This blow couldn't help breaking the mentality of Weber and Artoria.

Even Tohsaka Tokiomi's mentality collapsed.

What's the situation! What's the situation!

How did those stone pillars appear!?

Originally, he thought that he was sure of victory, because as long as Gilgamesh showed his true strength, no follower should be able to defeat him.

As a result, he guessed the front, but missed the back.

According to the picture sent back by the familiar, at the last moment, Gilgamesh looked in the direction of Caster's team, with a somewhat annoyed expression.

Those stone pillars that suddenly appeared, were they made?

But how did they do it?

The familiar's eyes stared at the scene the whole time, and if there was anything unusual, he would definitely be able to spot it.

But he didn't see any abnormalities, those rock pillars appeared out of thin air, from scratch in an instant.

But this is impossible, any material from scratch, there will be a construction process.

Unless, this construction process is completed at a speed that even the magic eyes cannot distinguish.

But in the end he still lost.

Tohsaka Tokiomi slumped on the chair and slowly closed his eyes, but it was not time for him to relax yet.

Sakura's servants haven't left yet.

Emiya Kiritsugu, the so-called magician killer, was also secretly eyeing him.

He opened his eyes again and put aside the negative emotions in his mind.

Now that it has failed, it is useless to be disappointed.

Now there are more important things, he must go to the scene to ensure the safety of his daughter.

Although the masked man called ghost is quite strong, he still feels worried.

As for the Holy Grail War, let it be left to future generations. The next war will be 60 years later, and it will be the turn of grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

Yuzao saw it very clearly, before Jin Xingxing left the stage, he finally looked in his direction with anger on his face.

She was sure that she was right in nothing, as for the stupid dragon beside her.

If he had this kind of ability, he should have found a chance to beat himself up long ago.

As for Sakura, it is even more impossible. A child who has just started training as a warrior...magician, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

So after excluding these, only the master is left.

"Master, what did you do just now?"

Qin Yun wore a mask on his face, so he couldn't see his expression, he could only hear him chuckle twice: "Time will explain everything."

It was beyond Qin Yun's expectation that Artoria killed Jin Glitter and King Conqueror.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a magician killer, who will do anything to achieve his goal.

"Artoria...." Irisviel looked at the servant who bowed his head and said nothing with a complicated expression. She knew that the other party was very repulsed by this kind of behavior.

"And the last two, right?"

Artoria raised her head, her face was very gloomy, she just wanted to end it quickly, get the Holy Grail and make a wish to leave.

She already has feelings of disgust for this Master.

It's like you hate eating celery, but the cook cooks it right away, forcing you to eat it, no matter how good-tempered you are, you will lose your temper.

She releases the Noble Phantasm by relying on the magical power provided by the Command Seal, so she originally still retains most of her power, and there is no problem in continuing to fight.

There is still the last stroke of the Command Seal, and no matter what happens next, she must fight two.

Caster and Berserker are in a group, and the little girl Master obviously obeys the masked man and can basically ignore it.

So in fact, the control of these two servants belongs to the same master as the king.

She raised the holy sword hidden by the wind king's enchantment in her hand, aiming at the few people not far away.

Tonight, let's end the Holy Grail War in one go.

Seeing this, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was hiding in the dark, began to hesitation. Arturia was in good condition, and her magic power was not consumed much, so she could continue to fight without any problem.

But, facing two, can it work?

He knew that the ability to defeat the two servants just now was entirely due to luck and sneak attacks.

In a head-on battle, let alone Gilgamesh, even Yi Skandar may not win 100% of the time.

"Looks like it's our turn."

Seeing Artoria raising her sword and aiming at her side, Qin Yun knew that it was time for the final battle.

I thought it would be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but the world is unpredictable and it is all the fault of time.

Why are you in such a hurry, you're still picking two? Are you eager to have a baby?

"Elizabeth, you come to pull at close range, Yuzao, long-distance support."

"It's finally time for me to play!"

Lifting her own magic gun, Elizabeth's expression gradually became crazy, and she couldn't wait to rush towards the enemy.

The degree of berserk is low, and he retains his sanity, but he is still very combative.

As a caster, Tamamomae knows magic definitely not only offensive, but also auxiliary and negative.

Because Elizabeth was in close combat with the opponent, it was not convenient for her to use offensive magic. If she accidentally injured her, that stupid dragon would chatter again.

Arturia and Elizabeth fought very fiercely, both of them focused on offense, which was not quite like Artoria's previous style.

Her movements became rough and her attacks became more violent.

Irisviel was sitting against the lamppost at the moment, and something was wrong.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't sit still. He observed his wife's condition, and he understood what was going on with 5334.

She serves as a small holy grail to accommodate the souls of defeated servants. The more souls are recovered, the greater the burden.

The souls of the four servants have seriously affected the body, making them unable to move anymore.

Qin Yun looked at it for a while, then said to Sakura beside him: "It's almost done, Sakura, use the command spell to strengthen Elizabeth.

"is teacher."

Sakura immediately used the command spells for strengthening, and used up all three command spells.

The powerful magic power made Elizabeth feel extremely fulfilled, her eyes instantly turned into vertical pupils of beasts, and a pair of black dragon wings spread out behind her.

After taking a deep breath, Elizabeth opened her mouth suddenly and let out a sound wave that could shatter objects.

The stone bricks on the ground, street lamps, and messy sundries and buildings were all broken and distorted by the terrifying sound waves.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Qin Yun sealed her and Sakura's ears before she activated the Noble Phantasm "Dragon's Cry and Thunder".

The real body of this Noble Phantasm is transformed from the majesty of the thundering dragon.

If you insist on explaining it, it can be understood as dragon's breath.

Artoria, who was standing in front of her, was completely stunned. How did she know that there was such a treasure that attacked by sound, so she had no defense against it at all.

If it weren't for being a heroic spirit, he would have been shocked to the point where he would bleed to death. .

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