Hearing gunshots from outside the room, Tokisaki Kurumi realized something had happened.

He left the room immediately, and saw Qin Yun standing at the corner with a gun in his hand as soon as he went out.

And that familiar scream, it seems that there is no need to guess what's going on.

Seeing her coming out, Qin Yun also put away his gun and walked a few steps to close Teigu.

The Vision ability is continuously consuming his mental power, so it's not suitable to activate it for a long time.

"nailed it?"

"No, I just heard gunshots and came out to check the situation.

"Oh, there is a small problem at the moment, but there may be a big problem in the future."


The ceiling of the corridor burst suddenly, and a scorching heat emanated from the smoke and dust.

"Look, here comes because of a problem."

The diffuse smoke and dust were blown away by the hot wind, revealing the masked figure.

A swaying white Yuyi with flaming sleeves, a strange and beautiful kimono, a body surrounded by flames, and ghostly white horns on his head.

He held a huge double-edged battle ax burning raging flames in his hand, which was also the source of the scorching heat.

The Angel of Fire—860—belonging to the elf "Blaze"—burns and destroys ghosts. It looks like a giant battle ax and can be converted into a cannon for long-distance attacks.

"No! How can she transform?"

Qin Yun saw this scene, but felt unbelievable, this is so wrong!

Originally thought it would be a phantom, why did Wuhe Kotori come?

Tokisaki Kurumi: "What's wrong?"

"The spiritual power of the Balrog has been sealed, unless the spiritual power is reversed, it can only become an elf."

"But in this situation, the countercurrent spiritual power will cause Wuhe Shidao to lose his regeneration ability, so the countercurrent will only be performed at a critical moment, otherwise it is impossible to direct the spiritual power.

Am I misremembering the setting? Or has the situation changed?

"Well, then can you handle it?"

"No problem, you hurry up and continue to deal with the ones in the room, the one outside..." He slowly pulled out the Vibranium sword, threw away the sunglasses and hat, and propped up the shield with his left hand: "Leave it to me."

As soon as the words fell, Wuhe Qinli waved the flaming battle ax in his hand, and charged (bffb) over.

The high temperature of the flame made the air appear distorted, which is enough to explain how high the temperature is.

'Open the door! Open!!

Without any hesitation, Qin Yun directly opened the eight-door dungeon, and a huge force gushed out of his body.

He swung his Vibranium sword to meet him, the blade tore through the air and slashed towards Kotori's neck.

Wuhe Qinli instinctively felt threatened, although he didn't know why an ordinary sword would make him feel dangerous.

But he still obeyed his intuition, changed the original attack trajectory, and blocked the slash.


The blade of the sword collided with the blade of the axe, and Kotori was surprised that the opponent's sword was not damaged at all.

This is no ordinary axe!

"Why is your spiritual power going against the flow? Are you not afraid that Wuhe Shidao will be killed?"

While wrestling, Qin Yun asked out the doubts in his heart, he didn't understand.

Wuhe Qinli felt astonished for a while, she wanted to attack Mengyan, but was blocked by this man and fell into a stalemate, she was surprised enough.

It turned out that this mysterious man still knew his secret.

"Who the hell are you? Where did you come from?"

After the other party disappeared last time, she checked the national information database, but none of them could be matched.

Unable to find identity information, an ability like an elf, and knowing his own secret now, is this person also an elf?

Thinking in her heart, she exerted strength with her hands to push the opponent away.

Qin Yun also stepped back, the flame was so hot that he felt like a piece of pork belly roasted on the fire.

"I came from Dongtu Great Tang, just passing by, do you believe it?"

I believe you bastard!

If the other party didn't say anything, Wuhe Qinli didn't bother to ask, and it was the same when he was arrested and then interrogated!

The flames on the battle ax soared, and she exerted her current full strength.

'No, the strength is not right. ’ On the opposite side, Qin Yun saw something wrong, raised his long sword horizontally, and his eyes became sharp.

The sword is a weapon of murder, good at attacking.

He didn't choose to dodge, he chose to attack head-on, his eyes swept across the opponent's body, and his brain calculated the next attack trajectory based on the body movements.

A 45-degree angle is cut diagonally from the upper right to the lower left [the neutral position is the upper left.


Wuhe Qinli yelled angrily, raised his battle ax with both hands and slashed at the charging enemy.

Just when she predicted the opponent's trajectory and slashed out with the tomahawk, the opponent suddenly changed his movements and jumped towards the wall on his left before he was about to be hit.


Just as this thought flashed through his mind, Wuhe Qinli only had time to forcibly turn his body around when he saw a flash of cold light and the flowers splashed.


Qin Yun took advantage of the wall to jump and landed behind her, the blade of the long sword in his hand was still pitch black, without any trace of blood stains.

Wuhe Qinli's left hand hangs down weakly, blood flows down his arm, his right hand holds the battle axe, and his brows are frowned because of the pain.

‘This guy! The speed is so fast!’

The speed just now has already surpassed the limit of human beings. You must know that the physical fitness of the elves originally is far from that of Supermans.

But the man in front of him was actually comparable to him in terms of speed, and even surpassed him in sensitivity.

"Sure enough, I wonder why you suddenly regained your spiritual power and haven't gone berserk yet."

Now I understand the reason for that strange feeling.

Qin Yun turned his head slightly, and squinted at Wuhe Shidao who was standing nearby: "It seems that you used some method to get back part of the spiritual power. Although you can use the power of the spirit, you can't exert your full strength."

"So, you're doomed.

"Not necessarily, I also want to know who you are."

An indescribable strange sound came, and objects flickering like noise all over the body suddenly appeared in the corridor. .

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