Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 135 Experiment In Progress

You can always see in movies that traveling through time is like walking through a tunnel.

But Qin Yun just wanted to say, what a nonsense.

The real feeling of traveling through time is just a moment, when the picture in front of you changes, you will arrive.

The so-called time tunnel is just a concept, not a real tunnel.

The process of crossing exists in an instant and cannot be calculated by time.

By the way, where did that guy go?

The landing point of time travel should be the same location, but I didn't see Tobiichi Origami.

'I'm really in a hurry, have you already gone to find someone? "

"It's too late."

A book with a black cover and a huge amount of golden cross appeared in front of it, and it opened automatically~turned to the first page.

With a thought in his mind, he whispered the information needed to activate the Ability.

Lines of text emerged on the page, which was exactly the information needed.

Tobiichi Origami's whereabouts, and the location of her parents in this time and space.

They are all recorded in detail on the pages of the book, so there is no need to worry about finding them.

After reading the information recorded above, as expected, Origami is cruising around the city unscrupulously, looking for elves.

However, his task has little to do with future origami, but to conduct an experiment for Kuang.

"Is it about seven kilometers away? It's pretty close."

A small black dot streaked across the sky in the distance, Qin Yun glanced at it and ignored it.

According to the instructions in the book, he came to a certain street in the residential area, looking for Tobiichi Origami five years ago.

It's not hard to find, just a family of three walking together.

A pair of parents, and a little girl with white hair running around.

It's the target I'm looking for, the Tobiichi Origami family.

Qin Yun stood on the roof not far away, staring at the family, and then at the sky in the distance.

"Phantom" has been discovered, and the battle has begun.

There are light bullets flying like a rain curtain, and stray bullets fall to the ground from time to time and cause explosions.

The "phantom" of this time and space was chased so confusedly, she didn't remember giving the spirit crystal to this white-haired girl at all.

Where did the opponent get the spirit crystal?

Originally, she planned to leave after giving Wuhe Qin Liling crystal.

As a result, she met this mysterious elf on the way, and the other party asked herself why she wanted to kill her parents.

"Phantom" replied that she didn't kill the other party's parents, if she did, she would definitely remember it.

Tobiichi Origami does not know the true identity of "Phantom", Kurumi deliberately did not explain.

It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it is the murderer of the parents is enough.

"Kill you! My parents won't die!"

Because I was reminded before coming here that the Twelve Bullet has a time limit for its effect.

She has to kill the opponent within the time limit, so she can't waste time.

Every extra second you spend diminishes your chances of success.

Only the blurry figure in front of her remained in her eyes, and the passage of time made her even more anxious.

The attack, which was somewhat restrained at first, became more and more ferocious, and scattered shells fell into the city, causing damage.

On the top of the house, Qin Yun who was running found that Tobiichi Origami in the air no longer cared about causing casualties.

This result was expected.

In order to save her parents, she even kills without hesitation.

At the moment, seeing the 'murderer' who killed his parents, his emotions will become agitated, and as time decreases, he will gradually enter a state of loss of control.

In front of him, Origami's parents were fleeing in a panic.

The father hugged his daughter and dragged his wife to run in the street.

He wanted to take his wife and daughter to the nearest shelter, but the stray bullets falling from time to time made them very scared.

"There is still a lot of time left, it is estimated that we will fight for a while."

Taking out his mobile phone to check the time, Qin Yun continued to observe the situation in the sky with Teigu.

Under the "five-view omnipotent" Ability, he can clearly see the details of what happened in the sky.

A large number of small floating cannons are chasing and attacking "Phantom", and Origami is chasing after it.

But the opponent's nimble movement made all the attacks come to nothing.

This made Origami even more anxious, and Phantom also analyzed the origin of this mysterious elf chasing and killing him from the dialogue on the way.

So he didn't explain anymore, but this behavior made Origami even more angry, thinking that the other party killed people casually and didn't need a reason.

……asking for flowers)……

In a rage, she directly launched her strongest move, the cannon crown.

The cannon muzzle in the shape of a crown formed by the feathers of light launched a terrifyingly powerful cannonball.

Now Tobiichi Origami only wants to eliminate the "Phantom" quickly, as for the consequences, that is no longer within her scope of consideration.

When Qin Yun saw this scene, he jumped off the roof and landed in front of the three people who were running away.

"You two, this road is blocked, please don't move here."

Origami's parents stopped immediately, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of them because they didn't know.

"Sir, it's better to rush to the refuge right now, and we can talk about it later." Origami's father reminded with a serious face, he just wanted to take his family to the refuge as soon as possible.


Qin Yun shook his head slowly: "No, if you continue to run, you will be affected by the attack, stay here, I will protect your safety.

"Stop joking!" Even if she explained, Origami's parents didn't believe her, and her father even showed anger: "It's more dangerous here! Please make way! I'm going to take my family to the shelter!"

"No, I came back from the future to save you, originally you would die under this attack.

Reaching out his hand again to stop the two people who were bothering them, Qin Yun calmly explained the situation.

Origami's father handed his daughter into the hands of his wife, and secretly gave his wife a wink.

As a wife, she also knows her husband very well, which implies that she took her daughter and ran away first.


After yelling violently, he rushed towards Qin Yun, while his wife was holding her daughter and wanted to go around.

Naturally, this kind of trick could not hurt Qin Yun, he was about to stop him with his hand.

But at this time, a thick light cannon fired in the sky, sweeping across the ground.

One of them is moving towards this side.

Qin Yun, who was about to make a move, paused, then quickly turned around, facing the terrifying light cannon with a wide diameter.

"Frozen Puppet!"

The huge white rabbit stood upright with an icy air, its claws crossed in front of it. .

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