Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 218 Why Don't You Join Us And Sweat Together?

This time, not only did they have no losses, but they killed one of the three beast warriors, which was originally a happy event.

Najie Xitan saw Ma Yin rushing upstairs angrily, and was confused: "What's the matter?"

Hearing her question, Brand and Tazmi looked at the slightly embarrassed guy at the same time.

"Ahem! It's nothing, I accidentally made her angry." Qin Yun swore that she never expected Ma Yin to be so angry.

Sure enough, it shouldn't be about the figure, it probably hit the other party's sore spot.

At that time, he was stepped on several times by Ma Yin, before the other party left Di Dao angrily.

"Shop Manager, why don't you join us and let's sweat together! Girls are too troublesome!"

Tazmi issued an invitation at the right time, and many people sweated, and the training will definitely be more motivated.

He also invited Lubbock, but the other party refused without any hesitation.

"Thanks, I don't have to."

Declining Tazmi's kindness, Qin Yun didn't want to make himself strange.

By the way, are you guys really planning to develop in a strange direction?

He remembered that Leonai seemed to be very interested in Tazmi, and this was a good start.

It's a pity that this guy was led astray by Brand, and he couldn't find the north.

"Well~ hasn't Chitong come back yet?" At this moment, Qin Yun saw the giant sheep placed outside the hall, and remembered his original purpose.

Because at the moment it's dusk, it's time to make dinner.

Najie Xitan glanced outside the door, feeling a little worried: "Not yet, but it should be soon."

Knowing that the hunters were going to attack another official made her a little uneasy.

Even if Chitong is strong, the opponent has an advantage in numbers.

Lubbock is not very good in combat, and he is mainly responsible for intelligence and assisting teammates on weekdays.

"Okay, let's deal with the ingredients first. 々." Qin Yun walked over and grabbed the horns of the giant sheep, and dragged the two-meter-high ingredients lying on the ground to the kitchen.

"Tazmi is here to help."


As a kitchen assistant who often helps Chitong, he is already quite proficient at decomposing ingredients.

The two quickly disposed of the giant sheep. The fur can be used to make warm clothes, and the bones can be used to make soup.

The horns were also cut off by Tazmi and put away, so it might be of some use.

"Is this the ingredient for tonight?"

As soon as the two of them sorted and put away the cut ingredients, Chitong walked into the kitchen.

Qin Yun washed his blood-stained hands and replied, "Yes, just pack a small part for me, and the rest is yours."

"Understood!" Chi Tong's eyes flashed, and he walked quickly to the sink, rinsed his hands and prepared to make dinner.

As long as food is a matter of concern, she is very energetic.

Tatsumi took the opportunity to ask about the mission and learned that her side failed.

"I failed to stop them, and the officer was set on fire by a guy with Teigu."

Although the mission failed, Chi Tong was not at all frustrated.

It's like a trivial thing, but it's also her true character.

The other two didn't think it was strange. Apart from companions and delicious food, it wasn't really difficult to arouse her interest in other groups.

"I can't blame you, there are many enemies, as long as you can come back safely." Tazmi hugged the pair of big horns and comforted him.

"Where's Rab?"

Chi Tong: "He is reporting the situation to the BOSS."

Because she is a chef, she has to cook dinner first, and one person is enough to report to work.

Tazmi was going to place the horns, so Qin Yun helped temporarily as a helper, and improved his cooking skills by the way.

Chitong's culinary skills are really good, if he goes to take the test for a chef certificate, it will definitely be a super class.

This is probably from the efforts of foodies.

In order to make myself eat better, I worked hard to study cooking skills.

I steal a little bit from the teacher to learn, and when I have learned it, I will go back and show off.

Because the ingredients have been processed, Chitong finally made roast leg of lamb and fried lamb chops.

"I'll pack one of these sheep's kidneys!"

"Okay, would you like some paprika?"


When it was ready, Qin Yun sent back his share first, and returned after dinner with some desserts.

After night raiding everyone distributed, he took a separate copy and went outside Ma Yin's room.


".wMain, are you there?"

There was no response from the room, but Najie Xitan said she went back to the room, so it must be inside.

After waiting for a while, just as he was about to knock on the door again, the door opened slightly.

"Why?" Ma Yin's tone was still a little sullen.

Qin Yun raised the box in his hand and smiled: "I brought you snacks, I'm sorry for the afternoon.

A few seconds later, the door opened, Ma Yin reached for the cake, and closed the door again.

"I'm not angry anymore! And...thank you for the snack."

This solves it? Erya's method is quite useful.

He asked Erya specifically, and learned that this would make (Li Zhaohao) the other party not angry, and the effect was very good.

It's quite simple~

in the room.

Ma Yin put the box on the table, gently removed the lid, and saw that it was a beautifully shaped fruit cream cake.

Picking up the fork, she dug some cream and put it into her mouth. The sweet taste permeated her mouth, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

But then I remembered something, looked down, and suddenly felt depressed again.

Obviously what I eat is also very nutritious, why is it not long?

Is it really a physical problem?

"Next time, I have to ask Leone, what should I eat to grow bigger..." As he spoke, he picked up the cake and walked to the window, watching the moon in the sky and slowly tasting it.

I feel that this cake is better than any I have eaten before.


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