What Loki used as reward was the treasure of Frost Titan.

The Casket of Ancient Winters, which contains the power of the terrifying Ice, can release cold enough to freeze the planet when opened.

Take out this kind of thing as a reward, and it is very difficult to deal with the guy who sneaked here.

However, since it was said to be one of the original void lands.

It should be one of the more troublesome guys there.

"Which one of them?"

Because he had worked with them before, he knew a little about those Lokis.

Knowing which one it is will make things easier.

"It's not clear, he doesn't dress like any of the original ones, so the exact identity can't be determined.

Qin Yun: "Basically, apart from knowing that he is Loki, you don't have any information?"

"That's about it."

No wonder, I said why don't I do it myself.

Only Loki himself knows how difficult Loki is to deal with.

Now there is old Loki sitting in the administration, as long as someone can be found, it is still very easy to arrest.

The premise is to be able to find it.

If Loki wants to hide, it won't be easy to find.

For example, Hill Wei, who originally thought of hiding in the doomsday, was taken aback by the Time Management Bureau for so long.

Suffice it to say how witty and cunning they are.

"When I finish my work here, I will arrest people."

Loki nodded and said, "Okay then, I'll go back first, there are too many things to do, so I still have time to spare."

He took out the time controller, reopened the time-space gate and left.

Casket of Ancient Winters was delivered first.

"This thing is another dangerous item." "Weighing the heavy box in his hand, Qin Yun put it into his shoulder bag.

Danger is dangerous, but absolutely precious.

Whenever you see a planet that is not happy, there will be an ice age.

Then, according to the location information sent from the mobile phone, it is sent to the next location to continue cleaning.

When the sun was halfway down, all the HYDRA subordinate organizations that were detected were all taken away.

About 30,000 people quietly disappeared into the world.

Beibei was lying on his shoulders, as if she had eaten too much and had some indigestion.

"Not anymore, right?" Qin Yun reconfirmed when he returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D director's office.

There are not many good things like this, and he also took the opportunity to earn a lot of time value.

"It's gone. Now that HYDRA wants to grow a head again, it will have to grow again for decades."

Destroying HYDRA's efforts for so many years in one breath, Fury also felt unprecedented ease.

After the hunt is over, it's time to do the task and get paid anyway.

""Hello, the papers." "

A book with huge amounts of books surfaced, this is Qin Yun's first time in Angel's history in a different book.


Turn the pages of the book, and when it stops, lines of text emerge.

The few people next to him wanted to go over to have a look, but they were afraid of being abrupt.

Only Tony moved and stepped forward to look.

"what is this?"

Qin Yun read the content that appeared on the above, and replied casually: "The Angel of the book can help me collect the information I want to know.

"Any information?"

"It doesn't matter what didn't happen, everything else is fine."

Tony gasped, so powerful? Doesn't it mean that even when I was still wetting the bed, I could find out?

There is no privacy at all! This thing is so easy to use... Uh, so evil!

The information was collected, and there was an anomaly at the same time.

That is, the speed at which words emerge is much slower than in the world of Date A Live.

It should be caused by the difference in the world, it is just a small problem, as long as it can be used.

"I still have things to deal with, so I won't stay any longer."

After obtaining the information he needed, Qin Yun closed the book and left.

The Loki who came to this timeline is currently in Asgard.

That place is not easy to get to, the easiest way is via Bifrost.

But the guy who guards Bifrost must be activated to take the creatures.

Coming outside the building, Qin Yun looked up at the sky: "."I know you can see and hear, Heimdall, you don't want Asgard to be messed up by Loki, right? Pick me up, and I'll take the other Loki away . "

As the gatekeeper who guards Bifrost and monitors the world of hatred.

There are eyes that can see everything and ears that can see, and can see and hear all things in the Nine Realms.

Heimdall must have known about the conversation he had with Loki just now.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see Bifrost open.

It seems that it is useless to rely on words alone, but I have other tricks.

. . . . . .

"That's why you came here."

After hearing what happened, Ancient One magician nodded slightly.

She could help with that, it would be easy for her to send someone to Asgard.

Just use the Sling Ring.

But the conditions for using Sling Ring [is that you need to know the scenery of the teleportation location first. (Li Zhao Zhao

So the difficult thing is not to go, but how to go to kalpa for the first time.

So, Ancient One put on the Sling Ring and raised his hand to open the portal.

At the other end of the portal, there is a crystal bridge with colorful lights shining inside the crystal.

Qin Yun: "I'm sorry, Ancient One magician."

"It's a small matter, and Asgard is the residence of the god-king Odin, don't act rashly.

After specifically exhorting, Ancient One will close the portal when the person passes by.

She looked at Mars on the ground, and sighed softly: "The chaotic timeline adds countless incidents."

On the crystal bridge, Qin Yun turned to look at the guy in the golden armor.

There is only indifference in a pair of golden eyes, the body stands straight, and both hands are pressed on the hilt in front of him.

"Nice to meet you, Haier."

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