Plane Store: My Customers Are From Myriad Realms

Chapter 289: Information From The Abyss

There is a saying about the abyss that is very popular.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Qin Yun picked up the ticket to the abyss, opened it and looked at it, but there was nothing special about it.

There is only one line of writing on it, and this line of writing is in a language that has never been seen before. Well, the language is not quite right, it looks more like a strange pattern.

It means 'Welcome to the abyss', a place like the abyss, probably not many people would like to go, well, welcome to the wool.

'How to use this thing?

System: 'Put a drop of blood on the admission ticket and that's it. '

Speaking of which, what kind of place is the abyss?’

‘That is the cemetery of the universe. When a certain universe is destroyed, it will collapse into the dark side of chaos and disorder. It is a dead place where no life can be born.

'The wreckage of the universe will gradually disintegrate and revert to the original matter. "

'Because there are countless universes falling there, so there are also a lot of treasures buried, but first of all, it must be able to be brought out with life.

It sounds dangerous just to hear it, but there are a lot of treasures.

This is simply the key to the treasure house, but this treasure house is too dangerous.

‘Is the host interested? It’s dangerous there, but with luck, 760 can even find the treasures of the Level Universe. "

'Uh, like?"

‘The law of the broken universe, the natural treasures bred by the universe and the like.

After hearing this, Qin Yun's expression was still flat, and he asked calmly: "What are the chances of me surviving if I enter there?"

‘It’s impossible to estimate, it may survive for a long time, or it may be killed by planetary debris just after entering.

...Climb for Grandpa. "

You still ask me if I want to go to this kind of place? Are you going to take my inheritance to find the next host?

He put the "Abyss Admission Ticket" back on the shelf, intending to recommend this item when he meets a customer who doesn't want to live.

Another commodity, is a skill.

God walking, from the introduction, is similar to space movement, please explain. "

‘Basically, it’s the same as space movement, except that the name is different, but it’s more secure. Even if it fails to use, it won’t hurt itself. At most, it will randomly move a whole part of the body. "

Some restricted-rated images appeared in Qin Yun's mind, and he tentatively asked: "For example, the big sword?"

‘It’s the whole thing, host, is your understanding Ability infected by that abandoned house elf? For example, a piece of clothing, a wallet, a weapon, these overall objects.

Well, I was thinking too much.

If it's what I think it is, it's a magic skill.

An absolute suicide feat.

Neither of the two new products can be used. Although the price-performance ratio of God Walking is very good, it requires energy to start, and it can only move itself.

It is a life-saving skill, but in terms of practicality, it is not as good as "Super Ability: Space Movement", so the price is slightly lower.

If you really want to buy it, Qin Yun will choose space movement instead of god walking.

'Host, this system recommends that you buy this "Abyss Admission Ticket", which will definitely be used in the future. "

‘The abyss is not a place where you can go if you want, and the methods of entry are dangerous and harsh.

Qin Yun, who was about to walk away, stopped again when he heard the system's suggestion.


‘This is inevitable. When you reach a certain level of strength, your soul will undergo metamorphosis. At that time, you may need to enter the abyss. The probability of getting an admission ticket is a number that makes you despair. '

‘The premise is that you didn’t hang up as the host, this system is just a suggestion, it’s up to the host to decide whether to buy it or not.

Although this system is sometimes poisonous, people want to beat it.

But never make random recommendations, so buy it anyway.

The price of 1000 points made Qin Yun feel a little (bfcc) heartache. In fact, he also has something he wants in the product.

"The Twelve Trials" is what he wants most. Who would refuse a treasure that gives him twelve extra lives?

Holding this "Abyss Invitation Letter", he returned to the bedroom and put things on the shelf.

I definitely can't use this thing now, a place like the abyss is still too dangerous for me.

After he took a shower, he came to the kitchen and found that there were three more people who were eating.

"You really treat my house as a canteen?"

It is not surprising that there is a Reimu, two Tamamo front, and Marisa also appeared at the dining table.

There is no room for this table.

Qin Yun can only let the system expand, which is definitely charged.

To explain it in the words of the system, it hates the behavior of getting something for nothing, and hopes that the host can also have this kind of good character.

Why don't you just let me develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and in an all-round way!

Apart from secretly despising the stinginess of the system, Qin Yun can only obediently pay the money.

The kitchen expanded instantly, and even the dining table became bigger, and it was thoughtfully changed to a rotating type, so you don't have to worry about not being able to pick up the dishes.

At least, in terms of work, the system is very attentive.

"Woo! I'm so sleepy..."

Yawning and sleepy, Erya walked into the kitchen, habitually pulled out the chair and sat down to wait for breakfast, completely unaware of the changes in the kitchen.

Seeing that everyone was here, Meijiu clapped her hands, stood up and announced: "Everyone, I'm going to go to the beach tomorrow, I have to pack my things today, if you don't know what to pack, you can come to me."


Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.

Sometimes it is easy for Qin Yun to ignore and forget some unimportant things.

"Vacation? Can I go as a concubine?"

Xiaoyu (Tamazamae)'s eyes lit up and was very interested in this, as was Tamazamae (Amaterasu).

Yu Xiaomeijiu looked at the two of them, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "definitely, you are welcome to join."

So cute! Those ears! That tail! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Qin Yun, who was sitting opposite, noticed her bright smile and curled his lips secretly, this guy must have fallen ill again.

Talking about vacation, I didn’t even take a vacation in my last life, so what should I bring to the beach?

A homing missile that blows sharks to pieces? Or a magic book that freezes the sea and prevents tsunamis?

After thinking about it, he decided to bring them all, the children only make the choice, the adults definitely want them all!.

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