Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 270 This Erya May Be Fake

Originally, Qin Yun asked her how much time she had left in order to determine whether to sell products.

As a result, it is completely useless now, and this thing at hand is more valuable than time.

The magic formula used to create Mio is recorded on the black stone slab, which can be called a spirit spell.

Because of the system, he can understand the text. Although he has not fully understood it, he can be sure from the information that he deciphered.

This technique is very crude, it directly plunders all the magic power on the surface of the planet, and then gathers it at one point.

The consequences are also severe, and it will take quite a while for the magic on the planet's surface to recover.

It varies from hundreds to thousands of years, depending on the speed of recovery.

If it is placed in a civilization with magic, such as the fate world, it is equivalent to cutting a magician with a big knife, and it may directly cut many powerful magicians from kings to diamonds.

After all, they absorb magic power from the outside world and convert it into magic power that humans can use. This conversion circuit is the magic circuit.

"Good thing, the price..." Qin Yun looked at the recycling price. This thing is worth 3,500 world coins, because the user needs to have magic power and a certain degree of understanding in this area.

If it were not for these two restrictions, the price would only be higher.


"The price is quite high." Hearing that the things he brought had such a high price, Tokisaki Kurumi had an idea in his mind: "I'll sell it, and the money for the dead doll will also be deducted.

"Thanks for your patronage."

Selling goods Qin Yun is definitely happy, the accumulation of less makes more money.

"It's safer to have this. Mio has been chasing and killing me more and more fiercely lately." Tokisaki Kurumi took out a small hanging chain from the shadow space and hung the doll on his clothes.

"I can't help it. You ruined her original plan, and the little bear was also taken away. Can you not be crazy?"

"Mio wasn't so angry that she chased after her regardless of hiding, you should be lucky."

"That has to be able to catch me." Kuang San got up and walked to the back bedroom defense line, yawned and said: "I'll take a rest first, I'm exhausted recently."

She has to replenish time, avoid pursuit, and go to the sky to find that guy floating in outer space.

Qin Yun didn't bother to take care of her, put the slate on the shelf, went back to the sofa and took out a book to read to relax his spirit.

The next morning, Qin Yun looked suspiciously at Erya who was sitting across from her.

"Where did you find Erya's substitute?"

Meijiu replied with a smile: "I didn't look for it."

"It's impossible!" He pointed at Erya with a serious expression, and said firmly: "Erya I know would never go out even if it was moldy at home. This must be fake! Tell me! Are you crazy? Three changes!"

Kuang San, who was drinking porridge, put down his spoon and raised a hand: "I swear, I really didn't change this guy, I'm the original body, don't think I did everything, am I that bad?"


Qin Yun didn't believe that Erya would agree to play, this guy didn't even want to go out for a walk in the square.

So how could it be possible to go to the seaside for vacation? It's impossible!

Something special must have happened, but he couldn't think of any way to get Erya out.

"Actually, it's just that I don't feel like I've exercised recently, so I thought about going out for some exercise."

Scratching her hair embarrassingly, Erya looked aside.

The reason why she went out was entirely because Meijiu gave her money so that she could fill the money.

Originally, she refused, but Meijiu really gave too much.

You must know that she was originally an idol, her net worth was already strong, and Er Ya was a poor ghost.

One has money, the other wants money, and the two hit it off.

There are too many flaws in this explanation, Qin Yun moved back and forth between Erya and Meijiu suspiciously.

Based on his understanding of Erya, there was nothing tricky about it, and he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Okay, let's go together."


Since I'm going, I'll go all of them, just in time for a group vacation.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at several people enviously, thinking in his heart that he should move faster and get rid of the remaining elf as soon as possible.

Maybe we can still catch up.

"The manager!"

Hearing someone calling himself outside, Qin Yun got up and walked out.

"Tony? What's the matter here so early?"

"I need to buy mechanical Godzilla drawings."

When I came here a few days ago, Tony took a fancy to this blueprint.

It's true that he likes battle armor, but this kind of powerful mechanical weapon is also very attractive.

As a result, when he went back, his mind was full of drawings about Mechagodzilla.

The planet is very insecure right now, and it's a completely different new technology.

He wants to know, wants to study and manufacture.

As a technology expert, he can't say NO to Mechanical Godzilla, and he can't be curious about a brand new technology.

So after collecting enough items, I hurried over early in the morning.

Among them are not only his latest armor, but also manufacturing blueprints, Vibranium, and a lot of technical information.

Including a reactor made from the new element left by his father.

Fearing that the value of the things would not be enough, he deliberately spent a few days sorting out the collection.

After estimation, the total value of these items is more than 6,000, of which the Iron Man battle suit is worth 1,500.

"Tony, if you build a mechanical Godzilla, I'd like to buy one for myself."

Just when Tony was excitedly holding the blueprint and preparing to leave, Qin Yun suddenly said something to him.

I can't drive Gundam, but it's okay to drive Mecha Godzilla.

"No problem, but I guess it will take a while. The information on this is very novel and complicated."

After seeing the complete information, Tony already had a bold idea.

He's going to build an army of mechanical Godzillas!.

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