Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 231 This Is All Shi Chen's Fault!

Sensing that Mu Q suddenly became more malicious towards him, Qin Yun felt that there was no threat.

No magic book in hand, just her physique.

Let her cast magic first, and she will be able to fight back.

"Then I'll go first, Lingmeng you..." Just about to ask Lingmeng if he wants to go back together, but there was nothing beside him.

This guy didn't know when he had already slipped away.

Qin Yun's face darkened, and he turned to leave the bedroom.

"Hahaha! No one can stop me now!"

In front of the storage box, Reimu suppressed his laughter, opened the storage box, and rummaged inside.

A hand suddenly patted her shoulder, and Reimu subconsciously shook her shoulder: "Wait, I'm busy.

Crack "eight seven zero"!

Being photographed again, she turned her head impatiently: "They say I'm busy tidying up, hehe~"

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, her voice lowered unconsciously, with an unnatural smile on her face.

Then, she gently closed the storage box.

Qin Yun grabbed her back collar directly, lifted it up and walked into the portal, returning to the Hakuli Shrine.

When he returned to Hakurei Shrine, he happened to notice something strange: "What is this?"

At the position below the torii gate, there is something like a shrine at some point.

"That's the branch of the Moriya Shrine. The witch said that if she can build a branch here, she is willing to pay more."

Is it still possible to do this?

Placing a branch of your own shrine in another shrine is simply outrageous!

What's even more outrageous is that you actually agreed to Reimu!

I feel that there are countless grooves in my heart that I want to vomit, but I don't know where to start.

"Well, it's a good thing your shrine doesn't have a god, otherwise you would have to be so angry that you would run away from home." He put down Lingmeng, went to open the shrine, and saw the small statues inside.

Sure enough, they are the two from the Moriya Shrine, but the branch is built in such a place, do you want the belief of monsters?

There is no one at Hakurei Shrine, only youkai and magicians.

After closing the shrine again, he walked towards the entrance of his house: "I'll go first, you can play by yourself.

"Slow down, wallet... store manager!"

I accidentally said what was in my heart, but luckily I changed it in time.

Lingmeng took out the few gold coins from his clothes and flew into the world.

She can't wait to taste what high-grade good tea tastes like.

A moment after Lingmeng left, a strange cloud of mist fell from the tree, stayed under the torii gate for a while, and then drifted away.

. . . . . .

Got a new bag, definitely hurry to put things in it.

Qin Yun picked up two staffs and stuffed them directly.

Things are ready, now we can go.

Come to the new portal and travel through the past.

Standing in the dark alley, he summoned the Angel of the Book and began to search for information about the Tohsaka family.

A few minutes later, Qin Yun walked out of the alley and stopped a taxi.

"keep the change."

Putting a gold coin in the driver's hand casually, Qin Yun pushed the door and got off.

As for the driver, he didn't dare to say a word.

Because the other party has a gun in his hand!

When the person got out of the car, he kicked the accelerator and rushed out, just wanting to escape quickly.

Standing at the gate of Yuanban House, Qin Yun put away the gun in his hand and pressed the doorbell.

Not long after, a young woman came and saw a young man she didn't know standing at the door, and asked curiously, "May I ask who you are?"

"Shop Manager, the head of the Tohsaka family should be at home, right?"

Because she was a stranger, Aoi Tohsaka couldn't make a decision, so she went back and told her husband.

The world of magicians is much more dangerous than ordinary people, so be careful in everything.

Not long after, a man in a red suit came out.

"It's a great honor for me to visit the shop manager in person. Please come in." It should be said that he is the head of Tohsaka's family, and his movements are so elegant that they can be called a textbook of etiquette.

"That's disturbing."

In the living room, the two sat on the sofa and talked about magic.

A completely different magic theory, maybe it should be called a magic theory, opened Tosaka Tokiomi's eyes.

Talking about this, time passed quickly.

At noon, at Tosaka Tokiomi's invitation to stay [Qin Qu also stayed here for dinner.

At the same time, he met his two daughters, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura.

"The magic seal of the Tohsaka family can only be passed on to one person, right? Have you made a decision?"

Originally, such a sensitive issue, if it is not a very good relationship, magicians will not ask at will.

But Tosaka Tokiomi didn't have any hesitation, and nodded lightly: "Rin will inherit the family magic seal, and Sakura will adopt to the Matou family and become their heir."

"The head of the Matou family has been psychologically distorted to the point of being hentai, and Sakura was inherited [gold is a very bad thing.

Tosaka Tokiomi frowned slightly, there is such a thing? He didn't know.

Adopting Sakura to the Matou family as the heir is a covenant for the Holy Grail War.

Because the magic circuit in the lineage of the descendants of the Matou family is gradually cut off, only qualified outsiders can be adopted to inherit it.

But the store manager of 1.3 should not slander without reason, the Matou family may really have a problem.

"Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention to this issue.

Before leaving Yuansaka House, Qin Yun had to go to the summoning array and spells for summoning the heroic spirits.

But this mantra is different for everyone, just use it as a reference.

"A group of people twitched their brains and grabbed a broken cup. If this wish can really come true, I, Ta Meow, will directly wish for eternal world peace."

Tucao put away the drawings, and he left, ready to find materials.

In addition, before leaving, I also gave permission to enter the store by the way.

Even if he told the situation, things might not go so smoothly, he just had this premonition.

Because, it's all Shi Chen's fault!.

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