Seeing Estes approaching, apart from Tazmi and Qin Yun, the other three became nervous.

Tatsumi didn't recognize this person at all, so when he saw him approaching, he asked stupidly, "Is this your acquaintance?"

"This is Estes."

Lubbock leaned closer and reminded him in a low voice, never looking away from the front.

This time Esdes acted alone, without the company of the three beast warriors.

Hearing that the beautiful big sister with long blue hair in front of him was the Estes who had buried 400,000 people alive, Tazmi tensed up in fright.

You can't judge a person by their appearance, he had already learned this when he came to the imperial capital.

So there is no doubt at all, even a guy who looks kind, may be a murderous maniac behind his back.

"If the situation is not right, you all run." Leona quietly took a step sideways, blocking Tatsumi behind her.

Here her combat strength is ranked second, Qin Yun is stronger than her, but how much stronger, I don't know.

"You guys seem to be very strong." Esdesi walked up to him under the vigilant eyes of several people, with a gentle smile on his face.

If you don't know her deeds, maybe you really think she is a very gentle person.

Tatsumi muttered to himself even more, as expected, all girls are too dangerous, only Shayou is the best...  

The few people in front of him didn't speak, and Esdeth was not angry, and continued: "This competition, if you are interested, you can participate, and the rewards are very generous."

"Sorry, we are just passing by and have no intention of participating."

Leonai answered the question instead of his companion. As a killer, it is taboo to stand out.

In particular, this match seems to be initiated by Esdeth. If this is detected, it will be courting death.

"We still have something to do, let's go first."

With Estes next to him, Leonai struggled to suppress the fear in his heart.

Her Teigu "Lion King" has improved perception, so she is very sensitive to danger.

After Estes approached, he could even smell a faint smell of blood between his noses.

They turned and left, Qin Yun followed without saying a word.

To say that Leone's approach was actually quite right, it was to protect the safety of his companions.

But Estes is not an ordinary person, and the prey he is eyeing is generally difficult to escape.

She was not annoyed at being rejected, but was interested in watching the backs of several people leaving.

Being a general depends not only on strength, but also on brains.

There's something wrong with these guys. '

Thinking of this, she lifted her heels up, hanging far behind.

After leaving a short distance, they stopped.

"Did you get rid of it?" Leonai looked back, but he didn't see the figure of the other party.

I didn't expect Esdeth to appear there, why did she go there?

"Why is this guy there? Could it be that he is waiting for us?"

Ma Yin also felt strange, could it be that the notice was actually a trap?

Qin Yun guessed the reason, and said: "I don't think so, she probably just wanted to see if she would attract any powerful guys.

"After all, she is a person who advocates strength."

Unless you can predict it, how can you know in advance that they will go.

Lubbock looked at the sky and suggested: "Then let's do it for today? It's getting dark soon.

Leonai: "Well, that's it, go back to the stronghold first."

Before the city gate was closed, several people left the city and walked towards the forest.

Just halfway through, Leonai stopped suddenly, and she felt someone following her.

So he turned around abruptly, glanced around, and shouted: "Who! Come out!"

The others also stopped and entered a state of defense.

A white figure came out from behind a certain tree and stood opposite them.

"Who are you? Are you a rebel? Or someone from some organization?" Esdes thought he had hidden it well, but he was still discovered unexpectedly.

At the same time, she was even more sure that [these people in front of them definitely have problems.

As the general of the empire, he happened to have a suitable reason to do it.

"Forget it, no matter who it is, they are probably against the empire." An ice sword condensed in her hand and pointed straight ahead.

One of Maine and Lubbock did not bring Teigu, and the other was not a frontal combat character, so they retreated to the rear.

...asking for flowers......

Estes suddenly noticed Tazmi who was holding a sword, and she liked those eyes very much.

"You are very nice, I like you a little bit."

Tazmi, who was named, looked puzzled and didn't understand what it meant.

"Ahem! Let me explain." Qin Yun, who was a melon-eating crowd next to him, raised his hand and explained: "Esdes wants to find a lover recently, right? So, what I just said means that I like you a little bit .”


After listening to the explanation, Tazmi only felt his scalp go numb.

Although the other party has top-notch appearance and figure, but the past deeds alone scare him so much that he dare not have any thoughts.

Who wants you to like it!

He let go of the hilt of the sword with his left hand, grabbed Lubbock's arm, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I like men!"

Lubbock looked confused: "???"

I treat you like a brother, but you want to fuck me?!

Estes was also stunned when he heard that, and then a brighter smile appeared on his face: "Interesting, I will take you back and play slowly.

"What a terrible conversation, anyway, run away!"

A mana ball with violent energy fluctuations condensed in Qin Yun's palm, and then was smashed to the ground, exploding thick smoke and dust.

"Hurry up! The wind is blowing!"

The portal opened, and because they were so close, several people could see it clearly, so they ran in immediately.

The last person to enter was Qin Yun. He was about to close the door when he entered, but suddenly found that there was no one there.

"Where's Maine?"

At the other end of the portal, Ma Yin found that her feet could not move, she hurriedly lowered her head to see that a layer of Ice covered her calves, freezing herself firmly in place.

The icy cold wind blew away the smoke and dust, and I saw Esdeth holding a huge ice fan in his hand.

The ice that freezes her is extending from her feet.

Estes stomped on the ice, and sharp icicles appeared instantly on the ice.

Seeing those icicles continuously appearing on the ice surface and getting closer and closer to her, Ma Yin's face gradually turned pale.

"Eat me a Royal Holy Flame!"

Boom Worker!.

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