Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 199 A Brand New Way To Make Money

Falling on the ground in the forest, Qin Yun tremblingly picked up the hour hand pistol.

Momentarily, the shadow of God was injected into the muzzle of the gun, and as the four bullets penetrated into the body, the severe pain disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's still too much effort to open the fourth door." Turning over from the ground, he sat up and patted the stone powder on his sleeve.

Ma Yin crouched beside the box, with a worried look on her face: "Are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?"

There were so many people in the room at that time, she was always worried after she left.

You must know that whether it is a hunter member or a three-beast warrior, they are all Tegu envoys.

It is very threatening, and if a group attacks it, it will be difficult to resist.

Even if the store manager is good at it, I'm afraid he can't stop so many, right?

But she can't open the portal to go back, so she can only walk back and forth here in a hurry.

Originally, I didn't agree with the store manager's proposal to collect his bounty by himself.

It’s okay if you get it from the guard, there are ordinary people there.

Even if you are surrounded by groups, you can easily leave.

But this is to go directly to Estes to get the collar, let alone a thousand gold, even if it is ten thousand gold, one hundred thousand gold, Ma Yin is firmly opposed.

When she saw the portal open, she was relieved.

But when he saw Qin Yun fell directly on the ground, his little heart stopped beating for a moment in fright, and he hurried over to check.

I found that there was no serious injury, but it seemed that I was out of strength, so I was relieved.

"It's okay, the Emperor Ke Ke is here, and he will be resurrected with half blood." Qin Yun sat on the ground, smiling and pointing his thumb at the ancient clock suspended behind him.

This trick is a real bug, even if the muscle is torn, time will return to the original state directly.

Before his physical strength reached the standard, he still tried not to open the fourth door.

It was as if the flesh had been torn apart, his face was blue from the pain, if he hadn't taken care of his face, he would have rolled on the ground in pain on the spot.

It should be listed as a forbidden technique.

Just the third door in the safe area makes the body feel a considerable degree of pain.

Where is the fourth door that normal people can bear.

If it weren't for the four bullets, with this injury, at least a few bottles of healing potions would have to be taken, and then suffer for a while.

"What the hell is this? It looks like a clock."

"It's the clock, it's the materialized product of the power of time." Qin Yun suddenly raised a pistol and pointed at her, and said with a strange smile: "You can turn back into a child, do you want to try?"

"don't want!"

Ma Yin didn't even think about it, she refused and raised the box to block herself.

I have already been troubled enough by this figure, are you still planning to downgrade me?

"Haha~ Just kidding, there's no way to go back so much." Seeing her nervous appearance, Qin Yun laughed happily.

Realizing that she was being tricked, Ma Yin angrily wanted to smash the box down, but thinking about the weight of this thing, if he was injured...

Forget it, let it be calm for a while, take a step back... the more you think about it, the more angry you get!

"Hmph! What do you want these gold coins for?"

In order to divert attention, she asked the reason. After all, gold should be of no use to Qin Yun, right?

He didn't use gold to make transactions there.

"For materials." Taking the box from her, Qin Yun took out a bag from his shoulder bag and began to pack the gold coins.

Ma Yin murmured suspiciously: "Materials?"

"Yeah, gold is a very good material for magic and alchemy, and it has good conductivity.

"And the gold element that makes up gold is very difficult to produce, it must be produced through the merger of neutron stars."

Ma Yin is confused (bfbg), what neutron star? Gold is composed of gold element? What is gold element?

I found that her eyes were confused and she didn't understand at all.

Qin Yun can only briefly explain: "It means that this thing cannot be made under normal circumstances."

This probably also explains why practicing gold is the ultimate goal of alchemists.

The elements that can only be produced by the collision and merger of neutron stars, if you simply practice them, won't neutron stars lose face?

"Come, come! Let's split the money!" He smiled and pointed to the remaining half of the box, and said, "These are yours, it's fair."

"Uh, actually I don't need it, I can..." This is not polite, because Ma Yin feels that she has not been of much help throughout the whole process, and it is a bit unjustifiable to take so much money for nothing.

Qin Yun directly picked up the box and stuffed it into her arms: "You brought the news and helped guide the way. I am a very principled person."

Subconsciously holding the box, seeing that Qin Yun had put the bag into the shoulder bag, Ma Yin did not shirk it.

Just take it home and store it, and if he needs it someday, he can take it out again.

"Let's go, go to your stronghold."

Night raid stronghold, training ground.

"Tazmi! Push hard!"

"Yes! Brother! Ha!"

When the two people who came out of the portal saw the training guy, they always felt that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

Although he was practicing hand-to-hand combat, he always felt that there was a pink light around him.

Qin Yun shuddered subconsciously, can't be provoked! Can't be provoked!

Ma Yin: "Don't disturb them, let's go."

"it is good."

In the hall, Najie Xitan, who was reading a book, noticed the two people walking in and asked curiously, "Ma Yin, what are you holding?"

"It's gold coins." Ma Yin put the box on the table and opened it, revealing the golden gold coins inside.

"So much?! Where did you get that?"

Seeing half a box of gold coins in vain, Najie Xitan was also shocked.

Looking at the number, I'm afraid there are four or five hundred pieces? Even if the night raid receives a hundred assassination missions, it is estimated that the profit will not be half.

After all, those who issue tasks are all poor people, so how much can they pay.

"He went to Estes and received his bounty." After closing the box, Ma Yin said helplessly pointing at the guy beside him.

Qin Yun smiled cooperatively and gestured to the Scissors Man.

Najie Xitan instantly showed an expression of 'you are kidding me'.

‘Can you still play like this!?”

She felt as if a whole new way of making money had occurred to her. .

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