Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 204: Five-Color Team Members Gather

Sensing that someone was watching her, Madoka subconsciously turned her head.

He found that Xiao Meiyan and Qin Yun were both staring at him, with different expressions.

Madoka didn't understand why they thought of her like that.

Where is my clothes dirty?

I checked myself, and there was nothing dirty.

In the afternoon, when they were in class, Qin Yun wandered around the city with Ying Ying.

Because of the frequent appearance of witches, the output of the seeds of lamentation in this city will definitely make the magical girls in nearby cities envious.

After wandering around the city for an afternoon, he found two witches.

Unfortunately, bad luck, not a single seed of lamentation was dropped.

The drop rate of this thing is really random, and has nothing to do with the strength of the witch.

The strength of the second witch was stronger than when Beibei was re-hatched, and she still didn't drop the seed of lamentation.


As Miki Sayaka swung her sword, the witch turned into ashes and dissipated, leaving a seed of lament in place.

Night is the active time for magical girls.

At the same time, it is also the time when the witch is active. After night falls, the witch will send out more weapons to trap the prey.

Therefore, the probability of finding a witch at night is much higher than that during the day.

Seeing another seed of lament being picked up by 617, Qin Yun complained dejectedly: "It's not magic, why do you knock out one by one, and I don't take a pair away.

"You're out of luck.

Sayaka was very satisfied with tonight's harvest, and the drop of the Seed of Lamentation depends on luck.

Obviously, my luck was very good at night, and it was actually three consecutive shots.

If there is income, there will be consumption. As long as the face is not too dark, the normal probability of dropping is enough.

Xiao Meiyan wanted to protect Madoka, lest Qiubi would sneak in, so she didn't come.

The only ones hunting witches are Sayaka and Asami.

The two are stockpiling seeds of lamentation for the upcoming Witch's Night, and it's uncertain what will happen then.

Doing more preparations can also be just in case.

Ba Mami came over with a flintlock gun in her hand and said, "An old friend is coming tonight, and she is also a magical girl."

Sayaka: "A powerful senior?"

"Well, but my relationship with her is a little...not good."

After all, she was fighting against a super crossbow-level witch, and Ba Mami also wanted to find more helpers to improve her chances of winning.

Although after that incident, the relationship between the two was relatively rigid, but now they can't control so much.

"Her personality is not very compatible, so if there is something abrupt, please don't be angry." Before picking up someone, it's better to get a vaccination first, so as not to make the scene too embarrassing.

Sayexiang didn't care, anyway, she was looking forward to seeing this senior.

Without mentioning the name, Qin Yun also knew who the old friend Mami was talking about was the former apprentice Sakura Kyoko.

After the family broke up, because of disagreement with Ba Mami, the two broke up.

At the entrance of the subway station, a girl with long crimson hair in a light green coat and denim shorts was scanning the passers-by with her hands in her pockets and her arms scattered.

"You're finally here."

The red-haired girl turned around and replied calmly: "I just met a witch when I came here, and it took me a while to solve it.

Immediately, she put her gaze on the shoulder of the young man among the three, and met Beibei who was lying on it.


This person is actually carrying a witch with him? Besides, it feels very dangerous to me.

"How is this going?"

Originally, I heard Mami say that the Night of the Witch is coming to Mitakihara City, so I came here.

What is the situation now? The magical girl and the witch teamed up?

Ba Mami looked a little complicated, recalling her past experiences.

"It's nothing, it's his pet... right?" It's really hard to say whether it's a pet or not.

She remembered the scene when Beibei transformed into a human in the morning, and she was so frightened that she didn't have time to ask in detail.

After listening to the explanation, Sakura Kyoko nodded, and naturally pulled out a hand from her pocket and raised it up: "Yo~ My name is Sakura Kyoko."

"Senior, I'm Sayaka Miki." Sayaka introduced herself politely, but it seemed that it didn't match the description of her senior.

Not quite the hard-talking kind of guy.

Qin Yun: "Qin Yun, this is Beibei."


Sakura Kyoko was still puzzled: "Why can you see the witch? Could it be that you also signed a contract with Cupid?"

Didn't Chubby say that he only signs contracts with girls?

"No, I'm special."

The entrance of the subway station is crowded with people. During this time period, there are many office workers going home.

"Go to me first." This is not a good place to chat, so Ba Mamei suggested.

A few people found a secluded corner where there was no one, Sakura Kyoko wondered why they came here, and saw a miraculous scene.

A hole with sparks on the edge suddenly opened, and Ba Mami's home was on the opposite side.

She had been here before, so she remembered, and the decor in the room hadn't changed much.

"go in."

After walking into the portal, Sakura Kyoko came to her senses.

"What... what kind of magic is this? Why can you use magic?"

There are too many doubts, is there really a magician in this world?

"I'm a magician, it's very reasonable to know how to use the portal." Close the portal. Qin Yun saw that it was not too early, so let's get out as soon as possible after finishing the rest of the work.

"Talk slowly, I'll go first."

For the scene of him disappearing in an instant, Ba Mami said that he can accept it calmly.

What is harder to accept than having your head bitten off and putting it back on?

Outside the foggy bathroom window.

A person is showing half of his head, looking at the window.

Through the light, the figure inside can be vaguely seen.

'Madoka is taking a bath, absolutely don't let Chubby get in it!!!"

Xiao Meiyan cheered up and looked around to make sure there was nothing abnormal.

Looking back again, suddenly a face appeared in front of him.

"y..... woo woo woo!!!"

Just when she was about to scream out, her mouth was covered with a palm.

"Don't bark, why are you squatting here?".

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