When they came to the church of the Fuyuki City Church, they found that someone had already arrived first.

clap clap!

"Congratulations, winners of the Holy Grail War."

Wearing a purple-black long windbreaker with a cross on his chest, he is standing in the middle of the church, smiling to welcome the people who come.

Kotomine Kirei, nicknamed Father Mapo.

Qin Yun's eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, then turned to the side.

No wonder the soul was not seen at the corpse, the emotion followed the murderer.

As mentioned earlier, the soul is not difficult for everyone to see, even if it is a magician, only a certain part can see the soul.

At the moment, Tosaka Tokiomi's soul was floating near Kotomine Kirei, calmly looking towards the entrance.

When he saw Sakura, he flew over, stopped in front of Sakura, stared at his daughter earnestly, as if he wanted to engrave her appearance on his soul.

Qin Yun didn't bother to say anything, and looked at Father Mapo: "The souls of the followers are all in this cup, can it replace the "201" Little Holy Grail?"


Kotomine Kirei still doesn't know what happened, isn't the soul kept in the Little Holy Grail after the servant leaves the stage?

How did it get into this gemstone cup?

He will only follow the process, and one of the links has changed suddenly, who knows if it will work.

After confirming that the soul of the follower is really in the cup, he can only use this cup instead of the small Holy Grail to start the ceremony of summoning the Holy Grail.

As for whether it will succeed or not, you will know if you try it.

"Master, which wish do you think is better for the concubine?"

Because only one wish can be granted, Tamazamae is still struggling.

Qin Yun leaned close to her ear and whispered, "You really think you can make wishes? Hehe~ This thing is not for making wishes in the first place."

"This is a device created by former magicians to reach the root. They want to realize the materialization of the soul of the third method, and make themselves immortal, with endless magic power.

"The so-called fulfillment of wishes is only incidental and has limits.

So, in fact, there is still a limit to this wish?

"Also, the Holy Grail has been polluted, so even if you make a wish, it may develop in an evil direction.

"For example, if you wish for world peace, it is possible to wipe out all living things on the earth to achieve the goal of peace."

Without living beings, there would be no fights, absolute peace, nothing wrong with it.

Yu Zaoqian listened to the whole person in a mess, so it is such a way to realize the wish?

"Then if the concubine wishes to have a body..."

Qin Yun: "You may be ugly beyond recognition, and you will be popular~"

Thinking of himself turning into an ugly, bloated body, Tamazamo couldn't help shivering.

If so, I'll kill myself!

"Why didn't you say it earlier! I don't want to make a wish!"

She would rather give up than make such a wish that would lead to a negative situation!

The ceremony of summoning the Holy Grail began under the auspices of Kotomine Kirei, and as the ceremony progressed, a cloud of dark clouds appeared in the sky.

There was a dark hole in the center of the cloud, almost like a black hole.

Unfortunately, when the ceremony was halfway through, Qin Yun destroyed the small holy grail of the cottage.

Outside the church, Yuzao looked up at the black hole, frowning: "That hole makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"Well, all the evils in this world are shaped like black mud, and the evils of all human beings are gathered together, which is similar to a concept.

In theory, as long as there are human beings, it will not disappear.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"It's really dangerous. If it gets on it, if it can't resist the erosion of the spiritual level, it will be Blacken. Count the time, and it will come out of that hole later.

Yuzao looked at the black hole on the top of his head, if he didn't know how to sweat, At the moment his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"Then Master, you still have to perform the Holy Grail Summoning!?"

She really didn't understand, since it was so dangerous, why did she make it out!

Qin Yun pressed his right hand to the ground and answered her: "I want to collect some and take them back to study. Although this thing is dangerous and evil, it is also a rare thing at the same time."

"As long as it is a rare item, I am interested in it, and even if it is an evil item, there are places where it can be used.

Yu Zaoqian really wanted to tell him that you are doing it to death!


Suddenly, the ground began to sink, causing Yuzao's front body to shake twice, making her stand a little unstable.

"what happened!"

Qin Yun: "Don't worry, I'm changing the terrain, the thing will fall down later, if you don't fix the container, the surroundings will suffer."

The church, including a certain area around it, was sinking, and then he made a hole in the ground, shaped like a vase.

The dark clouds in the sky slowly rotated, and some pitch-black liquid objects began to fall from the black hole, just falling into the hole.

"It's started."

At the edge of the hole, Qin Yun looked up at the pitch-black hole. There was more and more black mud, and finally it looked like an extremely thick black water column.

The great flood in the myth is probably similar to this situation.

There are more and more black mud, Qin Changqing also began to dignified......

It's... more than expected.

The hole he created was almost filled, but the falling black mud did not decrease at all.



"You are the winner of the Holy Grail War, so you should also be considered the owner, now you give this thing to me.

"Ah? My concubine gave this to you?"

"Yes, that's the only way I can put it away."

Yuzao didn't know about this situation before, so he could only follow Qin Yun's words and give him all the evils in this world.

'System, attack the black mud.

A transparent glass bottle appeared in the air, and the mouth of the bottle was aimed at the black mud, and began to absorb it.

After another period of time, the hole in the sky was closed, and all the falling black mud was sucked into the glass bottle.

Qin Yun shook the bottle a few times, and the bottle disappeared instantly.


Suddenly, Yu Zaoqian's exclamation came from beside her, Qin Yun turned around and found that her body was dissipating.

The Holy Grail War is over, and she will return.

"Give me your hand!"

Qin Yun grabbed Yuzao's outstretched palm, which was as soft as boneless, like the best suet jade.

Knowing that he was about to return, Yuzao showed a smile in front of him, and asked with anticipation and reluctance in his tone: "Next time, can I summon my concubine again?"

"If you agree to let me stroke the fox, I will summon you."

"Heck~ The concubine won't come down~" She winked mischievously at the master, and said with a coquettish smile: "If there is still a chance, I hope to meet you again, then goodbye~ dear master ~"

"Will do."

With the fox ears also turned into magic power, Tamamo-mae returned to 4.5 Soul castle.

Qin Yun withdrew his hand and sighed softly. Unfortunately, the tail feels so good, so he can't touch it for the time being.

Afterwards, he filled the void he created and disappeared in place.

Kotomine Kirei disappeared when the ceremony was destroyed, presumably because he couldn't control the situation, so he withdrew first.

After Qin Yun left, Emiya Kiritsugu appeared nearby, looking at the sky with complicated eyes, as well as the holes on the ground that had been filled.

In the Holy Grail, is this kind of thing?

He could feel the extremely strong malice, and it made people sick just looking at it from a distance.

This kind of thing should not exist in this world!

"Teacher, where are we going now? Where is sister Tamamo?"

"She's gone home. Now, I'm going to take you home too. Let's go find your mother."

Under the dim light, two figures, one tall and one short, drifted away. .

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