased by Di Renjie. Yu Chizhenjin would never show weakness, and he had already refuted, but this time, Wei Chizhenjin didn't say anything, just greeted Di Renjie.

This made Di Renjie's heart secretly surprised. Sure enough, Wei Chizhen's change was not small.

"Well, there are only two of us here, Wei Chi. What happened to you? Tell me to listen to it?" After sitting down, Di Renjie picked up Wei Chi Zhenjin's painting and asked him.

"Old Di, let me ask you, do you believe that there are gods in this world?", And did not rush to answer Di Renjie's words, but Wei Chizhenjin raised his own question to Di Renjie instead.

Wei Chizheng's words made Di Renjie hold back.

However, he also knew Yu Chizhenjin, so he didn't rush to deny it, but after a moment of silence, he asked, "Yu Chi, have you seen the immortal?"

"I don't know if he is a god, but the means he possesses are completely different from those of gods." For Di Renjie's words, thinking of what he saw and heard at Wu Yan, Wei Chizheng still felt very shocked.

Perhaps a scene overlooking the entire earth, so that he will never forget it in his life.

"Are you talking about Wu Yan?" Seeing Wei Chijin's appearance, Di Renjie hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Yes, it's him, why? Lao Di, have you checked him?" After nodding his head, Wei Chi Zhenjin stared at Di Renjie seriously again.

"You have become like this, I should investigate the reason for the public and private, right? Naturally, I know Wu Yan," replied Di Renjie as a matter of course.

In this case, Wei Chizhenjin nodded slightly and did not refute, but Wei Chizhenjin stared at Di Renjie seriously and said, "In any case, I advise you not to do anything with Wu Yan. His means are far beyond The range that we mortals can understand. "

"Well, I have said so much, Wei Chi, what did he show you? It turned you into this look", the words came to an end, Di Renjie didn't mean to knock side by side, staring at Wei Chizhen seriously. Jin asked the topic.

"No, I can't tell you", but for Di Renjie's inquiry, Wei Chizhenjin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, and didn't tell Di Renjie what it meant.

The original captain Chi Zhenjin wanted to tell Di Renjie everything to make him believe in himself, but now he changed his mind.

Before that, Wei Chijin also felt that he was ready to accept all the truth, but now he has some regrets, because knowing these truths does not help his life in the slightest, but instead causes his own life. Great trouble.

Therefore, in the face of Di Renjie's inquiry, Wei Chizheng didn't tell him what he meant.

"Yu Chi, can't you believe me?" Unexpectedly, Yu Chizhenjin would refuse, Di Renjie frowned and looked at him in surprise.

"Because I can trust you, I don't want to tell you, Lao Di, believe me. What I see is not good for you. Don't go to Wuyan to investigate and promise me." Wei Chijin Staring at Di Renjie seriously, he said.

Looking deeply at Yu Chizhenjin, his attitude surprised Di Renjie, and at the same time, his heart became more and more curious. What did he see? How could he make him look like this?

"Okay, I see. I promise you." In the same way, Di Renjie naturally trusts Yu Chizhenjin. After giving him a deep look, he nodded heavily and agreed.

"That's good ..." Seeing that Di Renjie promised to come down, Wei Chi Zhenjin was relieved.

However, it seemed to remember something, and said to Di Renjie seriously: "Yes, I have one more thing to tell you. The queen ordered me to summon masters of alchemy in various factions to organize aliens. I want to take Kang Longyu from you. You can be careful".

"I do n’t know if it ’s a blessing or a curse on my illness. Fortunately, hiding in this mansion is quiet, so I do n’t have to go outside to fight any more." Thinking of Tian Hou ordering himself to deal with Di Renjie, now that he is at home, he does n’t It's a shot, it seems good?

"I think your change is really quite big," Wei Chizheng said, letting Di Renjie say with emotion.

In his mind, Yu Chijin is a person who is very keen on the power in his hands, otherwise he will not become the celebrity in front of the emperor and the Queen of Heaven, but now he is willing to give up the power in his hands and shrink to this?

Regarding Di Renjie's emotions, Wei Chizheng just smiled and didn't say much.

After seeing countless meteorites in the universe, after seeing the earth, and after seeing the sun, Yu Chizhenjin deeply felt the smallness of mankind, as if even smaller than the ants. The so-called world at first was indeed the world in the well. Generally, it's trivial.

"Well, I will pay attention to the things you say, and take care of yourself", after sneaking into Yu Chi's house, and talking for a while, Di Renjie didn't want to stay much any more and left.

During this conversation with Yu Chizhengjin, Di Renjie was sure that he was not sick and had a clear mind.

However, he seemed to see something far beyond common sense, which made Di Renjie's mind very curious. What could make him like this?

However, at the point of Di Renjie, he deeply understood that sometimes it is necessary to control his curiosity alone ~ ~ He also trusts Yu Chizhenjin, since he said Don't ask yourself to investigate, you want to come for your own good.

However, in these days, although Wei Chizheng was hiding at home and was under house arrest, he couldn't go out. However, it was impossible for the Empress Dowager in the palace to stop his actions because of a subordinate.

Wei Chizhen was ill, but the few alchemists he invited had naturally learned of their news. Immediately, people brought these alchemists to come and see the means of seeing them with their own eyes.

However, Tianhou called a group of masters of alchemy on the other side. On the other side, the emperor also acted to let his close friends come to Wuyan except Chang'an City.

The Emperor also felt a little curious about Wu Yan.

Although Wei Chizheng's words, the emperor did not believe so easily, but in the same way, he did not immediately express his veto. In addition, the former Wei Chizhengjin reported it, saying that Wu Yan can enter and leave the palace at will, and no one can stop Therefore, the emperor felt that he should meet these strange people in person.

If it were true, then it would be better, but if it was just a fool, then he would have broken his mask.

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