Plane Master Copy

Chapter 993: : Dimension Gate

Yes, invincible.

Wu Yan is very clear, let alone his strength, let alone the six infinite gems in hand, he already has invincible power, after all, the use of infinite gems is not just a simple click.

In addition, the six infinite gems that have more than 10 million crystal points are not simply scary.

Wu Yan's words are very domineering to say. As long as you have the ability to defeat me, you don't need your betrayal, I directly give up this base.

This words exit, so that everyone in the Los Angeles base was shocked, immediately and deeply convinced by Wu Yan's courage.

His strength is not just purely powerful, but more importantly, confidence in his own strength.

"I, I'm willing to take care of this base for you ..." Even the president of the Los Angeles base was shocked by Wu Yan's words. After looking at him for a long time, he lowered his head, Show your surrender.

In the last days, it is not a shame for the weak to submit to the strong.

"Very good. In this case, this Los Angeles base is still the same as before. I do n’t need to make any huge changes, but I need to build a dimension gate here." After the president bowed his head and said that he had surrendered, Wu Yan looked satisfied. Nodded his head and said loudly.

After Wu Yan took charge of the Los Angeles base, the first and only order was naturally that no one could refuse.

Soon, the President of Los Angeles acted quickly, dividing an area in the base to serve as the dimension gate of Wuyan Architecture.

Wu Yan did n’t have nonsense. He raised his hand directly. With his movement, dozens of earth walls rose directly from the ground. Immediately, Wu Yan was on one of the earth walls and began to construct the dimension door. The presence.

Dozens of earth walls, and the position above each earth wall is enough to construct several dimension gates. If it is completely successful, it is believed to be enough to construct hundreds of dimension gates.

These are to prepare for the future huge transmission system network.

For Wu Yan, constructing a two-dimensional gate is actually not very difficult work. The most important thing is the material limitation. After collecting a lot of materials from the imperial capital, soon, The dimension gate has been completed.

A wall of earth stood in front of everyone. Two of the gates hollowed out the central area of ​​the wall, and looked translucent.

However, the material of this lintel is very unusual, and it also depicts many magical structures.

"Well, the two dimensional gates here have been completed, and the link will be open." It is only a short ten minutes. The two dimensional gates have been completed. Wu Yan patted his palm and said.

"So what's next? What do we need to do?" After observing Wuyan Wuyan's structure in person, the president next to him asked Wu Yan.

Although Wu Yan has long stated that he is building a dimensional transmission network, he will not worry about other things, but what he says and actually does not have to be exactly the same.

Of course, in any case, it seems that Wu Yan has no intention of killing himself. This makes the President rejoice, and he has a feeling of the rest of his life.

"Well, next, the situation at the Los Angeles base, as usual," Wu Yan nodded slightly after hearing the president's inquiry.

However, the voice fell, and then came out with a piece of paper, and said, "But in the next days, you take a little thought, collect these materials on the list."

"The things on it are ...", reaching out to take over the list that Wu Yan handed over. After the president looked at it, he looked inexplicably and looked at Wu Yan inquiringly.

"The above are all materials that can be used to construct the dimensional gate. In the future, the dimensional network will be fully structured. If the global bases can transmit at will, this is a great win for all human beings, right?" The president asked like a look, Wu Yan answered.

"So it is," Wu Yan's explanation was heard, and the president looked a little nodded.

Looking at the dozens of earth walls rising here, the president can also know that Wu Yan ’s Dimensional Gate is far from just building two, so it seems reasonable to collect some materials that need to be used .

"Anything else? Are there any other things to explain?" After taking Wu Yan's list seriously, he immediately asked Wu Yan again.

"No, the base is what it used to be, what it will be in the future, but in the future, you will have to prepare for the link with the base in Huaxia." He waved his hand, and Wu Yan had nothing else to order meaning.

During the talk, Wu Yan raised his hand and waved it a few times in the void. Soon, a space teleportation magic structure was completed.

There is nothing to visit in this Los Angeles base. This is the end of the trip. This trip to the United States has been successfully concluded.

"Here, are you really gone?" Watching the magic of space transmission completely dissipated, the figures of several people in Wu Yan left, and the president froze for a while.

Although Wu Yanzui said so nicely, but finally managed to get a survivor base, was it not good to collect some materials or something?

He really just constructed the dimension gate, leaving a list and leaving?

"It seems that before and after he arrived, there was not much impact on the entire Los Angeles base? It was just a change of name in the name of the owner?" After a moment of groaning, the president discovered the development of the matter ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ is much better than I thought.

After returning to Huaxia, Wu Yan naturally structured the two-dimensional gates of Emperor Capital and Chang City respectively, and soon realized the transmission between the three survivor bases of Chang City, Emperor Capital and Los Angeles.

Naturally, in the following days, the people at the three major bases contacted each other because of the opening of the dimensional gate, and then they were considered to have their own gains.

In particular, the imperial capital, a metropolis with a million people, resisted the erupting cities, leaving the survivors of Chang City, especially Los Angeles, startled.

Here, it seems that the scene before the outbreak of the end looks like.

For most of the month, the days passed, and in such days, Wu Yan's life was also lively and comfortable.

After more than half a month, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng waited quietly that night.

In the middle of the night, the palms were slightly hot. Immediately, a space-time vortex appeared, rolled up two people, and began a new round of plane journey ...

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