"Yo~ Lingxian, we meet again.

After saying hello, Qin Yun noticed that the other party was a little strange.

The eyes lost their highlights, like a doll, with a spoiled expression.

"Hi, are you okay?"

Lingxian stared at him quietly with dull eyes, and nodded silently.

Um, it seems like a broken defense.

"There are not many new medicinal materials this time, and most of them are those that have been sent before."

Hearing this, Ling Xian's wine-red eyes regained their brilliance, and asked excitedly: "Really!?"

"Hmm, really.

If I want to tell a lie, you~ mustn’t blow yourself up on the spot.

Knowing that there are not many new medicinal materials, Lingxian feels relieved.

Trying medicine several times a day is really hard.

Moreover, the effects of those medicines are strange and weird. After drinking the medicine I tried last night, I lost consciousness at all.

When I woke up in the morning, the comforter and sheets were soaked.

The master said that he was sweating too much, but Emperor Inaba's weird smile always felt something was wrong.

"I only brought some of them this time, by the way, there may be more next time..."

"Shop Manager! Don't!"

Before he finished speaking, Lingxian sat on the ground paralyzed, his face turned pale and hugged his legs: "I'm going to die! I'm sure I'm going to die! Recently, the master has made a new medicine! I haven't slept for several days and nights. !"

"If this continues, my three meals a day will become new medicines!"

"Is it so miserable? Where is Emperor Inaba? Doesn't she help test the medicine?"

"Emperor ran away before testing the medicine every time, so I was the one who was testing the medicine."

There are only four main characters in Eternal Pavilion, Eirin, Kaguya, Reisen, and Emperor Inaba.

Those weak little rabbit monsters couldn't bear the effects of some potions.

Therefore, it is clear who will test the medicine.

Either Reisen or Emperor Inaba.

However, Emperor Inaba has a clan of rabbit monsters under his command, so he can get the news as soon as possible to escape.

The titular leader, Lingxian, doesn't get this kind of treatment, she is the one who gets caught by Yonglin every time.

And because Yonglin's medical skills are superb, she can be brought back after death.

There is no need to worry about failing the test medicine at all.

But this is the most terrifying situation.

"Hey, persevere, work hard, and you'll be fine once you get through this."

After a few words of comfort, Qin Yun asked Beibei to summon some familiars to carry the box.

"Huh? There seems to be movement."

Suddenly, Qin Yun heard a very slight sound, moved his eyes, and saw a flash of white behind a certain undulating dirt bag.

As if thinking of something, a smile appeared on his face: "Lingxian, do you think Emperor Inaba set a trap on the road?"

"Trap? There shouldn't be any, I didn't encounter it when I came here."

"I just learned a very powerful move recently, let's show it to you, it's great for pranking, so you can go to punish Emperor Inaba."

Fuck me? Hmph! Good idea!

Behind the soil bag, Emperor Inaba, who was eavesdropping, quietly raised his head curiously.

She also wanted to know what the move was, and she even threatened to fix herself.

I saw Qin Yun drawing a circle in the air with his left hand, and a rotating circle with sparks on the edge appeared in the air.

'A spinning circle? What's the use?

But soon, Emperor Inaba realized that something was wrong.

In the middle of the rotating fire circle, the scenery changed.

There appears to be a person in a pink dress who looks familiar, with white rabbit ears protruding from his head

Hmm!? That's not me!

Sensing that something was wrong, Emperor Inaba was about to get up and run away when his ears were suddenly pulled up.

Pain is not pain, but ears are the rabbit's weakness.

After being lifted up, Emperor Inaba suddenly felt his body go limp, and he couldn't exert his strength.

"Look at what we found, a wild Emperor Inaba, as long as the head is removed, other parts can be eaten, and it is rich in protein.


"I don't eat well! I don't have any nutrition!"

...asking for flowers...

Emperor Inaba began to struggle, but it was useless.

"God, why are you hiding here? Let's go back and test the medicine together, shall we?"

It was obviously a very gentle tone, but Emperor Inaba was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and vaguely felt that Lingxian's face seemed to be covered with a shadow.

"Ha~haha~ Next time, next time." She could only deal with it with a smile, but she was thinking in her heart, I don't want Shi Yonglin's medicine!

Lingxian's wine-red eyes seemed to become scarlet, and there was something faintly surging: "The store manager, I heard that as long as you eat the lucky white rabbit, you will get super good luck, do you want to try it?"


Emperor Inaba: Scared!

"No, no, no! That's all a rumor! I won't have good luck if I eat it!"

Qin Yun looked at Lingxian who was not quite right, and thought to himself: Oh my god! Is this Blacken? I didn't expect Lingxian Blacken to look so cruel.

"As long as you meet me, good luck will come! No need to eat it!"

But Lingxian would not let go of this good opportunity, looked at Inaba Teiro, and said maliciously: "It is said that the longer you touch her head, the more good luck you will have."


Seeing that the guy in front of him was a little moved, Emperor Inaba felt ominous.

"I've petted cats and dogs before, but this is the first time to pet a rabbit." Qin Yun hugged Emperor Inaba with his left hand, and kept touching his head with his right hand.

Emperor Inaba's eyes were dull, with an expression of a salted fish who had lost his dreams.

"If you are comfortable, you can masturbate for a while longer, and you will have more good luck." With a meaningful smile on Lingxian's face, she felt extremely comfortable in her heart.

Finally! I finally got my revenge!

But the real revenge begins now.

Emperor Inaba shuddered suddenly, and a more ominous premonition appeared.

"God, I still have a lot of medicine, let's share."

Immediately, Emperor Inaba's face became even paler, Yayi Yonglin's new medicine!? I choose death!.

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