Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 260 The Battle Of The Three Kings

When I came to the battlefield, I found that the picture was not what I thought.

He thought it was Jin Shining who attacked the King of Silly Hair, but in fact, it was Jin Shining who took the lead and was beaten by King Conqueror and King of Silly Hair.

This is the picture he saw when he came, but it is not the case.

At the beginning of the battle, a large number of golden light curtains surrounded the two of them, and Bao~ju showed his head in the light curtain.

Tokiomi Tohsaka didn't expect this result, he originally planned to deal with the King of Conquerors.

As a result, just after the fight started, King Arthur came.

This is by no means rushed, the time is wrong!

Tohsaka Tokiomi immediately realized that this was the other party joining forces.

King Arthur had long been hiding nearby, waiting for his side to take the bait.

He thought for a while and then deduced the answer. With the kind of mind of Conquering Wang Yuzhu, he would not use this kind of joint method.

Then it can only be the insidious master of King Arthur.

However, it is too stupid to think that we can defeat the King of Heroes together.

Only relying on the king's treasure to project the treasure, Jin Shining easily suppressed the two of them.

Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was spying on the battlefield secretly, decisively used the command spell to let Artoria release the Noble Phantasm and create a loophole.

When Jin Glitter noticed the ultra-severe fluctuations in magic power, she turned her attention away.

Although "Excalibur" has a wide range, it is a straight-line attack, and it is not difficult to dodge as long as you keep a distance.

So the luminous cannon that Qin Yun saw just now was empty without any accident.

After Jin Shanshan dodged the light cannon, the King of Conquerors suddenly appeared in a chariot and knocked him down from the sky.

This way of fighting is a bit despicable and does not conform to the way of chivalry.

But even if Arturia is unwilling, she can only obey the master's instructions.

After Jin Xingxing was shot down, she stepped forward and continued to attack. When the opponent stood up, she slashed at the throat with a sword.

Although they are magical structures, if their hearts are pierced or their heads are chopped off, they will 'die'.

At this critical juncture, Jin Xingxian raised his arms, and had gauntlets to block the battle, but he was also sent flying and rolled several times on the ground.

The golden armor on his body not only has excellent magic resistance, but also has good physical defense, so he was not injured.

But Zitan who was so embarrassed made him really angry.

"If you offend this king, you will bear the king's wrath!"

With raging anger burning in his eyes, he reached out and took out a spiral-shaped sword with a golden hilt and a red body from the King's Treasure.


Qin Yun, who was squatting not far away watching a play, spewed out an ice ball, picked up Sakura and withdrew without saying a word.

Elizabeth and Tamamo hurriedly followed.

But Yu Zaoqian understood a little bit, the Lord seemed to know the sword.

And that sword must be very powerful, otherwise there is no need to evacuate.

Qin Yun didn't stop until he ran a few hundred meters and circled behind Jin Shanshan.

"This guy has a really bad temper. He will take out the spiral sword after being hit twice." No matter how powerful the spiral sword is, it will not be affected if I hide behind it.

Jin Glitter always threw the treasures as arrows, but took out a treasure so solemnly.

Yi Skandar immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately opened his own inherent barrier.


He drove the chariot to the front, and behind him was an army composed of tens of thousands of heroic spirits.

In this situation, few heroic spirits can resist it.

Unfortunately, Jin Glittering happens to be one of them.

He raised the Deviation Sword with no expression on his face, and swept forward.

Crack! Boom!

Like a super earthquake, the ground cracked in front of the legion, and a bottomless rift appeared.

At the moment when King Conqueror was about to rush into the rift, he pulled the reins, and Thunder Niu leaped forward, avoiding falling into the rift.

But the legionnaires behind him were not so lucky, because the incident happened suddenly and they fell into the chasm uncontrollably.


The King of Conquerors turned his head to look at his soldiers, and continued to drive the chariot forward.

Sacrifice is for victory.

Jin Xingxing stood still and didn't dodge, the King's Treasure opened behind her, projecting treasures one after another.

At the moment's inherent enchantment has disappeared due to serious damage.

Arturia raised her sword with both hands and rushed over, intending to help.

"Too bad."

Seeing these two guys rushing forward like that, Qin Yun knew something was going wrong.

The King of Conquerors swung his long sword to block the incoming treasure, but the Thunder Bull with Flying Hoof did not have this ability, and was soon shot and fell to the ground.

The King of Conquerors in the chariot used skillful movements to roll on the ground to stabilize his body, and then continued to sprint.

"In the name of Weber Velvet, with the command spell, Rider will defeat the enemy with all his strength!"

"Repeat the second Command Spell!"

Seemingly seeing Yi Sikander's determination, Weber used the remaining two Command Seals without any hesitation.

Feeling the magical power welling up in his body, a smile appeared on Yi Skandar's face.

Your own master, at critical times, is no worse than other masters.

Tohsaka Tokiomi, who observed the scene through the eyes of the demon, twitched his mouth and said something softly, and the Command Seal on the back of his hand was swipe away.

Using the Deviation Sword requires a lot of magic power, and Jin Shining is also waiting.

When a magic power emerged from his body, he also smiled, it was a triumphant smile.

"The lock of the sky."

As he muttered in a low voice, the chain of Yinjing came out from the king's treasure.

Seeing the chains coming, Yi Skandar and Artoria could only slow down to avoid the chains and prevent themselves from being tied up.

Jin Shining raised the Deviation Sword above his head, and the sword body glowed red, which was the precursor to the activation of the Noble Phantasm.

"You guys, you can leave!"

The moment the deviant sword was about to fall, the world turned into a gray river. .

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