Plane Master Copy

Chapter 986: : Do you also want to jump out of the bottom of the well?

Di Renjie stared at Wu Yan with curiosity and asked. He was very familiar with Yu Chijin, but it was because of this understanding that he was even more surprised by Yu Chijin's choice.

This also made Di Renjie's heart very curious. What happened? Or what exactly did Yu Chizheng see here? Will he make such a huge change?

As the saying goes, if you are not greedy for small gains, you must have great plans.

The former Yu Chijin paid great attention to the power in his hands, but now he regards the power in his hands as dung.

Well, there must be something that he believes is far above power, and it is worth pursuing him.

"Please use", watching Di Renjie staring at him with burning eyes, Wu Yan looked calm, raised his hand gently, made a gesture of please, and did not rush to answer Di Renjie's words.

After listening to Wu Yan's words, Di Renjie looked at the Coke on the table, grabbed it, and didn't rush to drink it, just looked down and felt a little surprised. The other cups are completely different.

Put Coke on the tip of the nose and sniffed lightly. There is no clear fragrance of tea. On the contrary, it has a weird and sweet smell. Is this the tea that the gods drink?

With a little hesitation, Di Renjie put his mouth up, took a sip, and for a while, a strange smell seemed to burst in his mouth.

The taste was sweet, but very strange. As the cola was swallowed, a snoring could not help but a spit of nitrogen.

"How? Old Di?" Sha Tuozhong, who was holding a can of Coke, opened his eyes wide and stared curiously at Di Renjie.

"Well, how do you say? The taste is a bit strange, unlike anything we usually drink, but it is very delicious", couldn't help but pick up Coke and take another sip, Di Renjie replied.

Taking another sip, I felt countless bubbles bursting in my mouth. This feeling gave people a feeling of physical and mental pleasure?

"Mr. Wu Yan, how do you call this tea?", Smashing his lips, Di Renjie asked Wu Yan curiously.

"This is not tea, it's called Cola, it's a strange drink in our hometown," Wu Yan said with a smile.

"Coke? It's a strange name. Will it make people happy after drinking it?" Hearing Coke's name, and not tea, made Di Renjie feel strange.

Are these strange jars and drinks that have never been heard before unique to Fairyland?

"Well, Lao Di, this thing called Kuo Luo is really delicious, eh ...", heard Di Renjie say it was delicious, and Sha Tuozhong took a big sip of curiosity and took a snoring. Very comfortable.

"Coke, naturally it is something that makes people feel happy after drinking it. In our case, does the cola's alias Fat House Happy Water have a bad name?", Listening to the words of Di Renjie and Sha Tuozhong, Wu Yan secretly Smile.

Drinking cola and chatting, the atmosphere was quite harmonious for a while.

Of course, Di Renjie will not forget the purpose of his trip. After talking about the same, Di Renjie's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, waiting for his answer.

Although he had promised Wei Chi Jinjin not to seek Wu Yan for inquiry, Di Renjie couldn't help coming after some thought and struggle.

"Once upon a time, Wei Chijin came to me, and I asked him a question." After talking about the topic, Wu Yan's face also became more serious, and he glanced at the two of them.

Di Renjie and Sha Tuozhong also put down the Coke in their hands and stared at Wu Yan seriously.

As a fairy, everything about him is unknown and mysterious, which makes them both curious and curious and expectant.

"I don't know what Mr. Wu Yan's question is? Do I need to answer this question too?" Di Renjie also stared at Wu Yan seriously and asked.


Wu Yan nodded slightly, followed the opening and said, "There is a frog that lives in the well for a lifetime, so in its cognition, the sky is as big as the wellhead. If you give it a jump out of the wellhead, look at the world Opportunity, is it able to make such preparations? Accepting the world that it is serious about, is it just a small part of the whole world, just the tip of the iceberg? ".

"So, Mr. Wu Yan, you mean the world we know, in fact, the sky above the wellhead, but Wei Chijin has already jumped out of the wellhead and seen a truly vast and incomparable world outside?" Wu Di Renjie was naturally able to understand such a simple and straightforward metaphor of Yan, and he said.

"Yes, that's it." Nodded his head, Wu Yan's eyes fell on Di Renjie.

This question was originally thrown at Yu Chizheng, and he made his own choice. Now, he has thrown at Di Renjie again, and the choice is also in his hands.

Although Wu Yan wants to take a good look, in this fantasy world of low force value, what kind of scene will be the development of science and technology, but Wu Yan will not force others to accept their relevant knowledge.

"If it is Wei Chi's personality, when you ask this question, he must be so annoyed, right?" Di Renjie suddenly laughed and said without a rush.

I have been likened to a frog under a well, no matter who hears it, isn't he happy? The character of Ye Wei Chi Jin is not irritated by jumping.

"Well, it was so," Wu Yan thought of the scene at that time and nodded with a smile.

After pondering for a while, Di Renjie thought about the serious words of Wei Chi Zhenjin at the beginning, so that he should not come to Wu Yan. Obviously, after jumping out of the bottom of the well, the real scene of the whole world will be hard to accept?

At this time, Di Renjie was surprised ~ ~, but also more curious.

After a moment of silence, Di Renjie nodded seriously to Wu Yan: "Mr. Wu Yan, I'm ready to jump out of the wellhead. All of this, I'll rely on your help ...".

The words fell, Di Renjie's gaze fell on Sha Tuozhong next to him, obviously, waiting for Sha Tuozhong's reply.

"Lao Di, why do you look at me like this? This is a once-in-a-lifetime fairyland that ordinary people can't touch for a lifetime. Since I have encountered it, I naturally can't miss it." What kind of mind Di Renjie is, Sha Tuozhong Naturally understood, he said.

"Very good, so I will help you jump out of the bottom of the well and see what the outside world looks like ...", nodding slightly, Wu Yan slowly extended his finger, slowly nodded in Di Renjie's eyebrows.

Ding, found removable storage!

(PS: I have diarrhea, diarrhea, and collapsed all day today. After waking up during the nap, my head is drowsy and extremely uncomfortable. After writing this chapter, take a break and try to write another chapter before going to bed. Feeling sick It looks like ...)

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