Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 237 I Chatted For A While, And The Boss Is Gone?

Elios, a monster devouring matter and energy, broke free.

But it didn't break free, at least for now it's still under control.

Regarding the size of Elios, it is actually not fixed. Under normal circumstances, it has a diameter of several hundred meters.

But sometimes, it will expand to thousands of meters.

Because it is a fog body, there is no fixed file size.

The continuous expansion made it surpass the Stage Witch's volume very quickly, and her red eyes stared at her prey.

It opened its huge mouth like an abyss, biting towards the stage witch.


The stage witch dodged again, but the huge amounts of size At the moment became its burden.

The edge of the huge gear in the middle of the upper and lower parts was bitten by Elios, and instantly rusted and corroded, as if it had experienced countless years of erosion.

Before finishing a bite, Elios continued to attack, and he was bound to eat this food' into his mouth.

The stage witch is also doing her best to avoid it, 15 It seems that she is very sensitive to the perception of danger.

Knowing that once you get bitten, it's over.

Qin Yun crossed his arms and frowned as he watched this scene. The appearance of a monster at the level of Elrios was very likely to cause the world to reject him.


A building was knocked down by the stage witch again, and rubble flew across the sky, and six or seven of them, which were as big as car tires, flew straight to Qin Yun's position.

""Firebomb". "

Several fireballs shot out from Qin Yun's palm, crushing the stone.

It's no coincidence that rejection occurs!

At the same time, the probability of so many gravels hitting him accurately is very, very low.

If it is not a miraculous coincidence, it is a black box operation.

"Hahahahaha!" The stage witch laughed wildly and dodged. I don't know if it was intentional, but the direction of the dodge happened to be the building where Qin Yun was.

"Sure enough, it's aimed at me!"

He secretly gritted his teeth and opened the portal, pushing and throwing his teammates in.

Now for sure, this is where to start targeting yourself!

Sure enough, releasing Elios had a huge impact.

If he compares his presence to that of an ant, then Elrios is simply a mad dog, and it would be strange not to be discovered.

It's just that the reaction speed of the world is much faster than Qin Yun expected.

As soon as they left, the building was smashed by the stage witch.

‘System! What is the level of rejection at the scene?’

In order to distinguish the degree of risk of rejection, grades were specially made, so that it is possible to determine whether to evacuate at any time.

The lowest level is a bit unlucky, and the highest level is deadly.

System: 'Currently level one, but let that big guy play around for a while, it is estimated that he will be promoted to level two.

The second level is the degree of possible minor injuries, but it is acceptable.

"Erios! Gobble it up!"

Hearing Qin Yun's urging, Elios also sped up his movements, much faster than before.

Before the stage witch could dodge in time, she bit more than half of her body with one bite.

The bitten body parts of the witch began to gradually disintegrate and dissipate.


At this moment, the sound it made finally changed, roaring to get rid of it, releasing magic power to destroy everything around it.

But as long as it is bitten by Elrios, there is basically no possibility of breaking free.

It will also swallow up the energy of the prey, making the opponent lose the power to resist.

A large amount of magic power was lost, so that the stage witch could hardly maintain her body, and some scattered gear parts began to fall off the parts that were not bitten.

On the other side, the three magical girls were looking dumbfounded at Qin Yun who was constantly avoiding him.

The falling rubble was like a homing bomb, and it stared at him and smashed it.

"This... this is, what's going on?"

"I do not know."

"He must have cheated just now, this is retribution!" Sakura Kyoko felt relieved now, and then raised her weapon and rushed to help.

Anyway, he is a teammate, so he can't just watch.

Ba Mamei and Sayaka followed closely behind, helping to break up the flying debris.

Someone helped, and the pressure on the cloud was relieved a lot.

But this seemed to stimulate the world, and the wreckage of half a floor drew a beautiful parabola, flying towards his position.

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes, and an orange-red spiral pill took shape in his hand, and then smashed towards the wreckage.


The wreckage was directly blasted into fine crushed stones in the flame red.

In the air, the stage witch was completely swallowed by Auriez, and only some small parts on the ground proved its existence.

And Elrios was obviously not satisfied, staring at other things on the ground.

If it hadn't been for the order 037 issued in advance, it would have started to devour it crazily.

After all, this is a monster that devours matter and energy. When it comes to such a resource-rich world, it will definitely want to devour it.

Seeing that the witch had been dealt with, Qin Yun sealed Elrios back into the container.

In just a few minutes, the risk of world exclusion has risen to level two, and is about to reach level three.

It can be seen how much the world pays attention to Elios.

The matter has been settled, he also relaxed, turned around and said: "Everyone has worked hard."

Ba Mamei replied politely: "Qin Jun, you have worked hard too."

If Elios had the wisdom, he would have to come out and give them a shot.

You guys are working so hard! I was playing the output the whole time! There is also a member of the group who can't keep up with the heat!

At this time, the only person who did not join the group finally came back.

She jumped between the buildings and landed on the ground, looking around.

After looking around, Xiao Meiyan looked at the crowd and asked doubtfully, "It's over already? What is that black mist?"

I chatted for a while, how did you guys get rid of the boss?

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