Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 17 I Recently Have Intermittent Amnesia

After leaving Tohka to Huyou, Kurumi immediately left her and left.

Because she found a new way to get revenge.

You make me miserable and hopeless, and I will make your dreams shatter.

Let's hurt each other! ! !

She is going to trick more elves, one counts as one, and they will all be brought here.

Before leaving, she left a duplication living near the store.

If there is any news that needs to be passed on, there is also someone to tell him.

In the shop, only Qin Yun and Shixiang were left.

"Well, let me think about it. First, I need to teach you some knowledge of daily life, and then I need to buy you some clothes."

Because Tohka doesn't know anything, she has to teach many things.

How to eat utensils, how to communicate with people, how to bathe and change clothes.

Definitely, it doesn't matter if she insists on wearing the spiritual attire.

"If you want to buy clothes, you have to go out, and I don't have the money in this world."

Qin Yun stroked his chin and pondered for a moment, thinking that he could only buy it in his own world.

But the store has to watch again, maybe there will be new customers coming.


"Emperor Keke!"

The golden clock appeared behind him, drawing Tohka's attention.

She can feel the similar power, but it seems to be slightly different.

"Eight bullets."

Shadow poured into the muzzle, and this time it might be different.

To be honest, Qin Yun doesn't like to use Hachi no Dan because it makes him feel weird.

But when it is really necessary to use it, there will be no hesitation.

Put the muzzle of the gun against your leg and pull the trigger.


The bullet penetrated into the body, and Qin Yun's body suddenly appeared double.

Then he split into two, and an almost identical Qin Yun appeared beside him.

"Wow! This is amazing! I think it's amazing to be able to talk to myself in addition to being... well."

As soon as the duplication appeared, I was observing my body.

"I'm you five days ago, you know, this kind of continuous explosive information makes me feel that the three views are on the verge of collapse."

"Oh! I never imagined that I could get the "Emperor Keke"! It's so cool! In other words, in this way, you can play Doudizhu with yourself. "

"No! We can play mahjong directly, but I prefer Monopoly."

Listening to duplication's endless chatter, Qin Yun really wanted to block him with a piece of cloth.

How come you don't know that you are a chatterbox?

"I never knew that I talk so much, that's all, let's go shopping for clothes, here are her measurements and height."

Qin Yun wrote down all the items to be purchased on paper and handed them to duplication.

After taking the shopping list, Duplication flicked it with his fingers.

"Small matter, it will be settled soon. By the way, how long does this duplication exist? I remember that there is a time limit for the eight bullets."

"I don't know, is your memory incomplete?"

"I was you five days ago, and most of my memories after that are vague, but I know that I am a duplication."

If you have all the memories, duplication will not be so exciting.

Who would have thought that an ordinary person like himself could acquire magic power and use the power of time for a few days.

This matter is indeed very impactful, so my emotions are a little out of control.

"Go quickly, just to test the existence time."


duplication Take your shopping list and money and go out to buy things.

Qin Yun teaches the basics in the shop.

Two hours passed before duplication walked in with cheerful steps.

As a result, as soon as he came back, he saw the main body was sullen.

"You came back about an hour later than expected, what did you do?"

Duplication has the consciousness of a certain period of time in the past, so it can be said to be an independent consciousness.

What he does is uncontrollable.

But one thing is certain, he can't resist the ontology.

Follow the items on the shopping list, absolutely do not need to spend so much time.

That's enough for a round trip to the city center.

"Ahem! I went to the city center to buy a good thing."

A paper bag was placed on the counter, and duplication winked at him funny.

Qin Yun brought the tape over, opened it and looked at it.

After looking through it, he raised his head and his expression became strange.

"How did you even think of buying this thing?"

"Since she wants to stay, she has to work for the store. No matter how my personality changes, I won't be left as an idler."

"Oh, I know, but why did you buy a maid outfit?"

The contents of the bag were dumped on the table, and they were two packed black and white maid outfits.

"Because it feels like only this can be called work clothes!"

Qin Yun: "..."

In addition to the maid outfit, there are matching high heels and stockings in the bag.

And the price of this thing is really expensive.

He rubbed the center of his eyebrows in distress, but he still took it out.

The price is really expensive, but the workmanship is also very meticulous, and the fabric feels very comfortable.

"You try it first, if you don't like it, then take it back."

Tohka took the maid outfit and went into the bedroom to change.

At least she remembered the teaching just now, changing clothes should be done in a room where no one is around.

I feel that the main body's gaze is a bit unfriendly.

After thinking about it for a second, duplication decisively disappeared by itself.

As long as I move fast enough, you don't even try to kill me.

'It's pretty fast, so I'm so good at making trouble? I don't know how. '

A few minutes passed, and Tohka, who had changed her clothes, walked out of the bedroom.

The black and white maid outfit, although simple, has been well handled in details, and the waist design style perfectly shows the curve of the waist.

The cuffs of the short sleeves are tightened with black straps, and the slight wrinkles bring visual beauty.

The hem of the skirt only reached a little above the knee, a pair of straight white silk jade legs, and simple black strappy high heels on the feet.

Overall, it looks beautiful and perfect.

Qin Yun: "I like it very much, so there is no need to return it."

Did I say something just now?

Certainly not, yes! Recently, I have suffered from intermittent memory loss. I always forget things, and accidentally forget what I just said.

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