Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 257 No Harm Without Comparison

When Yi Skandar came to invite during the day, Tosaka Tokiomi thought of a plan.

He will not have any psychological burden on killing the host directly.

Just like Emiya Kiritsugu, as long as there is a chance, the two will kill the hostile Master.

And tonight, because Saber participated in the banquet, she didn't guard the Master's side, which is a good opportunity.

Alice Viel, who was hiding by the window of the house and peeping at the garden, was suddenly attacked.

However, because he escaped in time, he did not suffer fatal injuries.

Under the action of the sword scabbard, the treasure in the body, the injury also recovered quickly.


The glass shattered and scattered, and Arturia, who heard her scream, jumped directly to the second floor at the fastest speed, holding the invisible sword in her hand.

The blow failed, and Assassin immediately tried to escape,

As an assassin, stay and be tough 15, either a novice or a brain watt.

Skilled assassins never love to fight, and the top assassins will kill everyone who sees them, and achieve the most perfect infiltration.

The premise is to be able to beat, but obviously he can't beat other followers.


On his way back, the walls were pierced and Yi Skandar blocked his way with a sword in his hand.

"It's a very bad thing to disturb someone else's banquet."

Not only did he disturb the banquet, but his style of doing things was so low that it was necessary to send him off.

Sensing the faint killing intent rising from Yi Sikander, Assassin knew that if he did not escape, he would have no chance to escape.

He turned around and rushed towards Arturia, and when he was about to enter the opponent's attack range, he turned sharply and smashed through the window.

"Bastard, who allows you to disturb the fun of this king."

As soon as he jumped out of the window, a long spear and treasure came [instantly stabbing Assassn] and nailed him to the wall.

Gilgamesh is floating in the air, with a golden light curtain behind him, he does not agree with Artoria's kingly way.

But I hate it even more when someone interrupts the banquet.

After the impaled Assassin struggled, his body turned into ashes and dissipated.

But that doesn't mean he's gone.

More Assassins appeared from various shadows, and some rushed directly to Qin Yun's side.

Because there are three masters here, if you don't attack them, why are you going to fight other servants?

"Heh~" Seeing those Assassins rushing over, Yuzao smiled disdainfully, raised her jade hand and waved it lightly.

A large number of blue foxfires flew, no matter how those Assassins dodged, the foxfires would hit like tracking bullets.

The difference between the penultimate first place and the second place is not the ditch.

Assassin is completely hanged and beaten, and he can't even get close, which is what Elizabeth has experienced.

The remaining Assassins seemed to have received the order, and all rushed towards Yi Sikandar, which made the King Conqueror suddenly have an idea.

Qin Yun who was in the garden suddenly felt something was wrong, and then found that the surrounding scenes were changing.

The original castle and gardens have turned into a desert of yellow sand.

"This is?"

Elizabeth still didn't understand what happened, and looked around blankly.

On the Yellow Sand Gobi under the clear sky, dozens of Assassins faced an army composed of tens of thousands of soldiers.

The King of Conquerors was at the forefront of the legion in his chariot.

"This is the legion that fought with me back then! Even after death, they are still loyal to me as heroic spirits! They are called "The King's Army"!"

This is his biggest hole card. Originally, this kind of hole card should be used as a trump card.

But in the debate just now, he couldn't help but want Artoria to see what kingship is.

As for the other party, it's like playing house.

Dozens of Assassins did not make any waves, and were crushed by the legion without accident.

After this, Artoria seemed to be hit by some kind of blow, and her mood became depressed.

"I know this feeling. It is obviously the same experience, but my comrades are falling apart. Therefore, there is no harm if there is no comparison."

Seeing this situation, Qin Yun couldn't help but sighed softly, which also aroused Yu Zaoqian's curiosity: "Master, have you ever had such an experience? Could it be that you are the leader of a certain force?"

"Ah, that's not true." He reached into the bag of melon seeds, grabbed a few, and stuffed one into his mouth as he said, "Crack! Pfft! It's just that I have played many RPG games before, and I have played all kinds of roles. Sometimes it is quite annoying. empathy."

"Don't talk so much, I made money tonight, two jugs of fine wine."

Qin Yun didn't care whether Assassin left or not. What he cared most about was the alcohol issue.

Originally, she thought she could get one pot, but Jin Xingshan took out two pots directly, which was too rich and powerful.

After Assassin made such a fuss, the banquet couldn't continue.

Everyone had to go back separately, Tamazamo held Sakura who was drunk, and went back to the stronghold to rest.

Although the wine is delicious, its alcohol content is not very low at 187, at least higher than that of beer.

It didn't take long for Sakura to finish drinking, her little face turned red, and she passed out faintly.

Back at the shop, Qin Yun came to the counter, and before he could speak, Erya suddenly started to move his nose.

"What smell?"

She sniffed the scent, quickly locked on to Qin Yun, and put her head close to sniff.

"Smell of wine? And very fragrant, what kind of wine are you drinking?"

"Want to know? Go and grill me some kebabs, slightly spicy, with more cumin."

Qin Yun Da Ma Jindao sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and gave orders to the minister with a smile.

As a salted fish, Erya refuses to do supper, but the smell of wine is too fragrant.

"OK! You wait!"

With a goal, there is motivation. She walked quickly to the kitchen, and after a while, there was the smell of barbecue in the air.

But as time passed, Qin Yun felt not so good.

In addition to the smell of barbecue, it seems that there is not much burnt smell.

Did this guy live alone before and never cook?

To be on the safe side, he still got up and walked into the kitchen, and then he saw the dark-surfaced barbecued meat on the grill.

"I now feel that the value of your existence has fallen to the same level as that of amoeba."

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