Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 284: A Paparazzi Essay That Makes Enemies On All Sides

With a sense of luck, Sheming Maru Wenfei was at the forefront of the team, and then watched the spiritual power flow into the mountain of monsters.

Come on, I didn't run away after this beating.

She turned around and stood in front of the crowd, holding her head in one hand and protecting the camera in the other, and shouted aggressively: "Outsiders of Monster Mountain are forbidden to enter! If you want to enter, defeat me first!"

In fact, she also felt pain in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

As a person with a head and a face in Youkai Mountain, if you don't set an example, you will be blamed by the big tengu later.

The teammates looked at each other, then nodded silently.

A few minutes later, Sheming Maruwen fell to the ground with smoke all over his body, and was caught by Ji Haitanguo, who was secretly peeping.

This is not a disguise, but really knocked out.

Shemingwanwen makes up gossip news indiscriminately on weekdays, and the people who watch it are happy, but those who use it as material are not happy.

For example, Fujiwara Meihong, there was even a news story where it was rumored that a man disguised himself as a woman.

As a result, when she went out that day, she attracted many people who ate 370 to watch.

Entering the headquarters of the guard, there are members who come to ask her if she is really a man.

She kicked the opponent out of the window with a black face on the spot. I have a manly personality, but the gender is a real woman!

Since then, Paparazzi has been on her blacklist.

Sakuya, Marisa, and Reimu have also been cheated in the past, and they have varying degrees of resentment. If they find an opportunity, they must take revenge.

After beating Wenwen unconscious, everyone continued to move forward.

Anyway, this guy is just a bastard who fishes for fish, there is no difference at all.

Ji Haitang really didn't dare to stop her, otherwise she would be the next 'paparazzi', and besides, she had a reason not to go up now, after all, she had to take care of the wounded.

Following the spiritual power, Lingmeng felt that this direction was very familiar.

When you came to demolish the shrine last time, you also went this way? Could it be that those two gods are behind the scenes again?

When they came to the Fengshen Lake on the halfway up the Yokai Mountain, which is where the Shouyi Shrine is located.

"I found (bfdi)!"

In the middle of the lake, a ten-meter-high water tower stands upright. It is purely composed of water flow. Through the water, you can see a light blue spiritual power group inside, which is transmitting spiritual power to the sky.

It's not far from Moriya Shrine, so everyone landed in the shrine.

"Is it your fault!" After falling down, Reimu put one hand on her hip, pointed at Sanae Dongfenggu who was standing at the door with the coin, and asked: "It's fine if you don't pay me! You still bother my laziness... .rest!"

Sanae, who was going to explain carefully, turned black when she heard the word money, and responded angrily: "This time it has nothing to do with us! I'm just here to convey a message for Mrs. Kanako, your real enemy is the sun."

"This formation that gathers spiritual power is just a tool to protect the sun."

Hearing the words "protect the sun" again made everyone realize that something was wrong. Could this be the literal meaning?

"Let me try it!"

Marisa took out the mini gossip stove from the hat, injected magic power and pointed it at the sun in the sky: "MasterSpark!!"

A thick magic cannon shoots out from the mini gossip stove, and goes straight to the sun in the sky.

But after flying to a certain distance, it was blocked by a barrier that appeared.

After counteracting the attack, that layer of barrier was hidden again.

"The sun in the sky is the culprit of this mutation. What you are looking for is right there."

After Sanae finished speaking, the others were also a little speechless, never thinking that the phenomenon of mutation was the hiding place of the mastermind behind the scenes.

After all, in this kind of thing, their first reaction is impossible to suspect that there is someone hiding in the sun.

Sanae ignored their reaction, pointed to the water tower and continued: "That array can transmit spiritual power up, because it is connected to the earth veins, so the energy source continuously provides spiritual power, if you forcefully attack the sun, it may damage the earth veins. "

In this case, the water tower must be destroyed first.

It stands to reason that there will be someone guarding here, what about people?

"Who is guarding this tower, that witch who owes her money?"

Veins popped out on Dongfenggu Sanae's forehead, suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "My name is Dongfenggu Sanae! The tower guard you mentioned is not here. Not long after this formation was activated, the guy wearing the ghost mask Disappeared."


Lingmeng thought about it, and tentatively released a few spiritual bullets. As a result, the lake around the water tower suddenly surged up to form a water wall, resisting the attack.

It seems that there is also a defensive formation here.

"Let me try this time." Because of her immortality, Fujiwara Meihong is not afraid of danger at all.

The flame wings spread out behind her and rushed directly to the water tower.

In the woods on the shore of Fengshen Lake, a pair of eyes are watching quietly.

"Hey~ Now it's fun."

As the boss of the fourth node, Qin Yun is different from the previous way of fighting the enemy.

He arranged many trigger traps around the water tower.


Just as Fujiwara Meihong flew over somewhere, a splash of water suddenly exploded and landed on her body, and in an instant it was frozen into an ice sculpture and fell into the lake.

Not long after, there was a red light under the lake surface, and a large number of bubbles floated up, and Fujiwara Meihong flew out of the water with steam all over her body.

This is just control magic, it has no lethality, and it is easy to break free.

With this experience, she paid a little attention to her surroundings and approached again.

Then he was hit back to the open space of the shrine by a water bomb with a diameter of about one meter that fell suddenly from under the lake.

Fujiwara Meihong, who was wet all over again, became irritable. She has a bad temper.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

She rolled up her sleeves and rushed out again angrily, and Sakuya, who was about to hold her next to her, put down her raised hand.

Brute force cracking is also a way, and it is simple and rude.

In the woods, Qin Yun has already taken out the camera, with a smirk on his face, ready to shoot the dark history.

The traps he set up are not lethal, but they can blow people up. .

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