Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 207: A Day To Do Business

"This material is not bad, the carapace has a certain resistance to magic.


Qin Yun held a purple carapace with a diameter of one meter in his hand, and the file size could be used to make armor.

With a certain degree of magic resistance, it is still a good raw material.

"30 world coins?" Spider was a little disappointed with the price, but he didn't say much.

After all, the level of the monsters he killed was not high.

After killing more powerful monsters in the future, you can get more precious materials.


30 world coins were credited, and the spider walked out of the shop on eight legs.

Behind the counter, Qin Yun heard the sound of the store door closing before standing up.

Arachnophobia is a mental illness, difficult to treat, and I, Yonglin, are useless.

It was rare for him to do business today, and he didn't expect the first guest to be the spider.

I was so frightened that the hairs all over my body stood upside down.

It was all caused by being bitten by a spider when I was a child, and the psychological shadow area was too large.

The number of guests who come every day is not fixed, like Ying Zheng only comes once a week.

15 Welcome~

Kamijou Touma, who was wearing the same clothes for ten thousand years, walked in, and it seemed that he was in a good mood today.

Qin Yun asked Erya to carry the carapace up to the second floor, and greeted him: "Dang Ma is here, are you unlucky today?"

Kamijou Touma’s smile froze, manager, you’re enough! Don’t pierce my heart when I’m in a good mood!

Unlucky is definitely unlucky. When eating breakfast, it usually falls to the ground as soon as I eat it.

He could only comfort himself, fortunately he had already eaten half of it.

"I'm unlucky every day, and my heart doesn't fluctuate." As he spoke, he walked to the counter and asked what happened last time: "Shop manager, do you think I still have something to sell? What is it?"

Don't I have only one fantasy killer? With it, it is impossible for other super abilities to appear.

No! Strictly speaking, Phantasy Killer is not a Super Ability.

"It's still your right hand, Fantasy Killer is just the surface, but inside is the terrifying ability called 'Dragon King's Jaw'.

"Hand out."

Kamijou Touma stretched out his right hand curiously, and saw Qin Yun holding his right arm, looking at it for a moment.

"Manager, what is the Dragon King's Jaw? Is it a super ability? Doesn't it mean that with Fantasy Killer, any supernatural power will be erased?"

Qin Yun: "I can't explain it, but the Dragon King's Jaw has great power."

His palm was attached to Touma's arm, and then slowly pulled outward as if grasping something.

A glass ball with eight illusory dragon heads inside emerged, and finally broke away completely.

Seeing the glass ball in Qin Yun's hand, Touma was very surprised.

‘It’s really a dragon, but it looks weird, the light blue one looks like a snake, and the emerald green one looks like a bug.

He was still secretly complaining about the thing he took out from his arm.

These dragon heads are so strange that there are not many normal ones.

"It's the 'Dragon King's Jaw', the ability hidden under Fantasy Killer, it's actually pretty strong, but there are prerequisites for using it.

Hearing the words 'very strong' and 'use', Kamijou Touma's attention was immediately diverted from the appearance of the dragon's head.

It doesn't matter if you are ugly or not, as long as you are strong enough.

For a person like myself who doesn't have any super abilities, it is thankful to have an ability similar to super abilities.

In Academy City, those without abilities can be said to be at the bottom of society.

There is no advantage to even finding a job.

Under the same conditions, even if it is a little worse, those with super abilities will be given priority.

"Then how do I use it? I don't think I've ever activated it." Kamijou Touma stroked his right arm, and even the store manager commented that it has a strong power.

Then it must be quite strong, but I have never seen it since I was a child.

Qin Yun looked at the glass ball in his hand, and replied casually: "You can use it by cutting off your arm, it's very simple, right?"

With a curious look on his face, he stood there in a daze and chopped off his arm? Then I will be a disabled person in the future?

What the hell is this way of using it! Ability is not used yet, I'll go into shock with blood loss first!

Simple is really simple, but it takes too much effort.

"It's worth 18,000 world coins, do you want to sell it?" The value of this ability is actually higher than that of "Twelve Trials".

But Qin Yun was not surprised at all. Although "Twelve Trials" is very good, it is only a passive skill.

Moreover, the user's strength is weak, and when fighting against someone stronger than himself, this ability is a bit tasteless.

Hearing that the 'Dragon King's Jaw' is actually worth 18,000 world coins, I was shocked when I raised the price.

It seems that this Ability is stronger than I thought.

The fantasy killer who can eliminate all supernatural powers is only 2000, which is a gap of nine times, one can imagine how it is.

It's just that the activation conditions are too harsh, and you have to cut off your hands.

Kamijou Touma only thought for a second before making a decisive decision: "Desolate!"

Anyway, it's just copying, not disappearing.

And he thinks that he probably won't need it in the future, and he's not a lunatic, so he can cut his hands and play when he has nothing to do.

"make a deal."

The world currency was credited to the account, and Kamijou Touma suddenly felt rich when he saw his balance.

I remembered the last time the store manager said that there was something suitable for me, so I immediately asked which one it was.

"Hey, this is it." Qin Yun picked up the Kamen Rider belt and the transformation device on the shelf: "You can try it out, it's better to experience it yourself than to watch me try it."

He knew how to use this thing, but he was not interested in trying it.

Since he was originally not a fan of Kamen Rider, he didn't feel much about it, but he would be interested in using it if it was replaced with a magic wand. 933 After all, everyone wants to become light.

Kamijou Touma took the belt, and put it on according to the instructions, "Insert the DarkKabuto insect instrument unicorn-shaped transformation device into the inlay slot on the front.

With the cool mechanical sound, his whole body was wrapped in armor.

The overall color is mainly black, the joints and arms are silver-white, and the head has the iconic unicorn-shaped horns.

The eyes are also like the compound eyes of insects, and there are peculiar red lines on the surface of the carapace on the chest.

Qin Yun: "It seems, it's pretty cool."

"I feel that my strength has improved a lot." Kamijou Touma, who successfully transformed, tried to punch, and hit tearing air sounds.

And it's not his full strength, so there's no need to think about it now.

"I want it!"

Finally! I'm finally no longer Zhan Ten Scum!

Even if he learned swordsmanship, because of his physical condition, he could only beat punks.

But the power he experienced now gave him the confidence to fight the Ability Warrior.

The next time you meet a discharge girl, you don’t have to run away, you have to find your way back!’ Thinking back to the scenes where he was hunted down many times, Dang Ma felt that he finally had a chance to take revenge.

Qin Yun doesn't care so much, he only knows that he has another world currency in his account.

So, a formulaic smile appeared on his face: "Chenghui, 3000 world coins.".

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